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G36 Pack 2.0 - many Variants/AG36 - Optional JSRS and ASDG Compatible

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Never mind! I deactivated all mods and integrated just yours directly via ingame extensions interface and now it works as it should. Best ArmA G36 ever!

Maybe the magazine is a tiny bit too transparent but that's only my humble opinion :p

Keep up the good work, Cheers

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Transparency is a weird thing in arma. The stadart transparecy was almost 99%. I decreased it as much as possible. A little bit more and ir goes almost black when theres a little bit shadow on it

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When copying in the optional JSRS config .pbo's, I get no gunfire sounds. Without it they sound great though!

Also, no optics seem to fit on the guns. I've got Joint Rails and various other gun/optics mods installed too. None fit.

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Are you using the arma3 weapons pak from marsielle too? Since some classnames are the same they can conflict. Will be changed in the next update.

Also the optics will only fit on the Railed versions.

Edited by Spectrobr

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When giving the player unit the G36A1 with flashlight the weapon isn't equipped when starting the mission preview. I always have to mount it manually. I already tried: this addItem "FHQ_acc_LLM01F"; this addPrimaryWeaponItem "FHQ_acc_LLM01F".

Didn't work sadly. Any hints on that?

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I don't really understand what you are trying to say. The weapon isn't equipped??. Do you you mean the flashlight isn't attached to the weapon wen starting the game?

That's a problem i noticed, but since the attachments with asdg work different and i don't know either. Would be better if you ask the question in the asdg Thread. Maybe there a workaround for that. I would create a Class with the Laser already attached but in case of asdg i don't know how.


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Hey, nice work! Is it however possible of getting an G36C AG36? Seems like that one is pretty much missing from Arma 3 at the moment.

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Great mod Spectrobr I've been using this quite a bit recently :cool:. As there is currently no place to attach a taclight etc, have you considered making G36 versions that support the attachments via mounted side rails?


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The HAFM mod features an G36 with AG36. I won´t make one by myself since my 3d Modeling skills are pretty bad and the standard AG36 is to long for the G36c.


The LLM01 (Laser or Light) from FHQ Accessories is compatible with all variants.

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I don't really understand what you are trying to say. The weapon isn't equipped??. Do you you mean the flashlight isn't attached to the weapon wen starting the game?

That's a problem i noticed, but since the attachments with asdg work different and i don't know either. Would be better if you ask the question in the asdg Thread. Maybe there a workaround for that. I would create a Class with the Laser already attached but in case of asdg i don't know how.


From what I see in the optional JR config you're only using the optics rail from JR and have hard-coded "old style" compatible items for the side rail. So instead of:

			class PointerSlot {
			access = "ReadAndCreate";
			compatibleitems[] = {"FHQ_acc_LLM01L", "FHQ_acc_LLM01F"};
			displayname = "Pointer Slot";
			linkproxy = "\A3\data_f\proxies\weapon_slots\SIDE";
			scope = "private";

To have JR compatibility you'd replace the above with something like:

			class asdg_FrontSideRail_g36r : asdg_FrontSideRail {};

Then an example combo config would look like:

	class G36C_MRCO_LLM_L : G36C {
	class LinkedItems {
		class LinkedItemsOptic {
			slot = "asdg_OpticRail_g36r";
			item = "optic_MRCO";
		class LinkedItemsAcc {
			slot = "asdg_FrontSideRail_g36r";
			item = "FHQ_acc_LLM01L";

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Thanks for the help robalo, but the problem is another. I only want the LLM01 the only compatible Pointer since it´s the only one that fits right in place on the G36.

The problem Cyclone is facing (if i understood him right), is that he can´t mount the Lase before the spawn. But the Laser isn´t even using the ASDG so to problem is somewhere else.

Also next update will aproximately released this sunday.


Special JSRS G36 Sound

Various Bugfixes

Properly signed for MP use


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Great to hear you're still working on it ;) Yes you got me right. The problem is the flashlight / laser cannot be attached and switched on from the beginning of a mission via description line of a unit. The flashlight has to be put on the rifle via "g" (backpack menu) and than manually switched on by now.....

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Awesome pack, good job!

If nitpicking is allowed the real life "KSK"-models aren't using the G36C-rail (correct me if I'm wrong. Haven't checked in a year or so :]). They're using this rail: http://www.firearmsworld.net/german/hk/g36/ksk_g36sd_01.jpg.

There are some different versions where one is with built-in BUIS and there's a version without like in the picture.

Just a friendly tip. Keep up the good work!

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Spectrobr can you please tag your classes: http://www.ofpec.com/tags/

Currently you use the ones from A2/OA and these conflict with All in Arma.

Thank you!

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I was quite pleased to realise that these guns weren´t affected by the infamous "Bootcamp DLC noSound Syndrom"! In fact, any weapons with JSRS config got indirect patch by LordJarhead´s own fix, and weapons that inherit vanilla sound config (as all Slatts´ guns) were also unaffected! Great! =)


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Corporal_lib, you wouldn't happen to have a list of weapon addons using jsrs or vanilla sounds, would you?

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All I can say is that ALL Slatt´s weapons work, all BTC weapons work too (his A2 weapons port), as they had used vanilla sounds configs, and every weapon that has optional JSRS config or lukrop´s configs would help (I have at least supressor sounds for sudden´s AK, Mk18 and Toadies2k AKs) -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173658-lukrop-s-customized-configs&p=2659711&viewfull=1#post2659711

It is kinda workaround while the other mod authors are still awol or working their patch out... =)

[Edit] I must rephrase my last post: these G36 rifles aren´t muted by teh Bootcamp DLC symdrom, but in first person its firing sounds are more like dry high cracks than proper shooting sounds, but in third persons they´re OK! Anyway, at least they have a sound... but it would be nice if Spectobr fixed them back to their former glory!


Edited by Corporal_Lib[BR]

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Hi ! If you give me permissions, i can fix it.. Bye ! :)

All I can say is that ALL Slatt´s weapons work, all BTC weapons work too (his A2 weapons port), as they had used vanilla sounds configs, and every weapon that has optional JSRS config or lukrop´s configs would help (I have at least supressor sounds for sudden´s AK, Mk18 and Toadies2k AKs) -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...=1#post2659711

It is kinda workaround while the other mod authors are still awol or working their patch out... =)

[Edit] I must rephrase my last post: these G36 rifles aren´t muted by teh Bootcamp DLC symdrom, but in first person its firing sounds are more like dry high cracks than proper shooting sounds, but in third persons they´re OK! Anyway, at least they have a sound... but it would be nice if Spectobr fixed them back to their former glory!


In reality what you hear when you're fps are "closures sounds". These are the slam that made ​​the weapons when the head moves, etc.. And all the players know that playing in Arma third person is ugly! : p

Edited by Raz0rLëgend

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Hi ! If you give me permissions, i can fix it.. Bye ! :)

Well, you can fix it Razor, but you gotta do it as a replacement config, or else you break the forum copyright rules (if you redistribute the whole spectobr G36 addon)... just do the same way that the CAF agressors patch was done (just a config to replace the broken sound files)


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I'm on it... It works good. I've got one problem. I've made two pbo wich Jsrs config and an other. In first person everything is good, but when i am in third person, two sounds are added... It's very ugly.. If you've go an idea ?! Ifnot you can choose between them, and you can choose it, if you are using JSRS, what do you think about ? Thx !

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I don´t see a problem of having 2 options of replacement config (one with JSRS and another "vanilla like") Go for it man... any more doubts, ask the sound wizzards of this foruns ;)

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I've got one weird "echo" do you hear it ? I'm in contact with JSRS Addon Maker, i Wait an answer, i publish without echo and i make Update if not good or what ?


G36 Pack 2.0 - many Variants/AG36 - Optional JSRS and ASDG Compatible Audio Fix 0.1B [bootcamp update]

This is a fix for the G36 Pack 2.0 - many Variants/AG36 - Optional JSRS and ASDG Compatible

I've updated the configs to the new audio system introduced in Arma3 v1.24.

23/07/2014 : Update 4 by RazOrLëgend

- All silencer sounds fixed.

- fixed Sounds Since 1.24 Update

Download link : Click here!

Requirements : G36 Mod, (in option)JSRS2, Arma3 rc1.24 or higher.

You just have to remove the "@" file in the directory Arma 3, by cons if you do not use JSRS2, this will create an error, you don't have to forget to remove the file "g36fix_jsrs2" Thank.

Edited by Raz0rLëgend

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Hey Raz0r!

Did you tried in other map?

Maybe the VR map gives this echo effect.

Edited by deniodan

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Aaaaaaaaaa I have not thought about that! I try as soon as I can, I will return this to you in 1 hour max ^ ^


ok I've tried in stratis. And nop, it's same. In my version it's good ! Enjoye it. :)

Edited by Raz0rLëgend

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