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Arma 3 Crash

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Hi Guys.

I have a problem! My ARMA crash after a while ...

My system is not the best one, however was not going to happen for at least these crashes!

My Hardware Settings:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHZ

3 Memory Ram Cards: 2 (1 Gb DDR2 667Mhz in dual channel) 1 (2Gb DDR2 800Mhz without dual channel)

GForce 9600GT 512Mb

Windows 7 x64

My game run in Very Low 25 ~ 35 FPS. After a while (30 minutes) the game freeze all my System!

I Try multiple settings in the init-lines but nothing works fine!

This is my launcher parameters:









I try to use -malloc=system but the crashes not stopped.

I think if the game run normally, not have reasons to crash.

My GPU Temp is around 60ºC and CPU around 65ºC

This can be a memory problem? I cleaned (format) my computer and still had no success!

Sorry for my terrible english. It is not my natural language!

I want to play, it is impossible to have fun!


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I have a problem too, but mine is pretty different.

At first, i am a German Guy so sorry for my English.

My Arma 3 crashes as well but in a complete crazy way. I have a black screen, but not just a normal black screen. I can speak further in Teamspeak and can do anything i want. But i cant click at thing or something else.

As long as i dont open the Taskmanager my computer is doing fine. When i open the Taskmanager my Computer totally hung up. I dont get a bluescreen or something like that. I have to restart it by myself. Sometimes i even have to repair windows because my SSD got logged of and i dont now why.

In the beginning i cant start any missions. When the loading screen was done i had a black screen or a grey screen which looks like package paper. I started to change my graphics and after a while i were able to go into a mission. But then the next problem shows. When i open the map the same problem happened. black or grey screen. At then i got frustrated. I read several posts is forums and so on. I tried with friends to find a answer to that.

After some tries i was able to figure out that AntiAlising cause the trouble. I shut it of and were able to play the game. So i thought my graphic Card is broken or to bad for the game. But then after i played it for a short time and even open the map several times it happens again. I open my map and it got black. So with or without AA i am not able to play.

I even had tried both versioins of the game. The development build and the normal one. The failure happens on both version.

To check if my graphic card is broken, i had use the Furmark. After i let the test run for 1h without any problem is was able to say that my card is alright.

After that i used the MSI Afterburner to look what happen to my computer at the time when it crashes. So i logged it and nothing what i have to worry about happened.

My Hardware settings:

Intel® Core i5-3570K Cpu 3.40GHz 3.40GHz (its a Quad Core for all who dont know)

2 Corsair EMX8GX3M2A 1600C9 with 4GB DDR3 Ram each

ASUS HD7970-DC2-3GD5

Windows 7 x64bit

I hope you can help me. Ask everything you want and i try to help you :-)



P.S.: Yes all of my driver(s) are at a actual state. I downloaded them after the problem shows up.

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is nobody going to help us? I mean its the BIS Troubleshootingforum. At least i had hope that somebody would try to help us.

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I think we can close this post because we dont have to wait to get an answer. Nearly after a week and no replies i dont have hope anymore.

Funny thing is that nearly 200 guys have looked at this post and nobody is going to help. Thanks for that. I got more useful help in a german forum. And they dont have something to do with this game in special.

So thanks Bohemia for nothing. I appreciate your uselessness.



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Hi Guys.

I have a problem! My ARMA crash after a while ...

My system is not the best one, however was not going to happen for at least these crashes!

My Hardware Settings:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHZ

3 Memory Ram Cards: 2 (1 Gb DDR2 667Mhz in dual channel) 1 (2Gb DDR2 800Mhz without dual channel)

GForce 9600GT 512Mb

Windows 7 x64

My game run in Very Low 25 ~ 35 FPS. After a while (30 minutes) the game freeze all my System!

I Try multiple settings in the init-lines but nothing works fine!

This is my launcher parameters:









I try to use -malloc=system but the crashes not stopped.

I think if the game run normally, not have reasons to crash.

My GPU Temp is around 60ºC and CPU around 65ºC

This can be a memory problem? I cleaned (format) my computer and still had no success!

Sorry for my terrible english. It is not my natural language!

I want to play, it is impossible to have fun!


why -cpucount=1 ???

you have 2 cores CPU, so it s/b -cpucount=2...

why -exThreads=1 ???

it s/b -exThreads=7 I think...

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3gig ram on win64-bit ain't alot, little to spare.

--shut down as many backround progs as you can --don't use areo, use 'classic' theme.

GameBooster3 does a good job shutting down un-needed backround programs. --it also monitors cpu temp. 65c. is ok, but up in the 70+C., may get unstable.

May want to run 'memtest'..., to see if the ram is throwing errors under load.

Can try flushing gf memory in game by typing: LeftShift + Numberpad- flush [that's numberpad minus "-" btw.]

Keep trying, good luck!

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"3 Memory Ram Cards: 2 (1 Gb DDR2 667Mhz in dual channel) 1 (2Gb DDR2 800Mhz without dual channel)" =4GB @ 667.(all RAM must run the same, so lowest speed is default)

Not possible to use actual "Dual Channel" with three modules of RAM. The voltage for your RAM may need to be raised a little~.02+

GForce 9600GT 512MB is not DX11, but depending on your Display size(1080p?) and in-game settings it could be the weak link, for crashing.

What HDD do you use? And what MainBoard do you have?

Also lookup "RPT" and see the cause of the crash.

PS; Dont bother with setting the CPU or thread.Let the game do it.

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