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Does O2Script have a maximum running time?

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Hi all.

I recently had an issue with my Arma tooblox that I cannot explain. Let me first explain what I do, and then what I don't understand.

My exporter uses bitxt as an export format and converts that into a p3d via o2script.exe. Since bitxt can neither accept named properties nor more than one UVSet, I add those differently. The script I use basically reads an additional file that contains the named properties, and afterwards reads another file that is composed out of small script snippets that set uvsets on the faces of the mesh.

Now, at random intervals the debugger pops up. It doesn't really say anything, it just pops up, and at random positions. Clicking "Run" will continue, and after ten or so rounds of that, the file is exported, and exported correctly. Since the UVSet script part is pretty large, and the first debug break seems pretty random, I assume that what is happening is that there is an upper time limit a script is allowed to run before the debugger kills it, or rather, breaks into the debug window. Does anybody know whether this is true? If so, is there a way to increase that limit?


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