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modules that are missing from arma 2 that were GOOD

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I will list some modules that were in arma 2 that are not in arma 3 that were fun to use and are missed.

- first aid

- surrender

- sec ops

- ambient civilians

- ambient combat

how come they are not included in arma 3?

is it because they are being worked on?

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-First aid is technically no longer needed, as a medical system, albeit a lackluster one, is in place by default

-There is actually no surrender whatsoever in the game, which is quite perplexing. They very well could have just copy-pasted the surrender animation from A2, but they didnt. Very strange.

-AFAIK this is handled differently in A3 but I'm not sure how. I vaguely remember reading that there are now different modules that do the same thing as SecOps.

-I agree that Ambient Civilians should be there, but they certainly need improvement from A2. Ambient Civilians should have actual tasks and things to do, rather than just standing around and maybe walking around for a few seconds.

-I think they somewhat tried to replicate Ambient Combat with modules like the Tracers one, but I agree that it would be much cooler to have actual AI vs. AI forces duking it out independently of players. Its actually surprisingly entertaining watching the AI go head-to-head in, say, an urban environment.

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I mostly miss the First aid and ambient civilians modules.

The First aid module with battleground clearance for obvious reasons.

The ambient civilians module because it was just plain awesome for patrol missions, especially when civilians start conversations with each other. I really hope this makes it to arma3 in some point of the future.

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Indeed, first aid simulation and ambient civs were nice to have. I also miss the module with dust effects, though it might nopt be really suited on Greek Islands.. custom maps however.

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yes, secops with a bigger range of tasks. So simple and handy.....and without performance drops.

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