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Teleporting AI

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Hey quick question,

is it possible to teleport (setPos) an AI group without them going nuts?

I have a sidemission finished once all enemies are killed in a certain sector. Then, the player and his AI team are teleported back to base (with fancy blackscreen and skipTime etc.). My problem is that once we arrive at the base the AI keeps running away, probably to their last position in combat. Even a regroup order, disengage order or changing their combat behaviour doesn't help. It's also not the whole team but at least half of them is running like hell to I don't know where. :confused:

Did someone else experience such strange behaviour or might it even be related to DevBranch? It reminds me of the "Supporting"-Bug I sometimes faced back in Arma 2...

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I routinely use a home brewed teleport script with no such problems. I will post the script when I get in front of my Arma box.

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Okay, thanks! But thinking about it; when I teleport them they're technically still in combat mode, means the AI didn't say like "All Clear" what they usually do when there's no visible enemy around anymore. Could it be related to this?

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Hm, I've also noticed some other strange behaviour in latest DevBranch. E.g. part of my team is still crouching or prone even though they're in alert/safe mode and they've already said "all clear". Funny thing is they really stay in their current stance, making it a pain in the ass to let them get into a vehicle. (Crawling guy, truck is 200 metres away: Yeah, let's get some tea, this is going to take some time...)

I hope they fix that in the next updates.

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