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Role assignment listing in lobby (fireteam and players)

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Hi, i have been doing some missions for a while now in A1,A2 and A3, and one thing i have never been getting right is how to sorting/listing the fireteams correct for the lobby. I allways ending up going inside the mission.sqm and moving the content between the class items (player slots) and listing them in correct order alpha 1,2,3,4, bravo 1,2,3,4, charlie 1,2,3,4 , delta 1,2,3,4 etc...)

My question is, how to define and change the automatically generated fireteam names in the list?

In this example i have two fireteams, both alpha (fireteam 1 and 2)....

Normaly i mean it should look like this:

Alpha 1-1

  • Alpha 1-1

Alpha 2-2

  • Alpha 2-2

and so on...

But, instead i get this after saving and exporting the mission to MP:


which line here defines this? or am I looking the wrong place :j:


Think there are more lurking on this?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Logitrust

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Input the desired team name in the description field of the unit.

nvm, read the problem wrong.

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If found that the order you place them in the editor, is the order they are placed in the role selection. Also, UAVs seem to take Alpha/Bravo/etc names even though they don't show in the role selection. I have not figured out the best way to reorder them. I usually end up deleting units and UAVs and replacing them in the correct order. It's a pain.

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Unfortunately this is a long-lost issue that a lot of us mappers have come across. There is no way to edit in your own way the "Alpha 1-1, Alpha 1-2, etc" bits. However, that doesn't mean you can't play with it. Here are some notes that I've discovered in my playing with it before.

-Order is determined by class#. So with your groups, item0 will always be above class1, even if you cut/pasted class0 after class1 in the mission.sqm. Same goes with vehicles (which includes infantry) and their item#.

-In this setup, using "Alpha 1-2" as an example, Alpha is the Platoon, 1 is the Squad, and 2 is the Fire Team. There will never be more than 3 FTs per squad (You won't see Alpha 1-4). As well, there will never be more than 4 Squads in a Platoon (You'll never see Alpha 5-1, since the last Alpha is Alpha 4-3).

-If a unit is non-playable, it still takes up a group. For instance, given 3 units not grouped (3 units, 3 groups), you have Alpha 1-1, Alpha 1-2, Alpha 1-3. If you make Alpha 1-2 non-playable, Alpha 1-3 will remain Alpha 1-3. So with this you have some options.

--Make non-playable units as group fillers so that you can get what designations you want for the playable groups. Make the filler units, which are non-playable, have a probability of presence of 0. Thus, they are solely filler, and are not seen in the game.

--Make non-playable units as group fillers so that you can get what designations you want for the playable groups. Then in the init of the fillers, deleteVehicle this. Kill them all. Violently. (This is the dirty way and a joke, please use first suggestion)

Good luck!


@Fight9 - Beat me to posting. You're correct, the order you place in the editor is the order they show up in the lobby. However, this can be changed without touching the editor (replacing all units, good God) by simply changing the item# I talked about above.

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Unfortunately setGroupId is as far as you're going to get. I believe it isn't possible to alter the group's main name in the lobby. Works ingame though.

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Unfortunately setGroupId is as far as you're going to get. I believe it isn't possible to alter the group's main name in the lobby. Works ingame though.

Yeah it's something I wish was improved between Arma 2 and 3... Bit annoying to always have these default group names on the lobby so you have to instead put the real ones in the unit description.

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Stumbled upon this, just a comment for future reference: if you have CBA 3 in the role description of your group leader write @TEAMNAME right after its role.
For example
if you describe your group leader rifleman@SUPERWARRIORS
it will show as

SUPERWARRIORS (Instead of Alpha 1-1 or whatever default name arma gives to the group)

In the lobby.
(only works with cba3 enabled)

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