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The 5th U.S Infantry Division I44 unit

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Greetings soldiers

The 5th U.S infantry division (nicknamed the Red Diamond) is now open for official recruitment.

We strive to give our members a realistic and fun experience while playing the I44 mod for Arma 2

The I44 mod is a WW2 conversion mod for Arma 2, The 5th is an Europe based unit who focuses on teamplay and cooprative missions.


#1 A high level of maturity

#2 Arma 2 OA and the I44 mod

#3 A decent mic

#4 Teamspeak 3


#1 All members must be respected (especially the CO's and NCO's)

#2 All members must attend at least 1 event a week (we understand that you have a life)

#3 Be prepared to be shouted at, its just a game dont take it personally

#4 roleplay as much as possible



Monday 19:00-20:30 GMT

Sunday 19:00-20:30 GMT


Thursday 19:00-20:30 GMT

Saturday 19:00-21:00 GMT


To be recruited into the Red Diamond you first go through a 3 week training course. The training course covers formations, tactica, weapon usage and generally how to stay alive during a firefight. Recruits will train twice a week for 3 weeks witha single instructor for 90 minutes a session on Mondays and Sundays. After the weeks of training the recruits prove their skills in a training mission, where the CO's will decide if they recruits have passed and which rank they are promoted to.

How to Enlist

Add [5th]timmyrules56 on steam, he will ask a few questions regarding the unit.

!The 5th Infantry Division is also looking for mission makers!

add [5th]timmyrules56 on steam for details

The Red Diamond is looking forward to recruiting eager and active members

See you on the battlefield soldier!

Edited by Timmyrules56

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