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Arma 2 (Combined Operations) weapon not firing.

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Hey guys, so I've been messing around in the editor a bit and seemed to have come across a problem. If I, for example, create a scenario where a few groups of OPFOR and BLUFOR units collide, it gets to a point about midway through the firefight that my gun simple won't fire. I've tried becoming squad leader, changing the behavior for the MOVE waypoint, and even tried not having a waypoint at all but it just won't stop happening. I would really appreciate it if someone could shed some light on the issue. oh and just to add I have combined ops w/ all of the DLC and my mods are as follows (in case any of this makes a difference): COSLX, 3LB_F22, ACE, ACEX, ACE_RU, ACE_SM, Blastcore_visuals, JSDF_Mod, Lingor, Lingor Units, rangers, and takistani_army_2035. All of these mods were installed using the Play With Six installer.

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You Have ACE. So Your gun is probably:

- Jammed. Press SHIFT + reload key (deafault [R]) and then [R] to unjam and reload. or search ace settings to find keybindings for "unjam"

- Put on "SAFE". Try to press firemode button (default [F] i think) few times and see in upper right corner of your screen if it changes firemodes. Or if that wont help find in ace settings what is the "safe" key binding.

- have a wrong ammo (happend to me few times) For example Mk17 magazines looks exactly the same as magazines for one other gun (it was HK417 i think, not sure) so you easily mistake them, and then your gun wouldnt fire cause they are not compatible.

- out of ammo. Check your gear for how many magazines you have left.

Also try to switch to your sidearm, to see if that shoots, or pick up a gun from a fallen enemy or comrade. to see if the problem persists.

If it is not one of theese options, then its probably bug. Maybe you should upload your mission on internet, post the link here for people to try it, and find your problem. But be sure to go through the options i gave you, first.

Edited by Mirek

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