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Recoil on Cannon/Mortar

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We are porting the M119 from arma 2. We have it in game working no problems. But I configed all the ammo based off the 120mm stuff(http://browser.six-projects.net/cfg_ammo/Sh_120mm_HE/config?version=72). When the cannon fires with the HE rounds and only the HE rounds the cannon slides back from recoil about 6 feet.

I have other rounds configed, Like smoke, Laser Guided. None of them have the recoil effect.

has anyone else ran into this issue?

class CfgMagazines
   class 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells;
   class 30rd_105mm_meu_HE : 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells
ammo = "Sh_120mm_HE";
count = 30;
displayname = "HE 105mm Shells";
displaynameshort = "HE 105mm";
initspeed = 1350;
maxleadspeed = 290;

   class 15rd_105mm_meu_Smoke : 30rd_105mm_meu_HE
ammo = "Smoke_120mm_AMOS_White";
count = 15;
displayname = "Smoke (White) 105mm";
displaynameshort = "White Smoke";


   class 15rd_105mm_meu_Guided : 30rd_105mm_meu_HE
ammo = "Sh_155mm_AMOS_guided";
count = 15;
displayname = "Guided 105mm";
displaynameshort = "Guided";


   class 2rd_105mm_meu_LaserGu : 30rd_105mm_meu_HE
ammo = "Sh_155mm_AMOS_LG";
count = 2;
displayname = "Laser Guided 105mm";
displaynameshort = "Laser Guided";


   class 5rd_105mm_meu_Cluster : 30rd_105mm_meu_HE
ammo = "Cluster_155mm_AMOS";
count = 5;
displayname = "Cluster Round 105mm";
displaynameshort = "Cluster Round";


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