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Clutter not showing ingame

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Hi im trying to convert my source files for Mana Island NZ to arma3 p drive and hoping to pick things up where i left off.

when I use the Addon Builder to build the pbo's im getting quite a few errors, but the main one for me at the moment is clutter not showing in game.

Im having this error pop up when i launch Arma 3:

"No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgSurfaces/CfgSurfaces.rough'."

Here are my config and cfgsurfaces files, I think it would have to be something to do with those two files but I can post up other files if it helps. Also, feel free to point out other problems with the config if you see any.

Thanks in advance.


#define ReadAndWrite		0
#define ReadAndCreate		1
#define ReadOnly		2
#define ReadOnlyVerified		3

class CfgPatches
class mb_manaisland
	units[] = {mb_manaisland};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Data_F","A3_Roads_F","A3_Structures_F","A3_Map_Data"};
	version = "2014-1-14";
	fileName = "mb_manaisland.pbo";
	author = "mikebart";
	mail = "mikebartlett1980@hotmail.com";

class CfgWorlds
class DefaultWorld
class Weather
		class Overcast;
class CAWorld: DefaultWorld
	class Grid{};
	class DayLightingBrightAlmost;
	class DayLightingRainy;
	class DefaultClutter;
	class Weather: Weather
		class Lighting;
		class Overcast: Overcast
			class Weather1;
			class Weather2;
			class Weather3;
			class Weather4;
			class Weather5;
			class Weather6;
class DefaultLighting;	// External class reference

class mb_manaisland: CAWorld
	access = ReadOnlyVerified;
	worldId = 4;
	cutscenes[] = {};
	description = "Mana Island";
	icon = "";
	worldName = "mikebart\mb_manaisland\mb_manaisland.wrp";
	pictureMap = "";
	pictureShot = "mikebart\mb_manaisland_data\data\ui_selectisland_mana_ca.paa";
	plateFormat = "ML$ - #####";
	longitude = 30; // positive is east, in degrees?
	latitude = -45; // positive is south, in degrees?

	class Sea
		seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
		seaMaterial = "#water";
		shoreMaterial = "#shore";
		shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
		shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
		WaterMapScale = 20;
		WaterGrid = 50;
		MaxTide = 0;
		MaxWave = 0.25;
		SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
		SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
		SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;
		SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
		SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
	class Underwater
		noWaterFog = -0.01;
		fullWaterFog = -0.01;
		deepWaterFog = 100;
		waterFogDistanceNear = 5;
		waterFogDistance = 30;
		waterColor[] = {0.12,0.12,0.12};
		deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.5,0.8};
		surfaceColor[] = {0,0,0};
		deepSurfaceColor[] = {0,0,0};

	class SeaWaterShaderPars
		refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;
		minWaterOpacity = 0.0;
		waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;
		underwaterOpacity = 0.5;
		waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;
		waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;

	class OutsideTerrain
		satellite = "A3\map_Stratis\data\s_satout_co.paa";
		enableTerrainSynth = 0;
		class Layers
			class Layer0
				nopx = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_grass_green_nopx.paa";
				texture = "A3\Map_Data\gdt_grass_green_co.paa";


	class Grid : Grid 
		offsetX = 0;
		offsetY = 0;

		class Zoom1
			zoomMax = 0.15;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = 000;
			formatY = 000;
			stepX = 100;
			stepY = 100;

		class Zoom2
			zoomMax = 0.85;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "00";
			formatY = "00";
			stepX = 1000;
			stepY = 1000;

		class Zoom3
			zoomMax = 1e+030;
			format = "XY";
			formatX = "0";
			formatY = "0";
			stepX = 10000;
			stepY = 10000;
	startTime = 12:00;
	startDate = 05/08/2010;
	startWeather = 0.0;
	startFog = 0.0;
	forecastWeather = 0.0;
	forecastFog = 0.0;
	centerPosition[] = {2500, 2500, 300};
	seagullPos[] = {2560, 150, 2560};
	ilsPosition[] ={0.0,0.0,0.0};
	ilsDirection[] ={0.0,0.0,0.0};
	ilsTaxiIn[]= {0.0,0.0,0.0};
	ilsTaxiOff[]= {0.0,0.0,0.0};

	class ReplaceObjects {};

	class Sounds
		sounds[] = {};

	class Animation
		vehicles[] = {};

	class Lighting: DefaultLighting
		#include "cfgLight.hpp"

	class Clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"

	clutterGrid = 1.0;
	clutterDist = 150;
	noDetailDist = 95;
	fullDetailDist = 55;
	midDetailTexture = "mikebart\mb_manaisland_data\data\mb_manaisland_middle_mco.paa";
	minTreesInForestSquare = 4;
	minRocksInRockSquare = 4;
	hazeDistCoef = 0.1;
	hazeFogCoef = 0.98;
	horizonParallaxCoef = 0.045;
	horizonFogColorationStart = "0.8f";
	skyFogColorationStart = "0.7f";
	soundMapSizeCoef = 4;
	satelliteNormalBlendStart = 10;
	satelliteNormalBlendEnd = 100;

	class Ambient
		#include "cfgAmbient.hpp"

	class Names
		#include "mb_manaisland.hpp"

	class Armory{};


class CfgWorldList
class mb_manaisland {};

class CfgMissions {};

class CfgSurfaces 
#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"


class CfgSurfaces
class Default {};

class Water {};

class mb_grasssurface: Default
	files = "mb_soilgrass_*";
	rough = 0.05;
	dust = 0.1;
	soundEnviron = "grass";
	character = "mb_soilgrassclutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
class mb_drygrasssurface: Default
	files = "mb_drygrass_*";
	rough = 0.05;
	dust = 0.2;
	soundEnviron = "drygrass";
	character = "mb_drygrassclutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
class mb_forestfloorsurface: Default
	files = "mb_forestfloor_*";
	rough = 0.1;
	dust = 0.1;
	soundEnviron = "forest";
	character = "mb_forestfloorclutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
class mb_cliffsurface: Default
	files = "mb_cliff_*";
	rough = 0.1;
	dust = 0.07;
	soundEnviron = "rock";
	character = "mb_cliffclutter";
	soundHit = "hard_ground";
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
class mb_soilsurface: Default
	files = "mb_soil_*";
	rough = 0.01;
	dust = 0.3;
	soundEnviron = "dirt";
	character = "mb_cliffclutter";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";
	lucidity = 0.3;
	grassCover = 0.0;
	maxSpeedCoef = 1;
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class mb_soilgrassclutter
	probability[] = {0.24,0.60,0.05,0.03,0.01,0.04,0.03};
	names[] ={mb_c_grassshort01, "mb_c_grasslush01", "mb_c_grasstall01", "mb_c_forestweed01", "mb_c_forestweedgroup01","mb_c_taraxacum01", "mb_c_tussock01"};
class mb_drygrassclutter
	probability[] = {0.5,0.4,0.05,0.01,0.04};
	names[] ={"mb_c_grassdry01", "mb_c_tussock01", "mb_c_forestweed01", "mb_c_forestweedgroup01", "mb_c_taraxacum01"};
class mb_forestfloorclutter
	probability[] = {0.05,0.5,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.2,0.03};
	names[] ={"mb_c_grasslush01", "mb_c_ulmus01", "mb_c_ulmus02", "mb_c_ulmus03", "mb_c_forestweed01", "mb_c_forestweedgroup01","mb_c_taraxacum01"};
class mb_cliffclutter
	probability[] = {};
	names[] ={};

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Probably because include is inside cfgsurfaces

Then cfgsurfaces again defined in hpp

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Exactly like Sealife says...

just use the include, dont open the class in the main config

......class CfgWorldList
class mb_manaisland {};

class CfgMissions {};
#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"[/color]

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Hi im trying to convert my source files for Mana Island NZ to arma3 p drive and hoping to pick things up where i left off.

welcome back! awesome news :)

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thanks guys!, that sorted it, clutter is now working. cheers for the help.

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Sorry for necro, but since this is the same issue. Ive been reading this thread alot, still cant really tell why the clutter doesnt appear.

If I include "#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"" in usually fails at projectPBO, but without it the island works fine tough.





config.cpp (Currently not having the cfgclutter described), when it was on config... the log said usually "unvariable class" name or such, tried changing it on both. Config and cfgsurfaces but didnt work.



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In your CfgSurfaces, you have a "grass" surface defined -

"class abc_samplemap_grass_green_Surface"

- good so far...

Part of that definition states it will use a particular "surface character" (or "Clutter mix") -

"character = "abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character";"

- also good so far...

Below that - you correctly define that surface character, plus state which clutter "type" that surface character uses...

" class abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character






- looking good so far again...

So off we go to cfgClutter to check the definition of "abc_StrGrassGreenGroup", and we find.....

class clutter  
   model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.6;
   swLighting = "true";
   scaleMin = 0.7;
   scaleMax = 1.0;

There's no class defined by that name... (and you have one "opening" bracket, but TWO "closing" ones.... ???

Maybe try something like this....

class clutter  

   [color="#FF0000"]class abc_StrGrassGreenGroup : DefaultClutter[/color]
   model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.6;
   swLighting = "true";
   scaleMin = 0.7;
   scaleMax = 1.0;
 [color="#FF0000"] };[/color]


Now there actually IS a "clutter type" called "class abc_StrGrassGreenGroup", so when the Surface Character calls on it - it exists and should be found and - assuming no other problems elsewhere - your clutter should work...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Cheers! It worked. But for some reason "In File Saun\cfgSurfaces.hpp: Line 4 Expected class, define, or varname". Cfgsurfaces now look like this : http://pastebin.com/7eJUfPZz

And config.cpp like this, since I removed the defining Clutter, since I dont need to "launch" it too times, should be ok?


For some reason, it said the same thing about "unvariable class" on that Enviroment stratis cfg wich includes the lightning settings. I tried to make the brackets there also but it said the same thing. It said that on line 2 or 4 had that class error. It was like that then

class Lighting : DefaultLighting {}

changed it to, but didnt help:

class Lighting : DefaultLighting {

Enviroment Stratis hpp


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"In File Saun\cfgSurfaces.hpp: Line 4 Expected class, define, or varname"

It means what it says... in Line 4 it expects a class definition, or a "define" or a variable name.... something...

But what you have is...

class CfgSurfaces
       class Default {
               class abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character
                files = "abc_samplemap_grass_green_*";
                rough = 0.1;
                dust = 0.05;
                soundEnviron = "grass";
                character = "abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character";
                 soundHit = "soft_ground";

Three "opening brackets", only two "closing brackets" and a class "class abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character" which you define all over again in the next section...

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
       class [i]abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character[/i]

Why did you change the defined surface from "class abc_samplemap_grass_green_Surface" to the same classname as the surface character you subsequently define - it was correct before...

class CfgSurfaces
       class Default {};
       class abc_samplemap_grass_green_Surface : Default
                files = "abc_samplemap_grass_green_*";
                rough = 0.1;
                dust = 0.05;
                soundEnviron = "grass";
                character = "abc_samplemap_grass_green_Character";
                 soundHit = "soft_ground";

... nothing wrong with this, which is what you had before...

Additionally - unless you "#include" your cfgClutter.hpp in the main config (#include "cfgClutter.hpp"), then the game won't find it at all, so the classes it contains won't be "defined" as far as the game is concerned...

P.S. - This bit in config.cpp is incorrect too...

class CfgMissions {;


class Grid: Grid {

offsetX = 0;

offsetY = 0;

"offsetY" should = "the width of your terrain in meters"


Edited by Bushlurker

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Thanks Lurker, corrected the config.... Im trying get my head around this.

"In File Saun\cfgClutter.hpp: Line 4 Expected class, define, or varname", what Im not seeing here http://pastebin.com/bYXCK801

Two opening brackets, two closing brackets. Class is defined as abc_StrGrassGreenGroup?

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Is now:

class clutter


class abc_StrGrassGreenGroup : DefaultClutter {...

No errors anymore, but not clutter also :D

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