Hi, I am proud to present new civilian vehicles script. It automatically spawns(when players are near the city or town) and despawn civilian vehicles in cities around all Altis (will work with other islands as well). Vehicles just stand empty near houses in the cities and towns. Useful when you want to give your players additional backup vehicles. Script tested in MP with ~50 users. Installation: Copy to your unpacked mission folder Include in init.sqf next string: [] execvm "zlt_civveh.sqf"; zlt_civveh.sqf: // v1d Civilian Vehicles from [sTELS]Zealot if (not isserver) exitwith {}; zlt_civveh_round = 0; zlt_civveh_vehicles = []; zlt_civveh_spawnedloc = []; zlt_rnd_seed = 3; zlt_fnc_random = { private ["_a","_c","_m"]; _a = 75; _c = 0; _m = 65537; zlt_rnd_seed = ( zlt_rnd_seed * _a + _c ) mod (_m); (zlt_rnd_seed / _m) ; }; zlt_fnc_selectrandom = { _this select floor ( ([] call zlt_fnc_random) * count (_this)); }; zlt_fnc_civvehs = { _debug = [_this, 1, false] call bis_fnc_param; _lrange = _this select 2; _cars = _this select 3; _t1 = diag_ticktime; _startpos= _this select 0; _houses = _startpos nearobjects ["House",_lrange]; //_vehmax = _cars; _vehmax = (round ((sqrt (count _houses)) * 0.5)) max 1; _classes = ["C_Offroad_01_F"]; _vehs = 0; _attemps = 0; _class = _classes select 0; zlt_rnd_seed = ((_startpos select 0) + (_startpos select 1) mod 65537); while {_vehs < _vehmax and _attemps < 10} do { //diag_log ["CV",_startpos, _lrange, _houses]; _house = _houses call zlt_fnc_selectrandom; _housepos = _house modeltoworld [0,0,0]; _newpos = _housepos findEmptyPosition [ 3 , 15, _class ]; _houses = _houses - [_house]; if (count _newpos == 0) then { _attemps = _attemps + 1; } else { _veh = _class createVehicle (_newpos ) ; _veh setvariable ["zlt_civveh", true]; zlt_civveh_vehicles set [count zlt_civveh_vehicles, _veh]; _direction = (random 360); _nearRoads = _newpos nearRoads 10; if(count _nearRoads > 0) then { _road = _nearRoads select 0; _roadConnectedTo = roadsConnectedTo _road; if (count _roadConnectedTo > 0) then { _connectedRoad = _roadConnectedTo select 0; _direction = [_road, _connectedRoad] call BIS_fnc_DirTo; }; }; _veh setdir _direction; _attemps = 0; _vehs = _vehs + 1; if (_debug) then { ["crt"+str(_newpos), _newpos] call zlt_fnc_createmarkerlocal; }; }; }; _t2 = diag_ticktime; if (_debug) then { diag_log str ["civeh.sqf", _t2-_t1]; }; }; zlt_civ_checkloop = { zlt_civveh_notemptyloc = []; { _veh = vehicle _x; _isInVeh = (vehicle _x != _x); // or _veh getvariable ["zlt_civ_round", -1] != zlt_civveh_round if (!_isInVeh || {_veh isKindOf "LandVehicle"}) then { _dist = 1000; _locations = nearestLocations [(getpos vehicle _x), ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], _dist]; _locations2 = nearestLocations [(getpos vehicle _x), ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"], 2500]; { if ( not (_x in zlt_civveh_spawnedloc) ) then { _lrange = 50; _cars = 1; switch (type _x) do { case ("NameCityCapital") : {_lrange = 250; _cars = 7;}; case ("NameCity") : {_lrange = 150; _cars = 3;}; }; _pos = position _x; [ [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0], false, _lrange, _cars] call zlt_fnc_civvehs; zlt_civveh_spawnedloc pushBack _x; // _x setside east; }; } foreach _locations; { zlt_civveh_notemptyloc pushBack _x; } foreach _locations2; if (_isInVeh) then { _veh setvariable ["zlt_civ_round", zlt_civveh_round];}; }; } foreach (if (player in playableunits) then {playableunits} else {[player]}); { _pos = [(position _x) select 0, (position _x) select 1, 0]; _ent = ( (_pos) nearEntities ["C_Offroad_01_F", 300] ); { if ( _x getvariable ["zlt_civveh", false] and {count crew _x == 0 and fuel _x == 1}) then { deletevehicle _x; }; } foreach _ent; zlt_civveh_spawnedloc = zlt_civveh_spawnedloc - [_x]; } foreach (zlt_civveh_spawnedloc-zlt_civveh_notemptyloc); zlt_civveh_round = zlt_civveh_round + 1; }; while {true} do { //scan loop sleep 3.4; //magic number [] call zlt_civ_checkloop; };