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How do I make an enemy aircraft?

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I thought it would be simple, place an empty plane, assign and moveindriver an enemy pilot. It works, the enemy opfor plane engages me, and the planes on my side (independent) engage them as well. Huge problem though: when you shoot down one of the enemy planes, it is counted as a negative to your score, so you move to sideEnemy and everyone targets you! Is there some way around this?

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Off the top of my head, you could put a killed EH on the aircraft and use addRating, like:

this addEventHandler ["killed", {player addRating 200000}];

It's a bit of a workaround but should be fine.

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Another problem is that until you get right up on them, your radar/ir locking system sees them as friendly. This means that you can't lock at an advantageous distance :(

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Does the locking system prevent locking onto friends? I never knew that. I know I have never had trouble locking onto Empty vehicles.

Another option to try is to spawn the actual enemy plane with crew, then delete the crew and spawn a new crew that is placed in.

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