gregfp66 2 Posted March 6, 2023 1 minute ago, avibird 1 said: Lol read it again I'm driving text to speak sometimes doesn't work. It was supposed to be the demo mission I've tried both demo mission and google drive version. i will retry again... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gregfp66 2 Posted March 6, 2023 Okay finally got it working Deleted and redownloaded everything and it works 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgaz-uk 130 Posted July 26, 2023 Been using this for years love it, but it wont work with the DLC SOG first aid. if you change loadouts & crate contents (a real pain) to the vanilla yellow first aid it still works as per normal. Is there an update that works with A3 DLC's? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted July 27, 2023 Just edit the files in A3 Wounding System. I find three which mention Medikit or FirstAidKit. SOG has: vn_b_item_firstaidkit for U.S. vn_o_item_firstaidkit for PAVN and vn_b_item_medikit_01 Add with "or" statements, or edit how you would like in: fn_allowRevive.sqf fn_restoreFaks.sqf fn_removeFaks.sqf Comment: I have significantly edited my copy, so those files may be different names, not certain with what is current download. You could also do something like this to keep compatibility: Spoiler if (1227700 in (getDLCs 1)) then { Do SOG stuff here; } else { other stuff here; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgaz-uk 130 Posted July 27, 2023 will try that OR vn_b_item_firstaidkit for U.S. Tks 1. Tried that, needle in a haystack! 2. Think it would be easier to edit the finished mission.sqm with Find all vn_b_item_firstaidkit for U.S and replace with FirstAidKit. same with Medikit Tried it & it works NP Recommend using solution 2 as the simplest option... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted August 12, 2023 (edited) @jgaz-uk not quite certain why you'd want to edit the mission.sqm everytime, but to each their own. You did restore my interest to this wounding system, so I went back and made some edits to the last version published by @Psychobastard. Based on AIS release 30072018 Spoiler 1. Corrected ais_InitHost check: if (!isNil {_unit getVariable "ais_aisInit"}) then... - would not run AIS_Core_fnc_setVariables for new units due to the logic of statement (single player at least); changed to: if (isNil {_unit getVariable "ais_aisInit"}) then... this affected fn_findAIHelper as the side for unit variable (ais_side) was never set via AIS_Core_fnc_setVariables - ended up being civilian due to default getVariable and no civilian groups in mission, etc. (psycho stated civilian due to setCaptive, but the variable is never set to anything other than starting side in AIS_Core_fnc_setVariables) 2. Added simple S.O.G. (fak/medikit) checks for AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION in fn_allowRevive (this is players only), fn_removeFaks, & fn_restoreFaks 3. Removed check for player's group in fn_AIselfCheck to allow AI in player's group to take care of wounded; decreased delay a bit to find helper. Remove the comment marks if you'd rather player group was not part of AI healing and want to do it via player. 4. Added variable to AI, ais_isHelper, to allow selection of next available AI to help - used in fn_findAIHelper, etc. 5. Added checks in fn_findAIHelper to sort via distance (within squad & near groups if selected - AIS_REVIVE_INIT_UNITS) and qualifications per AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION selection (S.O.G. added). Will check for next available if selection is busy (ais_isHelper) 6. fn_handleHeal - set up separate spawned file from fn_handleHeal, fn_handleHealreviveAI, as HandleHeal Event Handler is fired from action (Heal, HealSoldier, HealSoldierSelf) - if engine heal action directed via AI team leader or self heal by AI, no use to run the AIS fn_ReviveAI (animations/attach/detach,etc.); fn_ReviveAI still run for AIS handled units (not ordered via action Heal, HealSoldier, HealSoldierSelf) 7. Added AISFinishHeal to fn_handleHealreviveAI to deal with AI only groups healing more than the AIS damage of .89 (if not medic) - unit will only be healed to .89 damage unless they self heal or healed by another team member when unit ais_unconscious variable is false. 8. Moved fn_restoreFaks call from fn_handleHeal (EventHandler) to fn_handleHealreviveAI - this makes sure faks are not restored prior to lengthy AIS revive time process 9. Added check for medic trait in fn_ReviveAI & fn_handleHealReviveAI to heal 100% if helper is medic - was only if(AIS_REVIVE_HEAL) but changed to if (AIS_REVIVE_HEAL || _healer getUnitTrait "Medic") 10. Set p42_debug = false; in Core >> fn_preinit to get rid of diag_log info added by me test mission link: p42_AIS_test *** this is with SOG loaded and set on Cam Lao Nam *** you could take the files and place in your own test mission Two squads next to each other, your squad, and AI squad. I have set AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION = 2 (medics only) and removed medic from AI squad. You cannot stop AI leader from sending AI team member to heal, but the above changes I made should leave unit with .89 damage until they self heal, player heals, or another team member heals while the unit is not ais_unconscious = true. Shoot at members in AI squad, or your squad members (preferably not medic) to test. Can test multiple medics in your squad helping other squad if you shoot multiple members of the AI squad. Made one small change for anyone who did download the above test mission. If no one is found as a helper via fn_findAIHelper = objNull (all unconscious or busy helpers), I added a check after delay to kick the sequence back to fn_AIselfCheck and check for helper again. Replace in System >> fn_findAIHelper the following (should be line 121): Spoiler if (isNull _helper) exitWith {diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS findAIHelper helper isNull", missionName]}; With: if (isNull _helper) exitWith { if (p42_debug) then {diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS findAIHelper helper isNull... searching again", missionName]}; private _acc_time = (diag_tickTime + 10); [{diag_tickTime > (_this select 1)}, {_this call AIS_System_fnc_AIselfCheck}, [_injured, _acc_time]] call AIS_Core_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; And... if anyone is questioning, when AI is ordered to Heal via AI team leader, they will repeat the heal action over and over until the built in timer expires for injured unit to be restored to consciousness. Just something to live with, unless someone has a better option intercepting HandleHeal EH Edited August 13, 2023 by panther42 Update code 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted August 14, 2023 Ok, made some more updates after some testing. Decided to add new post rather than edit. Here are the latest "enhancements": Spoiler ///////////// Rev 01 ////////////////// in edit to previous post 11. If no one is found as a helper via fn_findAIHelper = objNull (all unconscious or busy helpers), I added a check after delay to kick the sequence back to fn_AIselfCheck and check for helper again. Replace in System >> fn_findAIHelper the following (should be line 121): if (isNull _helper) exitWith {diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS findAIHelper helper isNull", missionName]}; With: if (isNull _helper) exitWith { if (p42_debug) then {diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS findAIHelper helper isNull... searching again", missionName]}; private _acc_time = (diag_tickTime + 10); [{diag_tickTime > (_this select 1)}, {_this call AIS_System_fnc_AIselfCheck}, [_injured, _acc_time]] call AIS_Core_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; ///////////// Rev 02 ////////////////// NEW 12. fn_AIselfCheck: changed line 31 to: private _acc_time = (diag_tickTime + 40); this gives increased percentage of first in, first out, instead of random (other factors weigh in here). Plus, more time if player wants to stabilize any unconscious injured. Back to Psycho original 13. fn_handleHealriviveAI: added back in attaching injured to healer for AI>>AI interaction ordered via action Heal, HealSoldier, HealSoldierSelf. This function is only spawned if (_injured getVariable ["ais_unconscious", false]) and (isNull (_injured getVariable ["ais_hasHelper", objNull])) can eliminate some of the AI repeating heal action over and over. If finished prior to injured regaining consciousness, helper may kneel over injured with weapon ready as if defending. 14. fn_ReviveAI: changed 100% heal from: (AIS_REVIVE_HEAL || _healer getUnitTrait "Medic") to: (AIS_REVIVE_HEAL || {_healer getUnitTrait "Medic" && {"Medikit" in items _healer || "vn_b_item_medikit_01" in items _healer}}) this means not only does healer have to be medic, but must have kit in items (doesn't matter if AIS_REVIVE_HEAL is true, of course). *** Did not implement this for intercepted HandleHeal EH healing, as those units have all fak & kits removed to prevent engine healing. *** 15. Found in testing it was possible for AI units designated as helper and moved to location of injured to never be able to make it within the given distance to the injured due to player stabilizing injured and medical waste spawned near the injured. AI helper would not come close enough to start revive. Commented out medical waste spawning, line 47 of fn_stabilize. I did try increasing the distance per fn_moveAIHelper line 52 to 5, instead of 3, prior to commenting out the medical waste, but then made larger "jump" for helper to attach to injured. If you prefer the medical waste, remove comment (//) line 47 of fn_stabilize, and you may need to try increasing distance in fn_moveAIHelper (line 52, _dist = if (!isNull objectParent _injured) then {(sizeOf (typeOf (vehicle _injured)) / 2) + 1} else {3};) 16. Also found while testing 15 above, if I shot several units in my team (five members in group, I shot both medics, and the other two) and they became unconscious. Medic from AI group would come to help and while he was helping one, I stabilized the other three. These other three which were now stabilized could be lost to AI reviving (fn_AIselfCheck >> fn_findAIHelper). AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION = 2, Player (me) is not medic and can stabilize, but not revive. Per Psycho documentation, "Stabilize a unit. A stabilized unit stop to bleed and cant die trough the revive timer." Well, let's get 'em stabilized for the medic... Remedy: in fn_stabilize, add a callback to fnAIselfCheck after player has stabilized. This is through AIS_Core_fnc_Progress_ShowBar. I only did this if (AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION == 2 && {!(_healer getUnitTrait "Medic")}) because we already know in this case the person stabilizing cannot revive. in the AIS_Core_fnc_Progress_ShowBar onAbort code, also added callback to fnAIselfCheck if helper had become unconscious during stabilize (abort condition) 17. Changed fn_allowRevive from: player getUnitTrait "Medic" to: player getUnitTrait "Medic" && {(items player) find "Medikit" > -1 || (items player) find "vn_b_item_medikit_01" > -1} not only must player have medic trait but kit in items for (AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION = 2) Again, test mission is S.O.G. DLC loaded and on Cam Lao Nam. I changed groups, left medic in AI group, and spawn player group perpendicular to AI group to allow better visual Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted August 17, 2023 Last edit (unless fixes needed) and I'll leave this Psycho circus alone. Remarks and download below: Spoiler ///////////// Rev 03 ////////////////// 18. Changed fn_AIselfCheck line 16 to exclude players: if (!alive _injured_ai || {isPlayer _injured_ai}) exitWith {}; This was necessary since injured revived could be player. Players are supposed to use "H" key to call for help per Psycho design (fn_callHelp >> fn_findAIHelper) 19. Added AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP in AIS_SETUP. True will exclude AI in player group from calling for help from other AI. Kept Psycho original code in fn_AIselfCheck + check for AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP: if (_group_with_player && {AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP}) exitWith {}; 20. Added AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP_HOG in AIS_SETUP. True will exclude AI in player group from helping other groups (HOG) 21. Added variable to AI in a player group per 20 above to exclude from search ("ais_exclude_hog") NOTE: the above added global variables and AI variable are separate from using "AIS_noReviveInit". If a unit has variable set true for "AIS_noReviveInit", they will not be included in AIS per Psycho design test mission 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Play3r 147 Posted August 18, 2023 13 hours ago, panther42 said: Last edit (unless fixes needed) and I'll leave this Psycho circus alone. Remarks and download below: Hide contents ///////////// Rev 03 ////////////////// 18. Changed fn_AIselfCheck line 16 to exclude players: if (!alive _injured_ai || {isPlayer _injured_ai}) exitWith {}; This was necessary since injured revived could be player. Players are supposed to use "H" key to call for help per Psycho design (fn_callHelp >> fn_findAIHelper) 19. Added AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP in AIS_SETUP. True will exclude AI in player group from calling for help from other AI. Kept Psycho original code in fn_AIselfCheck + check for AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP: if (_group_with_player && {AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP}) exitWith {}; 20. Added AIS_EXCLUDE_PLAYER_GRP_HOG in AIS_SETUP. True will exclude AI in player group from helping other groups (HOG) 21. Added variable to AI in a player group per 20 above to exclude from search ("ais_exclude_hog") NOTE: the above added global variables and AI variable are separate from using "AIS_noReviveInit". If a unit has variable set true for "AIS_noReviveInit", they will not be included in AIS per Psycho design test mission Thanks you for the time you have put into this. Cheers Play3r Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 154 Posted August 19, 2023 hey panther42 I have fooled around with this for a few years to make a version that can be used with team switch function. I call it last man standing mode. All playable switchable units will never die only go unconscious. The mission will end only if all playable switchable units are unconscious. It was design mainly for small co-op play or solo play. I am going to try to incorporate your changes with my changes to see if this can work the way you designed it and with may design needs for last man standing mode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted August 19, 2023 Thank you @Play3r & @avibird 1 for checking out. Avibird 1, not certain I tagged the correct one, as there are two which show up with same name... I keep messing around with different settings. Sorry to post multiple test missions. No feedback, so unsure if people even use this anymore. I have made one more change for now, and I think it works better for AI injury handling. Don't know why I didn't try before, but have now utilized setUnconscious command. AI do not run around trying to heal the injured AI soldier (Orders via team leader Heal, Heal Solder, etc.). AI squad members react to gunfire and get down. Psycho's AIS is now more in control. AI will heal others/self heal after revived by AIS. Try it out and give any feedback. I didn't implement yet for player(s), but may. Also, tinkering around with capturing units spawned after mission start. Have a good handle utilizing mission event handler EntityCreated, just need to funnel down into what was selected via AIS_SETUP. May not be worth it, as user can create/spawn own units via script and send to AIS_SYSTEM_fnc_loadAIS as they wish. Any thoughts? I do have an old copy of auto loading mod, but that one was personal copy I used to load AIS for all units (blufor/opfor) By the way, does anyone know why the "magic" damage value of .89 was implemented by Psycho? latest test mission S.O.G. Cam Lao Nam again, this one does have a radio trigger to spawn some enemy AI (basically was part of my test for EntityCreated) and watch a slaughter... This one is AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION = 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted August 19, 2023 13 minutes ago, avibird 1 said: hey panther42 I have fooled around with this for a few years to make a version that can be used with team switch function. I call it last man standing mode. All playable switchable units will never die only go unconscious. The mission will end only if all playable switchable units are unconscious. It was design mainly for small co-op play or solo play. I am going to try to incorporate your changes with my changes to see if this can work the way you designed it and with may design needs for last man standing mode. I never play COOP or Multiplayer myself, so not certain I will be a great help. Will try what I can. I thought Psycho designed AIS for the following: Auto-Init a group of units: "allPlayers" , "allPlayables" , "allUnits", "allUnitsBLUFOR", "allUnitsOPFOR", "allUnitsINDFOR", "allUnitsCIVILIAN" Does what you do not fall in these categories? I mainly spend my time scripting and messing in editor for testing. One I do play is edited DRO for S.O.G. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
avibird 1 154 Posted August 19, 2023 As well as I I don't play multiple missions anymore to old for all the BS with open missions and certainly too old for all the clan bullshit people thinking they're in the military lol. I've been playing this game since OFP days 20O1. Yes he did but it was never meant to be played with team switch function. If your playable unit got unconscious you needed to wait to get revived either by teammates or AI now you can team switch to a new unit and continue the mission. The way I have it set up if all playable units are unconscious the mission will end. If one unit remains you have the ability to revive all playable units. I still have some bugs or issues based on the initial design but works very well for my needs. I feel this is the best revive system that is not too complicated but gives you all the bells and whistles drag carry load and with a revive system that is not too complicated like Ace in my humble opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
panther42 50 Posted August 21, 2023 Bug fix and added another variable to AIS_SETUP. Think this should be the last for now. Bug fix: Spoiler Setup: Previous mission I posted, or use the one in second spoiler. AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION = 2 Once the mission starts, give all the units in your squad ALL(~) >> STOP Shoot the medic in the other group you are facing. What I found to be a bug: One of your medics is found to be helper, and in turn runs through the process of move helper function. My medic will not move since he was given STOP, and the function to move helper continues to run forever. Resolution: Set a timeout for the move helper function to terminate. I gave the unit a variable: _helper setVariable ["ais_moveHelperTO", diag_tickTime + 30]; This will stop move helper function, and have the injured try to find another. Added another variable to AIS_SETUP; AIS_INCLUDE_SPAWN_UNITS: Spoiler AIS_INCLUDE_SPAWN_UNITS = true/false; //Set to true if you want units spawned after mission start to be included in AIS according to AIS_REVIVE_INIT_UNITS selection of "allUnits", "allUnitsBLUFOR", "allUnitsOPFOR", "allUnitsINDFOR", "allUnitsCIVILIAN" (isKindOf >> "SoldierWB", "SoldierEB", "SoldierGB", "Civilian") I did not use CAManBase, as that one also includes: class UAV_AI_base_F: CAManBase. I know this one is SCOPE = 0, but UAVs inherit from this... Don't need UAV trying to heal anyone, although may be interesting. test mission S.O.G. Cam Lao Nam again, this one does have a radio trigger to spawn another blufor group (AIS_INCLUDE_SPAWN_UNITS = true). 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgaz-uk 130 Posted August 29, 2023 On 8/12/2023 at 2:56 AM, panther42 said: @jgaz-uk not quite certain why you'd want to edit the mission.sqm everytime, but to each their own. You did restore my interest to this wounding system, so I went back and made some edits to the last version published by @Psychobastard. Based on AIS release 30072018 Reveal hidden contents 1. Corrected ais_InitHost check: if (!isNil {_unit getVariable "ais_aisInit"}) then... - would not run AIS_Core_fnc_setVariables for new units due to the logic of statement (single player at least); changed to: if (isNil {_unit getVariable "ais_aisInit"}) then... this affected fn_findAIHelper as the side for unit variable (ais_side) was never set via AIS_Core_fnc_setVariables - ended up being civilian due to default getVariable and no civilian groups in mission, etc. (psycho stated civilian due to setCaptive, but the variable is never set to anything other than starting side in AIS_Core_fnc_setVariables) 2. Added simple S.O.G. (fak/medikit) checks for AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION in fn_allowRevive (this is players only), fn_removeFaks, & fn_restoreFaks 3. Removed check for player's group in fn_AIselfCheck to allow AI in player's group to take care of wounded; decreased delay a bit to find helper. Remove the comment marks if you'd rather player group was not part of AI healing and want to do it via player. 4. Added variable to AI, ais_isHelper, to allow selection of next available AI to help - used in fn_findAIHelper, etc. 5. Added checks in fn_findAIHelper to sort via distance (within squad & near groups if selected - AIS_REVIVE_INIT_UNITS) and qualifications per AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION selection (S.O.G. added). Will check for next available if selection is busy (ais_isHelper) 6. fn_handleHeal - set up separate spawned file from fn_handleHeal, fn_handleHealreviveAI, as HandleHeal Event Handler is fired from action (Heal, HealSoldier, HealSoldierSelf) - if engine heal action directed via AI team leader or self heal by AI, no use to run the AIS fn_ReviveAI (animations/attach/detach,etc.); fn_ReviveAI still run for AIS handled units (not ordered via action Heal, HealSoldier, HealSoldierSelf) 7. Added AISFinishHeal to fn_handleHealreviveAI to deal with AI only groups healing more than the AIS damage of .89 (if not medic) - unit will only be healed to .89 damage unless they self heal or healed by another team member when unit ais_unconscious variable is false. 8. Moved fn_restoreFaks call from fn_handleHeal (EventHandler) to fn_handleHealreviveAI - this makes sure faks are not restored prior to lengthy AIS revive time process 9. Added check for medic trait in fn_ReviveAI & fn_handleHealReviveAI to heal 100% if helper is medic - was only if(AIS_REVIVE_HEAL) but changed to if (AIS_REVIVE_HEAL || _healer getUnitTrait "Medic") 10. Set p42_debug = false; in Core >> fn_preinit to get rid of diag_log info added by me test mission link: p42_AIS_test *** this is with SOG loaded and set on Cam Lao Nam *** you could take the files and place in your own test mission Two squads next to each other, your squad, and AI squad. I have set AIS_MEDICAL_EDUCATION = 2 (medics only) and removed medic from AI squad. You cannot stop AI leader from sending AI team member to heal, but the above changes I made should leave unit with .89 damage until they self heal, player heals, or another team member heals while the unit is not ais_unconscious = true. Shoot at members in AI squad, or your squad members (preferably not medic) to test. Can test multiple medics in your squad helping other squad if you shoot multiple members of the AI squad. Made one small change for anyone who did download the above test mission. If no one is found as a helper via fn_findAIHelper = objNull (all unconscious or busy helpers), I added a check after delay to kick the sequence back to fn_AIselfCheck and check for helper again. Replace in System >> fn_findAIHelper the following (should be line 121): Reveal hidden contents if (isNull _helper) exitWith {diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS findAIHelper helper isNull", missionName]}; With: if (isNull _helper) exitWith { if (p42_debug) then {diag_log format ["############## %1 ############## - AIS findAIHelper helper isNull... searching again", missionName]}; private _acc_time = (diag_tickTime + 10); [{diag_tickTime > (_this select 1)}, {_this call AIS_System_fnc_AIselfCheck}, [_injured, _acc_time]] call AIS_Core_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; }; And... if anyone is questioning, when AI is ordered to Heal via AI team leader, they will repeat the heal action over and over until the built in timer expires for injured unit to be restored to consciousness. Just something to live with, unless someone has a better option intercepting HandleHeal EH For a mission maker it takes about 30 seconds to open the mission.sqm in notepad, & do a simple find & replace all the vn medical items with the default ones (FirstAidKit. & Medikit) & save the changes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bendy303 4 Posted September 26, 2023 has anyone wrapped this into a mod yet? or is it only for missions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Play3r 147 Posted September 27, 2023 19 hours ago, bendy303 said: has anyone wrapped this into a mod yet? or is it only for missions? And you did NOT even take the time to search on the WS for it.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobastard 136 Posted September 29, 2023 Hey guys, didn't read every post due to time issues but have added the new DLC classnames roughly to the last official version. Download is avalible as a beta test version. A3 isn't installed actually so i can't test the functionality and i dind't use this DLC. chnages made only in: core/fn_setVariables.sqf system/fn_allowRevive.sqf system/fn_removeFaks.sqf system/fn_restoreFaks.sqf Please give me some feedback. If it works i will update the steam data. Hole architecture needs a freshup since new event handlers and possibilities (script commands) rise up over the last 5 years. So please don't blame me for not showing "state of the art" sqf-scripts. 🙂 thanks! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Play3r 147 Posted September 29, 2023 (edited) 15 minutes ago, Psychobastard said: Hey guys, didn't read every post due to time issues but have added the new DLC classnames roughly to the last official version. Download is avalible as a beta test version. A3 isn't installed actually so i can't test the functionality and i dind't use this DLC. i get a error when i load the DemoMission, i got no Mods loaded, i have redownloaded the mission and it is still the same.. any chance you can check if the file is currupt Msg is "Error when loading the scenario" Edited September 29, 2023 by Play3r added info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobastard 136 Posted September 29, 2023 2 minutes ago, Play3r said: i get a error when i load the DemoMission, i got no Mods loaded, i have redownloaded the mission and it is still the same.. any chance you can check if the file is currupt Msg is "Error when loading the scenario" Simply c&p the edited files to one of your missions. Dk if something else have changed and broke the mission.sqm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Play3r 147 Posted September 29, 2023 i get a error in line 11about a medivac missing but i guess that i just have to put a vehiel down with the name and line 103 about a missing " ; " and i only have the option to stabelize the units, then i can Drag and Carry then but not heal them, but maybe the fix of linie 103 can fix that. the error is in the fn_RemoveFaks.sqf something about a backpack. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Play3r 147 Posted September 29, 2023 Is there a way that the hit unit can have at fall animation, and nor the kneel animation and the Prone animation and last the turn to back, if the unit just had a fall animation and when you stabilize it turns to the back. I have just Fragged a team of 6 and they did it all like that, looked a little wierd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgaz-uk 130 Posted September 29, 2023 1 hour ago, Psychobastard said: Hey guys, didn't read every post due to time issues but have added the new DLC classnames roughly to the last official version. Download is avalible as a beta test version. A3 isn't installed actually so i can't test the functionality and i dind't use this DLC. chnages made only in: core/fn_setVariables.sqf system/fn_allowRevive.sqf system/fn_removeFaks.sqf system/fn_restoreFaks.sqf Please give me some feedback. If it works i will update the steam data. Hole architecture needs a freshup since new event handlers and possibilities (script commands) rise up over the last 5 years. So please don't blame me for not showing "state of the art" sqf-scripts. 🙂 thanks! As it was only the S.O.G. Prairie Fire, where your revive wouldn't work (different firstaid class names) I tested your beta update using that. Did a quick test using an AI squad with DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire, did NOT get the usual "stabilise" option on injured units. not tried with other players yet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychobastard 136 Posted September 29, 2023 1 hour ago, Play3r said: i get a error in line 11about a medivac missing but i guess that i just have to put a vehiel down with the name and line 103 about a missing " ; " and i only have the option to stabelize the units, then i can Drag and Carry then but not heal them, but maybe the fix of linie 103 can fix that. the error is in the fn_RemoveFaks.sqf something about a backpack. Got it - fixed this issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgaz-uk 130 Posted September 29, 2023 Created a new mission on one of the SOG maps using beta virsion files & now getting stabilise option, but after only get the drag option & nothing else. had a few error messages come up about AIS_Medivac stations, like Medivac_Blackfish, 10 ? Will try later your latest download. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites