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Sad news... If you could please just fix the main problems (additions of FAK to guys that were first-aided, excessive damage from bonfires and burning vehicles) as a goodbye present it would be great.

In any case, thanks for everything you did for the Arma community. It's most appreciated...

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Have you tried playing Duws Modified?...you never know, maybe you'd like it.

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Thank you Psycho for all your work, your script was great and made the difference!

We still use it but who knows for how long, we still have A3 patches on the way :)

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-Psycho-;2794564']Sorry' date=' im out of this game and out of any inspiration for this game.[/quote']

Sorry to hear that Psycho. Thanks for all you've done anyway and all the best for the future.

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Thanks psycho.

Hopefully,your script will survive the arma3 patches.Theres nothing else for single player to use really.

Thanks for your time given

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Awesome script [TcB]-Psycho-

Using it in my mission once I get it working, with the other scripts I have >.<

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I put the description.ext, init.sqf, and ais injury folder into my mission then i play it, but i it wont work, i can't drag wounded nor heal them using AIS. Do i put modules down? I'm a total noob at scripting and some help would be great

Edited by TheWalkingSurvivor

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Thanks for this great script.

Quick question about respawning. When I waiting there unconscious for someone to revive me, I don't see a respawn button. Is it a matter of just escaping to the BIS menu and clicking respawn if I wanted to respawn ? or am I missing something in the config ?

Edited by Terminus

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-Psycho-;2794564']Sorry' date=' im out of this game and out of any inspiration for this game.[/quote']

A loss to the ArmA comunity!

Thanks for your all your hard work sir.

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I thoroughly enjoy this script, however I'm having a bit of an issue where it's running for some player units but not others in a modification of an Insurgency mission.

Has anyone else encountered this? I don't think I'm doing anything wrong because it works fine on some units, and it's using the method to run it on all playable units. Just to be sure, I also tested it with named units and I had the same issue.

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[TcB]-Psycho- revive has become buggy since the last patch (As has CBA which so many mods rely on) Still worth using.

Its no wonder guys like Psycho have had enough. Cant understand why BIS make these patches that seem to make things worse? Can not see any benefit from the last patch, quite the opposite.

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Hi, maybe someone has asked this but.... 28 thread pages... Is this UPSMon compatible? I mean, maybe the units will mess between orders of one or other scripts...

I am testing a Mission using the A3 Wounding System and I am sure it is breaking the UPSMON set. If I disable the Wounding System my patrols go ahead, enabled they will just stand around immobile. Anybody got any ideas as to where should I start looking to make the two get along? I don't want to be without either for the mission.

*10 minutes testing later: If you make sure you place

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf";


["%1 --- Executing TcB AIS init.sqf",diag_ticktime] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
enableSaving [false,false];
enableTeamswitch false;
// TcB AIS Wounding System --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!isDedicated) then {
TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\";
{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits});		// execute for every playable unit

{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (units group player);													// only own group - you cant help strange group members

//{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5];														// only some defined units
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

They will both work in SP - but UPSMON will still break in MP - It doesn't help as to where to find the cure for it, but it might give somebody an idea.

Edited by Foxsch

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I encountered some strange behaviour like no first aid progress and first aid falls in MP. Ai medic cant revive player. Anyway the effects and other stuff are awesome but is useless at this point.

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I encountered some strange behaviour like no first aid progress and first aid falls in MP. Ai medic cant revive player. Anyway the effects and other stuff are awesome but is useless at this point.
It is the first revive system I've found that gets an AI to you when your down fast enough for it to be worth having it in your mission. There is nothing more depressing than dying while an AI (Medic or otherwise) is less than 2M away and not reviving you. I want to find an alternative (Mobile) Respawn for if the Revive function times out, but atm I'm def. going to go ahead and try and make it UPSMON compat. The Revive status bar is particularly good, and like I said - the AI get to you fast!

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Never know a patch cause so many bugs as the last one, the CBA stuff, the heal problems, & things disappearing, disassemble a MG & reassemble it & it will often disappear. Magic rucksacks where thing appear & disappear again, weird all round. Just hope there is another update soon, with a reverse thread.

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Maybe it is the deal why its not working for me. Anyway the best MP AI medic solution for now is unsupported AGM.

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I had issues with this, so I removed all my mods and made a small mission where 1 soldier shot me and then was killed.

The medic comes over to me, does his animation - it removed all the blood from my clothing however, didn't bring me back up to my feet.

Anyone else?

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This is not working. If you want to let ai to revive you it must be AGM.

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AGM has way too many other things that come with it. I'd just use ACE if this weren't the case.

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AGM is modular. You can remove what you dont need. ACE has no AI healing at this moment.

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Couldn't find where to get the AI to do it in AGM either - for that matter how to stop the player dying and reviving instead either ;)

I have settled on Farooq's revive for the moment, perhaps I can bastardize some code for the AI to perform the action..

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Specially for you there is simple agm medical test mission.

You need @CBA_A3 and @agm addon.

Test it . You spawn as team leader and injured. Wait for a while your medic do his job.

You can shot your group members (not unit 2 - medic) to have look how its work.

Or just order your soldiers to go somewhere and blew your self with grenade.


Look into placed mission modules to lern setup.

Look into units init field for additional agm settings.

Edited by DaVIdoSS

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