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UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

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i found why AI is set to Aware mode. It seems that before the update the AI was on Safe or Careless mode by default. UPSMON always set the default behaviour, i mess with some variable so for the moment "SAFE" parameter doesn't work. You can rectify by adding in the leader's init before the UPSMON init line: this setbehaviour "SAFE";

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Hi Azroul,

Your suggestion to set default to SAFE worked fine, but I'm having an issue now where even though I've set KRON_UPS_Debug = 0; I'm still getting blue and green arrow icons marking positions. Is there something else I need to do to make them go away?

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Thanks, Azroul, that did the trick. However, I'm noticing all kinds of FPS issues and ai not reacting appropriately to the enemy in v1.10. I've since reverted to 1.08 and UPSMON is just fine. It also seems to be working a lot better with bcombat than ever before. Thanks again for all your work. People like you make Arma what it is.

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i found why AI is set to Aware mode. It seems that before the update the AI was on Safe or Careless mode by default. UPSMON always set the default behaviour, i mess with some variable so for the moment "SAFE" parameter doesn't work. You can rectify by adding in the leader's init before the UPSMON init line: this setbehaviour "SAFE";


That works fine for unit lowering their weapons, but they still always move in coloumn formation, before enemy contact. Any chance to let move in different formations?

I also noticed that aircraft flyinheight does not work. Guess it is overriden by UPSMON's "KRON_UPS_flyInHeight = 70;". I guess the only way to change the flying height then would be to change this, and then it's global for all UPSMON controlled aerial vehicles?

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You mean with the last stable version of ArmaIII ?

When did it happen ?

thanks for the comment, but don't forget that without kronky and Monsada UPSMON will not exist.


they move in Column formation if there are far from the target (800 m if I'm remenber).

You can change the variable KRON_UPS_flyInHeight if you want. it controls all aerial vehicle.

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Hi Azroul - in v1.10 stable (the one released a few days ago) i was getting all sorts of irregularities with the ai. These included FPS diving down from even the smallest of firefights, and a situation where ai would run near me without engaging as if i wasn't there. None of these issues exist when I use v1.08 stable.

I have thanked both Kronzky and Monsada already, but thank them again just the same for their work as well. :)

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Can you provide me a link to your mission ? via Mp if you want.

I just test it and i see no real difference.


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Sorry, i can't as i scrapped it. Steam has forced me to update back to v1.10, so I'll be rebuilding it from scratch. If any issues arise, I'll be glad to send it along to you with a detailed list of what I'm seeing.

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You writte it the good way.

Thanks, I'll play with it tonight.

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Assuming is the current version, I experienced the following error in the log when using the "NOWAIT" parameter:

_pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {_pause >

Error position: <= if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {_pause >

Error Generic error in expression

The offending line of code is line 160 of UPSMON_MainLoop.sqf:

_pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {_pause = "NOWAIT"} else {"WAIT"};

It should be:

_pause = if ("NOWAIT" in _UCthis) then {"NOWAIT"} else {"WAIT"};

I'm sure this is just a copy/paste mistake. :)

Thanks Azroul for keeping UPSMON going.

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Hello Guys.

I want to use the reinforcement: module but it doesnt seem to work ....

every time when the units should start to help out at a specific position i get the follwing scripterror:

Error in expression <

if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then 

 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then 

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos

hope somebody knows the issue ....

I set

KRON_UPS_reinforcement1 = true;

by trigger

at the Start of the mission i have following in the init.sqf:

KRON_UPS_reinforcement1 = false;
KRON_UPS_reinforcement1_pos = getMarkerPos "area1";

and thats the way i spawn the units wich should reinforce:

_side = [EAST] call CBA_fnc_createCenter;

_pos = "area4";
_no_nvg = false;
_no_helmet = true;

for "_x" from 1 to 3 do {
_type = ["Sec","FT","big"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_grp_array = [_type] call fnc_random_grp_csat;
_grp1  = [getMarkerPos _pos, EAST, _grp_array] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;  
if (_no_nvg) then {{_x unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";} foreach units _grp1;};
if (_no_helmet) then {{removeHeadgear _x;} foreach units _grp1;};

nul=[leader _grp1,_pos,"random","spawned","fortify","reinforcement:",1] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

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Then i get even more Errors :(

Error in expression <s] != "[0,0]") then 

if (([_currpos,_fixedtargetpos] call KRON_distancePosSq>
 Error position: <_fixedtargetpos] call KRON_distancePosSq>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression <

if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then 

 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then 

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression <etPos] !="[0,0]") then 
_targetPos = _fixedtargetPos; _targettext ="Reinforce>
 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos; _targettext ="Reinforce>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression < 0;
_wptype = "MOVE";

if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] !="[0,0]") then 
 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos] !="[0,0]") then 
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression <ier,!_noveh]};		

if ((!_gothit 
&& ( _targetdist >= ( KRON_UPS_searchVehicled>
 Error position: <_targetdist >= ( KRON_UPS_searchVehicled>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetdist
Error in expression <les = false;	

_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;		
 Error position: <_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;		
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Error in expression <;


if ((!_gothit && _targetdist >= (_closeenough * 1.5)) && >
 Error position: <_targetdist >= (_closeenough * 1.5)) && >
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetdist
Error in expression <

KRON_targetsPos set [_grpid,_targetPos];								



if (_in>
 Error position: <_targetPos];								



if (_in>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Error in expression <s] != "[0,0]") then 

if (([_currpos,_fixedtargetpos] call KRON_distancePosSq>
 Error position: <_fixedtargetpos] call KRON_distancePosSq>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression <

if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then 

 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos] != "[0,0]") then 

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression <etPos] !="[0,0]") then 
_targetPos = _fixedtargetPos; _targettext ="Reinforce>
 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos; _targettext ="Reinforce>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
Error in expression < 0;
_wptype = "MOVE";

if (format ["%1",_fixedtargetPos] !="[0,0]") then 
 Error position: <_fixedtargetPos] !="[0,0]") then 
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _fixedtargetpos
"[15411.1,15882.9,0.214345]|_bld=Land_i_Shed_Ind_F | O Bravo 1-3:2 | O_Soldier_AR_F"
Error in expression <ier,!_noveh]};		

if ((!_gothit 
&& ( _targetdist >= ( KRON_UPS_searchVehicled>
 Error position: <_targetdist >= ( KRON_UPS_searchVehicled>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetdist
Error in expression <les = false;	

_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;		
 Error position: <_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;		
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Error in expression <;


if ((!_gothit && _targetdist >= (_closeenough * 1.5)) && >
 Error position: <_targetdist >= (_closeenough * 1.5)) && >
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetdist
Error in expression <

KRON_targetsPos set [_grpid,_targetPos];								



if (_in>
 Error position: <_targetPos];								



if (_in>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
"KRON_Arti: [[]]"
Road not found
Error in expression <n = "COLUMN";

_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	

 Error position: <_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Error in expression <rpidx, _timeontarget]};	

_lastpos = _targetPos;
_lastcurrpos = _currpos; 

 Error position: <_targetPos;
_lastcurrpos = _currpos; 

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Error in expression <n = "COLUMN";

_targetdist = [_currPos,_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	

 Error position: <_targetPos] call KRON_distancePosSqr;	

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Error in expression <rpidx, _timeontarget]};	

_lastpos = _targetPos;
_lastcurrpos = _currpos; 

 Error position: <_targetPos;
_lastcurrpos = _currpos; 

 Error Undefined variable in expression: _targetpos
Road not found

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no more script errors, but not working :(

Debug says that they are called for reinforcement, but they dont moce there

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You need to unlock the vehicle near the Reinforcement squad. I need to search how to detect if vehicle is locked for player (it's new ?).

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set to unlocked ... still doesnt seem to work? did it work for you?

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I set the helico to default and when I activate radio alpha, they take the helico and move to the Reinforcement position.

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ah ok so only works with default thx a lot

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Not sure if this is legitimate or not as I'm still pretty fresh at all of this, but on this last version, I've got errors on the UPSMON.sqf file.

The file itself is labeled as version

On line 30 there is a semicolon missing to terminate the line.

I also keep getting errors on the if statment line 85. I've messed with it quite a bit and the only way to get that line to block to work correctly is to get rid of the hint format and the diag_log format lines. Then the exit with works fine. All other exitWiths work fine, not sure what the deal is there. The only thing I am doing differently is my "_this select 0" value is a group created by AISS, which means its technically LVgroup66 for me. From debug I can getPOS or leader just fine with this group. Seems like a legitimate group in all other aspects.

There is also an error on line 29. I cannot isolate it. It seems like the last step through the array the _e variable is not set or something so it cannot compare to "STRING" or cannot toUpper it. I'm not sure even how to find the exact spot of the error, as the rpt seems to give a chunk of code and the error is, at the end? Here is that error from the rpt file

Error in expression <] do {
_e=_this select _i;
if (typeName _e=="STRING") then {_e=toUpper(_e)};
 Error position: <_e=="STRING") then {_e=toUpper(_e)};
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _e
File C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\xxx\mpmissions\test_ai_runtime_1.Stratis\scripts\upsmon.sqf, line 30

I will test tomorrow without any addons and without using AISS as well and see if it goes away. But for anyone who might use AISS and just use UPSMON for its AI ability, might be something to take note of.

And I'm not 100% sure its a real error, might be soley due to me poking around in things trying to figure out what is going on with this script language.

Oh, here is the code in a trigger that gets the ball rolling in case it might matter

nul = ["mrkUM",2,41,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[1,2],[3,0],"default",nil,nil,69] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; nul=[LVgroup69,"mrkUM","SPAWNED"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"

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LVgroup69 is the name of the leader ?

Replace your marker "mrkUM" by "mrkum".

Then you can test the latest version that is in previous post.

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