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Randomly generated roadside IEDs

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I don't see anything wrong with those two file, and I am unable to reproduce the issue without your full mission. Sorry.

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Hi Brian200 and everyone else. I have a question maybe someone can help me with relating to this script.


I have added it and it's working as expected, but BattleEye doesn't seem to like it so much.


When trying to disarm an IED, BattleEye kicks player with a BattleEye restriction code #0.

When a player manually blows up an IED with explosives or other capable high artillery rounds, BattleEye kicks player with a BattleEye restriction code #0


Tried adding these to filterExecAttempt.sqf



Still the same issue. However, BattleEye doesn't kick you if the IED blows up by walking, running or driving by it. It only seems to kick when you are actually making an interaction with the object such as diffusing or blowing it up with a tank or a charge.



Great script, just wish I could use it properly without BattleEye kicking players. 




19.01.2016 00:12:53: PlayerName (PlayerIP:2316) egg95434060523fg63f53s424b943fgg56 - #0 "ied_screen_effects [[3609.72,6762.03,1.29037]]"
19.01.2016 00:24:18:  PlayerName (PlayerIP:2316) egg95434060523fg63f53s424b943fgg56 - #0 "ied_smoke_medium [[3609.72,6762.03,0.609066]]"
19.01.2016 00:54:07:  PlayerName (PlayerIP:2316) egg95434060523fg63f53s424b943fgg56 - #0 "ied_smoke_medium [[5318.53,5765.48,0.176867]]"
19.01.2016 00:51:19:  PlayerName (PlayerIP:2316) egg95434060523fg63f53s424b943fgg56 - #0 "remove_disarm_action 2da41600# 166694: portable_generator_f.p3d"



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Could anybody help me with making the ied locations visable to Zeus please?



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Just wondering,


I use the standard ied model for your script which is cool as I can use revos mine detector to locate them within 5 meters. (I think the mine detector is picking up the actual ied model and not your scripted ied tho)

Is there a way that all real ieds from your script can give of the same signals to mine detector as the vanilla ones?

I like to use EODs mods ied models along with his fake dirt mounds etc for real and fake but the real ones dont give a signal to detector. Any ideas?

Is it possible for the script to spawn in my selected model as a real ied but also spawn an invisible arma 3 ied so the detector makes a noise? Not sure if that would be possible but its the only idea i have lol :)


Most of my missions involve a foot patrol with a guy on point scanning the ground as most of the ied models im using are hard to see but at the moment im stuck with the Vanilla ied which people are used to seeing and are to easy piccked out as real. Just trying to make it harder for them but still be detectable if moving slow enough not to trigger them.

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Hey Brian I am really pleased with this addon you guys created it worked like a charm I had it working great in a mission two nights ago. However yesterday I updated arma and now it seems broken both my mission and your example mission no longer work anymore to my dismay.

When the mission starts up and goes to the map you can see the ied's across the map and then when you click to start the mission it seems to stall the game and freeze it up you have to shut down the game down. I'm hoping this can be something that is fixable thanks for your time.

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Hello, I am using this in one mission and it is great however, I was going to add it to another mission. Seems like the publicvar "iedsAdded" is not getting declared and is undefined. I do have zones (EOS) being reloaded to on mission start. Do you think I should add a wait in the init and execute after the zones load? I am guessing the IED and LoadZones bits are stepping each other due resources and timing. Suggestions?



[] spawn {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "EPD\Ied_Init.sqf";};


 9:26:43 Error in expression <waituntil{sleep .5; (!isnull player and iedsAdded)};
player sidechat "Synching I>
 9:26:43   Error position: <iedsAdded)};
player sidechat "Synching I>
 9:26:43   Error Undefined variable in expression: iedsadded
 9:26:43 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.altis\EPD\Ied_Init.sqf, line 109
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types
 9:27:35 Performance warning: SimpleSerialization::Read 'iedDictionary' is using type of ,'SCRIPT' which is not optimized by simple serialization, falling back to generic serialization, use generic type or ask for optimizations for these types

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Hello all my Arma friends!


After a long hiatus I am back and am looking to start working on my IEDs again. As I have not kept up with Arma 3 for a long time, I am looking for some information.


1. Does this still work? Are people still having issues with it? I see there are some posts with people having errors. I tried running the sample mission on a local server and it seemed to work. I jumped during the first explosion :happy:

2. Is there a better script that has been released in the mean time that would make this one obsolete?

3. Have there been any changes made to Arma in regards to EOD? I see one of the DLCs has APERS Mine Dispenser and Utility & Demining Drone now. Anything else I should know about?

4. Are there any other related scripts I should work on integrating with? (EOD type scripts, texture scripts, etc)


Thanks everybody. I look forward to developing this again.



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Hello there brians200 !


Congratulation for this Great script !


I'm using it for a long time and i have also incule in the explosive lists all the new kind of objects of arma dlcs in order to have a bigger variety.


There was an EOD mod that the progress stopped and gave also the project files  , if i remember right it was from:



I would be wonderful to have an update of your script!


Thanks !


# the most of the players were pissed in their pants with these explosions !

#Great work !


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Thanks George! Would you mind sharing your list? I'd like to check out what you found.


For now, I am going to checkout out the new dispenser to see how it works, as well as the mining drone to see if I can incorporate them. I also want to work on the explosion's smoke particle effects. Are there any other areas I should be concentrating on?

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4 hours ago, brians200 said:

Are there any other areas I should be concentrating on?


I would suggest :

  • to add some sfx more , for visual and sounds and
  • maybe also to use some extra animation for the units close to the explosion ,
  • due to distance and type of the explosion , it would be a good adittion to vaporize unit's - there is this feature to the @Bloodlust mod 
  • the same to the vehicles to get a distance , pushed from the shockwave explosion .
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5 hours ago, brians200 said:

Would you mind sharing your list?


Here is a little bit of everything:


EPD_IED_debug = false;
hideIedSectionMarkers = true;  //sets the alpha to 0 after spawning IEDs at a section
hideSafeZoneMarkers = true;  //sets the alpha to 0 of a safezone

itemsRequiredToDisarm = ["ToolKit"];   //"MineDetector" or "ToolKit" for example
betterDisarmers = ["B_soldier_exp_F", "B_engineer_F", "B_diver_exp_F", "B_recon_exp_F"]; // people who are better at disarming

baseDisarmChance = 75; //how well everybody can disarm
bonusDisarmChance = 20; //increase that the "betterDisarmers" get

secondaryChance = 50; //Chance that a secondary IED will spawn.

smallChance = 40; //Chance that a small IED will be chosen.
mediumChance = 40; //Chance that a medium IED will be chosen.
largeChance = 20; //Chance that a large IED will be chosen.

iedSecondaryItems = [




iedSmallItems = [

iedMediumItems = [



iedLargeItems = [



//If you want to use locations without making markers on the map, define them here. Altis has been provided as an example. ***THESE ARE NOT WHERE THE ACTUAL IEDS ARE SPAWNED***
predefinedLocations = [];

iedPredefinedLocationsSize = count predefinedLocations;

// This is still being worked on and may contain bugs, please report them on the forums.
allowExplosiveToTriggerIEDs = true; 

/***************END EXPERIMENTAL*******************/

//These are the actual IEDs that will spawn. Add them using one of the following formats.
//mapLocations must have their type defined as one of "NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage", "NameLocal"
//["All", side]
//["AllCities", side]
//["AllVillages", side]
//["AllLocals", side]
//["mapLocation", side]
//["mapLocation", amountToPlace, side];
//["mapLocation", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side]
//["mapLocation", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side]
//["predefinedLocation", side]
//["predefinedLocation", amountToPlace, side];
//["predefinedLocation", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side]
//["predefinedLocation", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side]
/*********Marker size > 1**********************/
//["marker", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side]
//["marker", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side]
//["marker", amountToPlace, side]
//["marker", side]
/*********Marker size = 1**********************/
//["marker", side]
//["marker", chanceToBeReal, side]
//["marker", [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance] , side]

//The side can be a single side, or an array of sides
//Ex. "West"   or ["West,"East"]

iedInitialArray = [
//Place the mapLocations, predefinedLocations, and markerNames of places you don't want any IEDs spawning
iedSafeZones = ["SafeZone"];




1 hour ago, Sanchez_ESUS said:

compatible with 3rd party mods like ACE3 or EOD MOD

Yes  Sanchez_ESUS , thats's a good idea , but not as ace as a requirement !


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39 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


Here is a little bit of everything:

  Reveal hidden contents

EPD_IED_debug = false;
hideIedSectionMarkers = true;  //sets the alpha to 0 after spawning IEDs at a section
hideSafeZoneMarkers = true;  //sets the alpha to 0 of a safezone

itemsRequiredToDisarm = ["ToolKit"];   //"MineDetector" or "ToolKit" for example
betterDisarmers = ["B_soldier_exp_F", "B_engineer_F", "B_diver_exp_F", "B_recon_exp_F"]; // people who are better at disarming

baseDisarmChance = 75; //how well everybody can disarm
bonusDisarmChance = 20; //increase that the "betterDisarmers" get

secondaryChance = 50; //Chance that a secondary IED will spawn.

smallChance = 40; //Chance that a small IED will be chosen.
mediumChance = 40; //Chance that a medium IED will be chosen.
largeChance = 20; //Chance that a large IED will be chosen.

iedSecondaryItems = [




iedSmallItems = [

iedMediumItems = [



iedLargeItems = [



//If you want to use locations without making markers on the map, define them here. Altis has been provided as an example. ***THESE ARE NOT WHERE THE ACTUAL IEDS ARE SPAWNED***
predefinedLocations = [];

iedPredefinedLocationsSize = count predefinedLocations;

// This is still being worked on and may contain bugs, please report them on the forums.
allowExplosiveToTriggerIEDs = true; 

/***************END EXPERIMENTAL*******************/

//These are the actual IEDs that will spawn. Add them using one of the following formats.
//mapLocations must have their type defined as one of "NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage", "NameLocal"
//["All", side]
//["AllCities", side]
//["AllVillages", side]
//["AllLocals", side]
//["mapLocation", side]
//["mapLocation", amountToPlace, side];
//["mapLocation", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side]
//["mapLocation", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side]
//["predefinedLocation", side]
//["predefinedLocation", amountToPlace, side];
//["predefinedLocation", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side]
//["predefinedLocation", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side]
/*********Marker size > 1**********************/
//["marker", amountToPlace, [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance], side]
//["marker", iedsToPlace, fakesToPlace, side]
//["marker", amountToPlace, side]
//["marker", side]
/*********Marker size = 1**********************/
//["marker", side]
//["marker", chanceToBeReal, side]
//["marker", [fakeChance, smallIedChance, mediumIedChance, largeIedChance] , side]

//The side can be a single side, or an array of sides
//Ex. "West"   or ["West,"East"]

iedInitialArray = [
//Place the mapLocations, predefinedLocations, and markerNames of places you don't want any IEDs spawning
iedSafeZones = ["SafeZone"];




Yes  Sanchez_ESUS , thats's a good idea , but not as ace as a requirement !

NO ACE NO FUN :don11:


I remember this script work with objects not with mines, would be nice for example a user defined array and place here ACE IEDs or CUP IEDs, and script can place objects over they to hide. 

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1 hour ago, brians200 said:

EOD mod


I remember that the files where available , if anyone would like to continue  the project.


Maybe you need to contact:

( If i remember correctly )



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Best part of the EOD mod in my opinion was the dickers. If you could add something like that this this it would be amazing.

Basically you have IED's or VBIED's spawn and a civilian "dicker" spawn further away in line of sight of the IED. That guy is the trigger man with a cellphone. If someone approaches the IED he sets it off. However if you kill or detain (or remove the cell phone from his inventory) the trigger man then IED doesn't get triggered.

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On 8/9/2018 at 5:45 PM, JD Wang said:

Best part of the EOD mod in my opinion was the dickers. If you could add something like that this this it would be amazing.

Basically you have IED's or VBIED's spawn and a civilian "dicker" spawn further away in line of sight of the IED. That guy is the trigger man with a cellphone. If someone approaches the IED he sets it off. However if you kill or detain (or remove the cell phone from his inventory) the trigger man then IED doesn't get triggered.


So the IED script is pretty oblivious as to  what is going on during the mission. It doesn't know which sides are actually fighting, where the fighting is it, etc. Additionally, when people create a marker the size of the entire map, where would I hide him?


To me, this feels more like functionality that should be supported by the mission's logic so that it can be tuned to fit in with what the intent of the mission is. That being said I would not be against providing functionality to assist with this logic.


I already have functions to create and remove ied sections during the mission. The add ied section function can be used when creating the next area of interest. The remove ied section could be called when the "dicker" dies. I am not sure what else a mission maker would need.

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We still using this "old" script and loving it. Is any update planned in the near future?

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Hello Knight81,


My recent development time has been focused on my other Standalone JTAC script. Any development for this script is mostly limited to maintaining it so it still works.

Do you have any suggestions you would like to see?

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