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[DM] Hide by LuzifR

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Hide DM-12


Shapur, Utes, Chernarus, Proving Grounds, Takistan, Zargabad, Desert

Short description
Hide and Seek! The seeker is choosen random! He has limited time and ammo to find the human objects!


Required Addons

Optional Addons

Recommended Addons
A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment


Extract the .pbo file(s) to your ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead\MPMissions folder.

Included files

Change log

Language: English
Players Number (min/max): 2 till 12 players
Parameters: Ammo, Timelimit, 3rd Person
Mission playable on 7 maps
Works on local host and dedicated server


Forums Topic
BI Forums

Credits & Thanks
Mission made by [CZ75]-LuzifR
Idea by =]NF[= Blackbut
Anticamp script by Psychobastard
Status script by H5N1
Border script by Vienna
Teaser by LuzifR
Tested by: M.Blackwell, RunForrest, Spiderman, Gisi, Stalker, SmartGun and LuzifR
TS3-, FTP- and ARMA-Server by The Oldboys


Edited by LuzifR

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I was in stitches watching that! It was like watching Benny Hill! :)

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Any chance to get a hands on the script that pops up the smoke when unit is not moving for too long? :)

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Any chance to get a hands on the script that pops up the smoke when unit is not moving for too long? :)

i used the 'CB-anticamp - script' by psycho and changed it for this feature.

//by psycho

//changed by LuzifR ////

//version: BETA ////

// ////

// CB-anticamp - script ////

// how to use: ////

// put in the init.sqf the following lines for indivudual usage of this script: ////

// ////

// minmial: ////

// ---> _psy = [player] execVM "CB_anticamp.sqf"; ////

// set campertimeout in seconds, if not stadet script will set the time to 30 seconds: ////

// ---> _psy = [player,40] execVM "CB_anticamp.sqf"; ////

// set a warningtime in seconds, if not stadet script will set the time to 2/3 of campertimeout: ////

// ---> _psy = [player,40,30] execVM "CB_anticamp.sqf"; ////

// ////

// if you use an intro-sequence, make sure you set the following variable to "true" at the end of the intro ////

// and define the var in the init.sqf to "false" bevor the mission is starting: ////

// var: CB_intro_out ////

// ////

// if you use an outro-sequence, make sure you set following variable to "true" at the end of the outro ////

// and define the var in the init.sqf to "false" bevor the mission is starting: ////

// var: CB_gaming_over ////

// ////

//bugreport: NormanLorsch@aol.com ////


private ["_timeout","_towalk","_longfact","_pos1","_pos2","_special_out","_warning","_stepper","_jumpbegin","_anothertime","_camper_found"];

if (!(local player)) exitWith {};

_timeout = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {30};

_mindist = 3;

_longfact = 2.5;

_pos1 = position objNull;

_pos2 = position objNull;

_special_out = 0;

_stepper = 0;

_CLY_kneelanims = ["amovpknlmstpsraswnondnon","amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon","amovpknlmstpsraswpstdnon"];

_CLY_proneanims = ["amovppnemstpsraswnondnon","amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon","amovppnemstpsraswpstdnon"];

_div = (0.5 / _timeout);

_counter = (2 * _timeout);

_counter = round _counter;

_warningtime = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2};

if (isNil "_warningtime") then {

_warningtime = ((_counter / 3)*2);

_warningtime = round _warningtime;} else {_warningtime = _warningtime};

_anothertime = false;

_warning = false;

// skip intro time:

if (isNil "CB_intro_out") then {CB_intro_out=true;};

waitUntil {CB_intro_out}; //var: CB_intro_out <---set this var true at the end of intro-sequences if existing

if (isNil "CB_gaming_over") then {CB_gaming_over=false;}; //var: CB_Gaming_over <---set this var true at the begining of outro-sequences if existing

CB_camper = "";

_nameego = name player;

while {true} do


_jumpbegin = false;

_loop = 1;

_newloop = 1;

waitUntil {alive player};

if ((CB_camper != "") AND (CB_camper == _nameego)) then


if (alive player) then {hint parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#ff33ff' size='1.2'>%1</t><br /> <t align='center' color='#ff33ff' size='1'>is a ugly camper!</t>",_nameego];}; //changed by LUzifR

CB_camper = "";


//by LUzifR

waitUntil {true};

//waitUntil {!(primaryweapon player == "")};

for [{_loop=1}, {_loop<= _counter}, {_loop=_loop+1}] do


if (CB_gaming_over) exitWith {};

if ((CB_camper != "") AND (CB_camper == _nameego)) then


if (alive player) then {hint parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#ff33ff' size='1.2'>%1</t><br /> <t align='center' color='#ff33ff' size='1'>is a ugly camper!</t>",_nameego];}; //changed by LUzifR

CB_camper = "";


_pos1 = getPos player;

if ((vehicle player != player) || (surfaceIsWater _pos1)) then

{_timeout = _timeout * _longfact; _anothertime = true;};

if (((vehicle player == player) || (not surfaceIsWater _pos1)) AND _anothertime) then

{_timeout = _timeout / _longfact; _anothertime = false;};

_stepper = (_timeout * _div);

sleep _stepper;

_wstring = primaryweapon player;

// if ((primaryweapon player == "") || (!(alive player))) then {_loop = _counter + 1};

if (not canstand player) then


// player setDamage 0.3;

// player playMove (_CLY_kneelanims select (_CLY_proneanims find _anim));

// titleText [format["Move %1",name player],"plain down",0.3];


_anim = animationState player; // hint format ["%1",_loop];

if ((_anim == "amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon") AND (canstand player)) then


// titlecut ["","Black out" ,0.5];

// titletext ["Aaargh! The sand is burning my belly!" ,"plain" ,2];

while {_anim == "amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon"} do


_anim = animationState player;

sleep 0.8;


// titlecut ["","Black in" ,1];

// titletext ["That looks better!" ,"plain" ,0.2];


if (_newloop <= _loop) then


_newloop = _newloop + 10;

_pos2 = getPos player;


if ((_pos1 distance _pos2) > 8) then


_loop = 1;

_newloop = _loop;

if (_warning) then


_warning = false;

// titletext ["Thats the spirit!" ,"plain" ,0.2];



if (_warningtime == _loop) then


_warning = true;

if (alive player) then {titleText ["It´s time to move camper!","plain down"];}; //by LUzifR

// titletext ["It´s time to move camper!" ,"plain" ,0.3];


if (_loop == _counter) then


if (alive player) then {_smoke="SmokeShellPurple" createVehicle [(getPos player select 0),(getPos player select 1), 0.5];};

// removeallweapons player;

CB_camper = _nameego;

publicVariable "CB_camper";

if (alive player) then {titleText ["Now it´s easier to find you camper.","plain down"];}; //by LUzifR

// titletext ["Now you can camp without weapons.\n\nGood luck!" ,"plain" ,0.5];



sleep 2;


Edited by survivorluz

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