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Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

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i mess around in the editor if i spawn 10 soldiers the game starts to run slow it even happens when i play the D-day mission i can play the other missions just find when the groups has under 10 soldiers 

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I got a pm from the author of the US units today actually and he says that it isn't the units that lag but the weapons they carry, as they have a higher polygon.

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Idk we need someone who can model and fix them, i dont have anyone that can do that, and the devs wont as they have no time these days to do anything,

so now all the fixes and any additions for IFA3 is down to us modders and community.

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IFA3 Update & News

My IFA3 Installation tutorial ---> https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/161011-iron-front-as-mod-in-arma-3/page-61?p=2762915

has been updated, some misc things adjusted, and the latest patches have been added.


Other IFA3 news:

  • Still waiting for fixes from Scar, guy is very busy but should have them soon
  • IFA3WarMod should see a new version this weekend, version 1.3
  • IFA3WarMod MP version to release soon, possibly this weekend for sure
  • New IFA3 realism unit the 1. Infanterie-Division starting soon! Unit will be lead by TurkishSoap and by myself, unit is still WIP, site isn't complete yet but atm we have about 10 guys with 2 more joining!

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Just to confirm Gunter we still are waiting for the Conversion Tool for IF and DLC correct?



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Yup, i talked to DeadTomGC Friday had a short conversation with him and hes still working on it, he has to rebuild it from scratch, but new version is specific to IFA3,

the Conversion tool does still work for IFA2, but not IFA3.But hes still yet to determine what is preventing IF and DLC to fully convert.


When the conversion tool runs if you own the DLC the DLC gets converted too, so you will have @IF and @LIB_DLC_1 mods in your Arma3 directory when it is finished.

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My os now is WIN10 64bit

Why when I click IronFront_Arma3_CommunityPatch to install patch, it pops up a window says "Iron front for arma 3 patch is not installed on your computer or installation is corrupted"?

Early this year when I used WIN7 64bit, I have patched iron front to 1.13 and the DLC to 1.08 from six updater. But now the new patch won't work!

And I have to re-download every patch and mod and re-run the every step, but none the patch can work!

What's wrong with it?

And what is @if_other_addons? Do I need this addons to run the mod?

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My os now is WIN10 64bit

Why when I click IronFront_Arma3_CommunityPatch to install patch, it pops up a window says "Iron front for arma 3 patch is not installed on your computer or installation is corrupted"?

Early this year when I used WIN7 64bit, I have patched iron front to 1.13 and the DLC to 1.08 from six updater. But now the new patch won't work!

And I have to re-download every patch and mod and re-run the every step, but none the patch can work!

What's wrong with it?

And what is @if_other_addons? Do I need this addons to run the mod?

my soluton : open the  file with 7z or winrar . extract the exe file inside. copy the exe in the arma 3 main dir. create a shortcut of the commun patch file. In shortcut file properties add:  


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my soluton : open the  file with 7z or winrar . extract the exe file inside. copy the exe in the arma 3 main dir. create a shortcut of the commun patch file. In shortcut file properties add:  


Thank you, it works!

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i just downloaded the san6A3 mod and it fixed the MG42 no sound bug


Should fix all the sound bugs actually, except the tank running on idle only, thats a whole nother thing, but Thompson should be fixed too.

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Gunter when i use warmod i load into a game and it says ACE_tracers.pbo is outdated and asr_ai3_settings.sqf not found 

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IFA3 update

IFA3 Installation tutorial updated:


the @IFA3, and @IFA3m mods were updated and use the v1.14 patch and fixes now.

the Iron front Arma3 Community Fix for 1.14 Fix

was updated to only have @IF fix in it, as well as the recent fix by giallustio which fixes the AT weapon walk issue, so basically when you have a panzershreck

and the backpack you can only walk, if you have bazooka and backpack again you can only walk with giallustro's fix you can now run again, basically back to normal.


So what I did was remove the @IFA3, and @IFA3m from the Iron front Arma3 Community Fix for 1.14 Fix

added giallustro's fix to it and reuploaded it, the fixes from the @IFA3, and @IFA3m files that were previously fixed in the Iron front Arma3 Community Fix for 1.14 Fix

is now by themselves as the required files for IFA3, so when any new player wants to play with IFA3 then they need to download the required files but they will be already

patched and fixed so basically eliminating steps for folks.


any questions let me know.


New Weapons & Ammo boxes

Other news is i will be putting together a weapons pack of all the new weapons, and ammoboxes from my IFA3WarMod by itself

and this will include a new weapon a friend just helped recently port the FG42.

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Hi Gunter,


The FG42 is awesome. Just wanted to get that out of the way.


I saw on the Iron Front 'wikia' that it is apparently possible to tow field guns from halftracks or trucks? Is this more of an A2 feature as opposed to A3? I ask because I stage scenes for screens more often than actually playing missions, I think I have like 500+ screens (about 35 percent based off historical photographs), and realism is a must. I'd love to impliment this feature if it's possible. Do you have any words of wisdom for me?

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Hi Hate thanks,

Towing At guns should work with Halftracks, and trucks, tbh I have yet to even try it with IFA3 as long as I been playing it, lol the sad truth really but, I see no reason for it not to work.

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Is this something I would do in the vehicle init? Or do I have to connect the two units somehow? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask that kind of technical question.

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I have problem with German training mission. In the moment when that plane or planes are flying, they are crushing into the ground and well, i can't quit game normally, must do that using task manager or something. Please, can anyone help me with this?

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Is this something I would do in the vehicle init? Or do I have to connect the two units somehow? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask that kind of technical question.


No worries, what you need to do like in standalone IF is either using a truck, or a halftrack back up to the tail end of the at gun and then scroll your action menu,

you should see something for hitch to vehicle thats all you need to do, and to unhitch same thing.



Thats a campaign bug, was reported many times by players, onyl thing to fix that is for someone to edit the mission that, that issue happens in and fix it.

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I had this mod installed for a while. I updated @IFa3m and @IFa3. As far as I can see I just needed.....

  1. IronFront Arma3 Community Patch v1.14 (359.2mb)
  2. IronFront Arma3 Community Patch Fix for v1.14 (19.6mb)



  1. IronFront_DLC_Arma3_CommunityPatch_1.08-1.09.exe

The 1.14 patch just give me errors on every pbo it tried to update like they were missing??


Decided to just delete everything and start again......


Now the converter is just creating @IF\addons\empty folder in my arma3 directory but it wont convert any files??



Update.....Derp, had Ironfront location on C drive and my game was installed on D drive :)

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