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Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

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Has someone noticed that German and russian tanks can't be destroyed ?

yes only the sherman the others only open hatches and flames

edit t34/76 and pzIV. work but in weird manner, surely has to see inside config file

Edited by Zukov

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@ Günter Severloh

You need to load the DLC (LITE) as well. Unfortunately we could not keep it separate (or would need another modfolder..).

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Actually with tanks its not a bug but a feature. Damage model of tanks is scripted, so tanks are rarely blow - only if you lucky to hit ammunition and it will detonate, otherwise tank just damages.

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You need to load the DLC (LITE) as well.

Ah that explains it, i have the DLC but did not convert it as i didn't have it in my main directory, will add it thanks.

Ps. For the IFA3 community, i been working on a small project that has taken me 3 days plus 5+ hours alone today so far, that will add a feature to the

infantry weapons for the German, Russian, and American weapons, still need to finish some testing yet, and tweak something, will have some more info

and possibly a download today we'll see.

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yes only the sherman the others only open hatches and flames

edit t34/76 and pzIV. work but in weird manner, surely has to see inside config file

yes , there something wrong , 50 shots from Kuma at t34 and nothing. 1 shot from t34 at Kuma and BOOM !

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the Enfield from OA doesn't so bad, but the wood texture isn't the same quality than IF weapons


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I notice that some servers/mission still has the A3 AI Aimbot or " stupied AI with super AIMBOT". What mod should a server/mission use to get smart/realistic AI with normal aim?

Also are there any new missions on the way? Domination? Insurgency? Co op with respawn but no magic teleport flag pole plz?


Gunter Severloh, Good Job.

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Ok, info for those who wants to play DTAS today (21:00 Moscow time) - 1) you have to have IF A3 mod (1.12) + TS (flashpoint.ru:9988 pass: 2010) + Taskforce radio plugin (latest(v0.9.7)) 2) somewhere around 20:45-21:00 join TS and i will give you pass for the server (find [18A]Bones in TS), server adress IP:, Port: 2312

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@all about invasion 1944 mod for arma 2 the stuff/assetts/contents have the same quality of Iron front?

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@all about invasion 1944 mod for arma 2 the stuff/assetts/contents have the same quality of Iron front?

I guess it did, only it looks different because arma 2 is arma 2 and arma 3 is arma 3, but i think if all that content gets ported over it looks like the same quality as IF (i tried via a very hard and difficult way to play with Invasion 1944 content in arma 3, not only is it not playable, you can only make screenshots, not play with the content, like shooting etc. but the content looked amazing in arma 3's engine)

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in my tanks are immortal and repair themselves

it's a little bug

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few issues I saw in IFA3 (SP). Still known?

sdkfz 251 MG Gunner, not removed if killed (still standing behind)

GrWr34 Gunner, not removed if killed. (still sitting behind)

Maxim MG gunner not removed if killed. (rool over while dead)

Stug III, cargo soldiers are moving -into- the Stug and come out off it.

and I saw a Panther crew man still looking out of the tank hatch while he was dead.

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NICE ! now more info please : P

I think it's just the screenshot regarding the text, wich looks like winter-ish weather setting.

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To my knowledge the next Ironfront Arma 3 patch was set for mid November. Is it still so?


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Well, we are a bit delaying - but belive me this patch will be awesome for sure!

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Well, we are a bit delaying - but belive me this patch will be awesome for sure!

PLEASE can we have a little preview of the changelog ? : P

I can't wait for it, looking forward to develop more IFA3 missions, last one I made, Colleville Assault ,has been a success on workshop, I'am really happy to see many people interested in WWII and this splendid mod.

keep up the good work : )

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