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Change damage?

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The first time i started A3 as a regular rifleman i felt the weapons to be very weak, sometimes i need to hit the enemy up to 7 times in the body to kill him. Even stealth mission are impossible to do, i always wanted to do an headshot with a silenced gun and kill the enemy with 1 shot but the enemy always run away or take cover even at a 100% clean headshot...

I dont like the dmg, i would change it drasticaly.

Can someone tell me how do i reconfigure the dmg units in game recieve?

I would do it like this:


This ofc counts for assault weapons, for pistol i would double everything except the green area, and for sniper everything is halved...

Edited by ruin

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Is there a way to increase damage only for bullets? I have no idea how to do it, but maybe its possible to link it with projectile speed or something. So you don't get hurt heavily when jump out of vehicle or stand near fire.

Edited by Champ-1

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This is the only way I manage this thing to work:

while {true} do {
	if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {
		_x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
		_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{
			_unit = _this select 0;
			_selectionName = _this select 1;
			_damage = _this select 2;
			_source = _this select 3;
			_projectile = _this select 4;
			_array = ["B_762x51_Ball","B_45ACP_Ball","TMR_B_762x51_M118LR"];

			for [{_i=0}, {_i < count _array}, {_i=_i+1}] do {
				if (_projectile == (_array select _i)) then {
					_return = _damage * 2; 
					hint format["Projectile: %1\nOld damage: %2\nNew damage: %3",_projectile,floor(_damage * 100),floor(_return * 100)];
} forEach allUnits;
sleep 60;

But it's terrible since you have to add all projectiles to array manually. Also some mods using moded projectiles (for example TMR, as you can see above).

C'mon guys I know there are a lot amazing coders out there. Help us out.

Edited by Champ-1

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Lets hope someone knows how to reconfigure all this shit and make an addon that increases all weapons/ammo damage, or redo the damage units recieve.

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This is the only way I manage this thing to work:

while {true} do {
	if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {
		_x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
		_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{
			_unit = _this select 0;
			_selectionName = _this select 1;
			_damage = _this select 2;
			_source = _this select 3;
			_projectile = _this select 4;
			_array = ["B_762x51_Ball","B_45ACP_Ball","TMR_B_762x51_M118LR"];

			for [{_i=0}, {_i < count _array}, {_i=_i+1}] do {
				if (_projectile == (_array select _i)) then {
					_return = _damage * 2; 
					hint format["Projectile: %1\nOld damage: %2\nNew damage: %3",_projectile,floor(_damage * 100),floor(_return * 100)];
} forEach allUnits;
sleep 60;

But it's terrible since you have to add all projectiles to array manually. Also some mods using moded projectiles (for example TMR, as you can see above).

C'mon guys I know there are a lot amazing coders out there. Help us out.

Instead of the array, couldn't you just test for when it's not equal to "", since all non-projectiles go through handleDamage as an empty string?

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Instead of the array, couldn't you just test for when it's not equal to "", since all non-projectiles go through handleDamage as an empty string?
Oh yeah, thanks, this kinda works. But grenades and AT rockets and miniguns (which seems to have a splash damage) kill everything in range instantly. But thank you anyway, it's better then nothing.

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Do you specifically want to do this through scripts? As damage and armor is pretty easily configurable in a config.cpp. Though it would be in addon form instead of a script.

In any case, BI are currently tweaking this themselves, so you may want to wait and see how that turns out. (Or try the dev build for a currently unbalanced/unfinished sneak peak at what is to come. Body armor and vests will actually make a real difference) :)

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