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XEventSystem - Create custom events for your mod/mission with ease

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XEventSystem 1.0.0

XEventSystem is a function libary which was created to provide and standarize the custom event creation for large scripting based mods/missions.

It will not provide any features for endUsers (meaning this is an addon which is only made for devs!)

Made By X39 (Cpt. HM Murdock)


How To Install (as addon):

  1. Unzip the file
  2. Move the "@XEventSystem" folder to your ArmA 3 dir (or to the directory you move your mods to by default)
  3. Add "-mod=@XEventSystem" to your launch parameters OR start the game and enable the mod at "Configuration>>Expansions"
  4. Start using it (please take a look into the devReadMe.txt until the wiki for this is done)

How To Install (as mission libary):

  1. Unzip the file
  2. UnPBO the "@XEventSystem/Addons/x39_eventsystem_core.pbo"
  3. Move the content of the entire pbo (starting with the folder "x39_eventsystem_core") into your mission folder
  4. Add the following lines to your init.sqf (after theese lines you can start using the mod)
       _res = [nil] execVM "\X39_EventSystem_Core\X39_EventSystem\createFunctions.sqf"; waituntil{scriptDone _res};
       _res = [nil] execVM "\X39_EventSystem_Core\X39_EventSystem\Functions\initMod.sqf"; waituntil{scriptDone _res};

  5. Start using it (please take a look into the devReadMe.txt until the wiki for this is done)

devReadMe.txt (might not be up to date! Current version: 1)

   This ReadMe is supposed to be read by a mission maker (or addon developer ... yeah you know what i mean ^^)
   so if you only want to use the mod as enduser - - - STOP READING (you wont get any profit from it :P)

   1. Concept of the event system
       A. What are namespaces?
       B. What are events?
   2. Registering a namespace
   3. Registering an event
   4. Adding a handler
   5. Triggering events
   6. Function Reference
       A. Mod Initialization
           a. X39_EventSystem_fnc_initMod
       B. Base functionality
           a. X39_EventSystem_fnc_getAvailableEvents
           b. X39_EventSystem_fnc_getAvailableNamespaces
           c. X39_EventSystem_fnc_registerEvent
           d. X39_EventSystem_fnc_registerNamespace
           e. X39_EventSystem_fnc_syncEventBase
           f. X39_EventSystem_fnc_triggerEvent
       C. Further extending
           a. X39_EventSystem_fnc_addEventHandler
           b. X39_EventSystem_fnc_removeEventHandler
           c. X39_EventSystem_fnc_getEventHandlers
           d. X39_EventSystem_fnc_isEventExisting
   7. Using the XEventSystem without the need of a seperate addon

(1) Concept of the event system
   The idea behind this system is that you can create custom events in your very own namespace
   where you or another one can create handlers for those events you created before

   (1.A) What are namespaces?
       Namespaces are a sorting mechanic to seperate the different custom event handlers.
       Through an own namespace you can create a "fire" event in two different mods without
       having the problem of conflicts!
   (1.B) What are events?
       Events are things which can be triggered by the modder to provide other modders (or himself)
       a scaleable extension system on the base of a mod.
       For example: you create the event "gotKilled" in your mod
       Now a modder can register a handler for "gotKilled" which will be executed with the given
       parameters and will (if wanted) return a value.
       If you still dont know what events are ^^ then check out the ArmA events (as this is nothing
(2) Registering a namespace
   To register a new namespace you need to call "X39_EventSystem_fnc_registerNamespace" (see chapter 5 for parameters)
   by default there is the "mission" namespace already registred
(3) Registering an event
   To register a new event you need to call "X39_EventSystem_fnc_registerEvent" (see chapter 5 for parameters)
(4) Adding a handler
   To add a new eventHandler you need to call "X39_EventSystem_fnc_addEventHandler" (see chapter 5 for parameters)
   To remove an eventHandler you need to call "X39_EventSystem_fnc_removeEventHandler" (see chapter 5 for parameters)
(5) Triggering events
   To trigger an event you need to call "X39_EventSystem_fnc_triggerEvent" (see chapter 5 for parameters)

(6) Function Reference
   (6.A) Mod Initialization
       (6.A.a) X39_EventSystem_fnc_initMod
           Return value:
               Initialize the XEventSystem

   (6.B) Base functionality
       (6.B.a) X39_EventSystem_fnc_getAvailableEvents
               0. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace - Default 'mission'
               1. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use - Default 'missionNamespace'
           Return value:
               Array - Array containing the Events of the given CustomNamespace
               get customEventHandlers in given namespace

       (6.B.b) X39_EventSystem_fnc_getAvailableNamespaces
               0. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use - Default 'missionNamespace'
           Return value:
               Array - Array containing the registered namespaces
               get registered namespaces

       (6.B.c) X39_EventSystem_fnc_registerEvent
               0. Required Parameter: String - Name of the custom event handler
               1. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               2. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Boolean - false if event already existed or creation was not successfull true if not
               Add a CustomEvent to the mission

       (6.B.d) X39_EventSystem_fnc_registerNamespace
               0. Required Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               1. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Boolean - false if namespace already existed or creation was not successfull true if not
               Add a namespace to the mission

       (6.B.e) X39_EventSystem_fnc_syncEventBase
           -/- Not working currently!

       (6.B.f) X39_EventSystem_fnc_triggerEvent
               0. Required Parameter: String - Name of the customEventHandler
               1. Required Parameter: Array - parameters for the customEventHandler
               2. Optional Parameter: Boolean - if true the event awaits a return value (see @Return), if false the EHs will be spawned asynchron
               3. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               4. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Array - empty if not was fired or param 3 was false (so no return value was expected), will contain the last result of a customEventHandler if true
               Trigger an event

   (6.C) Further extending
       (6.C.a) X39_EventSystem_fnc_addEventHandler
               0. Required Parameter: String - Name of the custom event handler
               1. Required Parameter: Code - Code to handle the event
               2. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               3. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Integer - >= 0 if was successfully which represents the ID of the EventHandler
               Add a handler to an event

       (6.C.b) X39_EventSystem_fnc_removeEventHandler
               0. Required Parameter: Integer - EventHandler ID
               1. Required Parameter: String - Name of the custom event handler
               2. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               3. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Boolean - true if the handler was removed, false if not
               Remove a handler from an event

       (6.C.c) X39_EventSystem_fnc_getEventHandlers
               0. Required Parameter: String - Name of the custom event handler
               1. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               2. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Array - free eventHandler slots are filled with -1
               get all handlers of an event

       (6.C.d) X39_EventSystem_fnc_isEventExisting
               0. Required Parameter: String - Name of the custom event handler
               1. Optional Parameter: String - Name of the namespace
               2. Optional Parameter: Namespace - namespace to use. Default missionNamespace
           Return value:
               Boolean - true if event is existing, false if not
               Check if an event is existing
(7) Using the XEventSystem without the need of a seperate addon
   So you want to use the XEventSystem without an addon?
   Well that easy to realize :F
   Just unPBO the addon and put everything to your mission folder (!MISSION FOLDER! Addons need to be created through refering to this modification!).
   After you did, you just need to use the following commands to initialize the mod:
       _res = [nil] execVM "\X39_EventSystem_Core\X39_EventSystem\createFunctions.sqf";
       _res = [nil] execVM "\X39_EventSystem_Core\X39_EventSystem\Functions\initMod.sqf";
   NOW you can use the mod as usual ^^
   have fun




Edited by X39

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Hey X39, is XEventSystem kinda substitute for CBA_A3??? (without the dash bug on A2 maps, mods that doesn´t load arter reloading a mission etc)

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;2583557']Hey X39' date=' is XEventSystem kinda substitute for CBA_A3??? (without the dash bug on A2 maps, mods that doesn´t load arter reloading a mission etc)[/quote']

i cant anser your question (as i never used CBA (i just hated it as it was spamming my chat with messages))


i mainly developed this for my mod


to provide all those modders out there a way to add content to the mod (which is not important at the current state but it will get later)

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(as i never used CBA (i just hated it as it was spamming my chat with messages))

No mate, You can't say that.... :p

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No mate, You can't say that.... :p

*never used it for scripting*


i know that i had used it (ACRE and ACE needed to have ... so there was no way around) but i still just hate it and was never happy about using it!

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XEventSystem is now part of XLib >0.1.1

can be closed so

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