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(DLS) Digital Loadout System

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Hello iceman, Chris here.

i have a quick question here, that few people would probably love to know if possible.

would it be possible to access this out in the field away from a ammo box, like is there a way of typing like a code in the debug and use it and it will pop up on the scroll bar or is it not possible at the moment?

if needed i will provided a example so you can understand it better :)



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would it be possible to access this out in the field away from a ammo box, like is there a way of typing like a code in the debug and use it and it will pop up on the scroll bar or is it not possible at the moment?

The addaction can be added to any object, including ones out in the field and even units. You could also access it using the debug console by inputting call ICE_fnc_UIInit ... though apparently really slow that way.

... the gear displayed for selection could be filtered by a user entered string (partial or otherwise).

You mean where you can start typing and it will filter the current list in real time, as you type? That's a pretty tall request atm. I also have to ask myself; Is this something that would really be used? I'll keep it in mind though.

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Hey is it possible to use this on a dedicated server?

Meaning like admins can only access it.. or is this only client side, and not server side??

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To restrict DLS to admin only change the addaction to:

this addAction ["<t color = '#33CCFF'>" + "Digital Loadout", {call ICE_fnc_UIInit;}, [], 1, false, false, "", "serverCommandAvailable '#kick'"];

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You mean where you can start typing and it will filter the current list in real time, as you type? That's a pretty tall request atm.

I agree, filter as you type would come with a nasty overhead and not necessary.

I actually meant, type a string into a text box and click a "Filter" button to update the list of displayed items.

For example, partials like "RGO" or full names like "RGO Frag Grenade".

I also have to ask myself; Is this something that would really be used?

I believe so.

It is an immensely useful when the item list is rather large, with lots of weapons, attachments, uniforms etc available.

The unit I play with employs several addons that add plenty of these items. Using saved load outs is fine once you have them, but creating new load outs or even looking for something as simple as a new scope in the list can be frustrating.

(Even on missions without too many addons) VAS can often take a long time to scroll through and find what you need. The VTS shop, however, does a much better job of filtering in this way. The Filter remains active whilst switching between the item types too.

For example, I could select "uniform" type, filter the list for "UCP", and add my fatigues. I then select "vest", the list would remain filtered so I could see just the UCP vests to pick from. In the same way, I'd switch to "headgear" and finally "backpacks" for the rest of my kit. At the end I'd clear the filter.

Another example use case is quick ammo selection, where you can filter for calibre, eg "7.62" or "6.5" to see all ammo types for that.

I'll keep it in mind though.

Thank you, that's as much as I can ask :)

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The addaction can be added to any object, including ones out in the field and even units. You could also access it using the debug console by inputting call ICE_fnc_UIInit ... though apparently really slow that way.

ok, how would 1 proceed with the addaction, am rubbish at arma coding/scripting so i have no clue how i would proceed with the addaction :P

would it be possible if an example could be made or something around there?

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ok, how would 1 proceed with the addaction, am rubbish at arma coding/scripting so i have no clue how i would proceed with the addaction :P

would it be possible if an example could be made or something around there?

Open the DLS.stratis mission in the editor. Select the ammobox and hit ctrl+c to copy it. Then hit ctrl+v to paste the new box. That's it.

note: The object that the addAction is assigned to can be anything. In this case it's just an ammo crate as that's my personal preference.

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