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Ugh, the Ah-96 feels like a bathtub filled with bricks. I think it is because it is based on Helicopter_Base_F rather then the Blackfoot. Even Apache is more nimble. Don't get me wrong, all I'm saying is that the flight model needs some tweaks as it doesn't feel good ATM (fun fact: the Operation Trebuchet at first had very similar problem, the D-77 Pelican handled worse then an oil tanker). I think that the Ah-96 should feel much more nippy and be especially good at banking.


Quite frankly the AH-96 uses the Blackfoot config, so it's just as retarded (or good) as far as the flight model is concerned. I'll try and tweak it for a more nimble feel though.


Wansec_6 will check it out then.

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Okay now the separate versions show up in Zeus, and the Editor as normal (USMC, US Army, NATO), but still shows up in the USMC markings.


Took a spin in the AH-06 and quite frankly I don't think it handles like a brick. It may be your stick (I use a TM Thrustmaster Hotas X) and Standard FM (from what I hear AFM is totally BS anyway) so in that mode ti flies quite well and really think its too sensitive. If you're flying AFM and it handles like a brick, then I can understand but in Standard FM it needs to be less sensitive. And to be clear the AH-96 does not support AFM currently, that's a To Do for the next release.


Weapons Pack...


Not many ideas and trying to fix the optic glare but shit also happens. I've been trying to quash that "No entry.config.bin/Muzzleflash" error still with certain weapons (and mirroring weapons that don't get that error hasn'yielded much results. But once I finally figure out what is up I'll upload. But so far adding some Apex skinned Titan-D's is about as far as I want to go for now.

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I like the handling and I think its okay. My thing is more the acceleration feels way too slothful. Cruising at 200 kph, its the sweetest ride I've ever flown. Just takes a long time to get there. The same goes for the other bird. Good handling, just needs a slight acceleration boost, at least imo.

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Are we basing the acceleration off of other Arma heli's or off of real life heli's as compared to a made up helicopter? lol......



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Okay I'll see what I can do as based on my stick it's not very hard to move it along (one reason I made it harder), but I can see about finding the "sweet spot" so there is some balance and so on.


Weapons Pack so far:

- M249 can mount suppressors

- Added APEX suppressors for the respective weapons (again not my responsibility if you don't have the DLC, not my job to manage your finances) in case you like them.

- I have been floating an idea on an "ECOG" given i like the look of the ERCO but given it's a shit scope I may make something equivalent or whatnot, Overall it'll have the same reticule pattern as the 3.5x35 ACOGs. So far "ECOG" is just a WIP name, may come up with something better or cooler, who knows.



- Will tweak FM so it's on average tolerable and acceptable.

- Fix some shadow errors

- Figure out what's up with the default USMC skin showing up on all versions, when its setup for Skins. I may have to just use the Hiddenselections commands and see if that helps it.

- Tweak the containers to work better. I'm sure down the line once it matures I'll make that a standalone item since I'm sure a lot of milsim units would like the capability to use smaller helos for supplies, etc.

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No stick, just keyboard and mouse, standard flight model. Compared to Blackfoot and Apache I feel its slugish on banking and pitching. the AH-96 handles more like Chinook or Hind.

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Eric, just to make sure, that was a jab at everyone else, not you!! Wanted to premetive clear it up ;-)

I haben't tried it out yey, but I will this afternoon. If it flies anything like how your Blackhawk does, well....eeeek!!!


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Ahh I see... I don't fly keyboard and mouse ever since I learned how to fly stick in A3...  And tried, and failed :)

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Eric, just to make sure, that was a jab at everyone else, not you!! Wanted to premetive clear it up ;-)

I haben't tried it out yey, but I will this afternoon. If it flies anything like how your Blackhawk does, well....eeeek!!!



No worries man, I'm trying to make things distinctive from each other so there's no similarity between various types, etc.

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Ahh I see... I don't fly keyboard and mouse ever since I learned how to fly stick in A3...  And tried, and failed :P



Same here....full CH gear set up and TrackIR. Pretending for real since 2007, the only way to fly  :P

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AFAIK with keyboard you only get 0 and 1 range, ie. if you press D the helo will bank to the right at max possible rate. Note that I fly ONLY with the keyboard, I turn off the mouse flying so my mouse is only used for looking around.

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Same here....full CH gear set up and TrackIR. Pretending for real since 2007, the only way to fly  :P


I actually re-setup my TIR yesterday and been mainly flying with it, though I use a TM Hotas X personally :)


Here's a video of me with it, as well as one with a tool being retarded on the 173rd server earlier (before this post):





AFAIK with keyboard you only get 0 and 1 range, ie. if you press D the helo will bank to the right at max possible rate. Note that I fly ONLY with the keyboard, I turn off the mouse flying so my mouse is only used for looking around.


I haven't flown mouse and keyboard ever since learning stick with helicopters.. I tried it once with mouse and keyboard so... I'll see about that but I can't tweak it for keyboard flyers anyway. All flight testing is full stick.

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Anyway earlier yesterday worked on the "TA64" ACOG:










Other than being 4x there's not much of a difference between the 3.5x35 optics (again uses the same reticule pattern) and just in a sense a more compact and sleeker looking of the classic ACOG look. For some reason the bottom of the tube felt the need to be flat but in itself easy to fix.

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Yo, what vid recording program do you use? I'll DL it and post one for you!!



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I use Shadowplay that comes with the NVIDIA GeForce Experience so if you have an NVIDIA chipset or card I'd recommend getting it, much better than FRAPs.

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Yeah, I'll check it out, I do have NVIDIAa and an i7. thanks for the "intel"!!


See what I did there....??? :P



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LOL :)

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Finalizing the TA64:







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Are we basing the acceleration off of other Arma heli's or off of real life heli's as compared to a made up helicopter? lol......




I actually re-setup my TIR yesterday and been mainly flying with it, though I use a TM Hotas X personally :)


Here's a video of me with it, as well as one with a tool being retarded on the 173rd server earlier (before this post):






I haven't flown mouse and keyboard ever since learning stick with helicopters.. I tried it once with mouse and keyboard so... I'll see about that but I can't tweak it for keyboard flyers anyway. All flight testing is full stick.

Well...that might explain it...

Guess I gonna need to learn me a stick :D

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Believe me, you can't get better if you stay mouse and keyboard. Matter of fact I've gotten so used to stick that I can't do mouse and keyboard anymore.

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Okay stuff that popped into my head before going to bed:


Weapons Pack:

- Can't open the .ebo files (a program does so?) So no APEX themed Titan-Ds and such.

- 249 has the suppressor capability

- Still have to do the TA64s and get them setup properly. For now it'll only have the Ibex ring sights as optional sights.

- Not much else on my mind on the weapons pack, I want to focus some more on the helos and stuff.



- Faction specific schemes now work, which is of course good for the current build

- Have to work on the AH-96 some more, refinements and allowing the pilot to have control of the gun and rockets.

- More TLC on the Ah-96s

- I have an idea for an "HH-92", i.e. a USAF AFSOC UH-92. More development such as a futuristic looking .50 cal on one side, as well as an IFR probe. Since the USAF Mod has some specific guildelines to set it up making it permanently fixed is an option. Custom scheme of course (in line with the current HH-60s).

- Not much else to work on.



- More on that later when I have some news to tell everybody.

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Reticule difference of the TA64. I chose to stick with a black look as opposed to the red one, basically to show some "difference" between the various other ACOGs and the like. And so far testing on various servers has not really affected gameplay too much anyway, and the 3D scope has the same color:




Also for the helos removed the old A2 textures and used the Ghost Hawk glass textures, to do some updating as well as reducing the amount of textures needed as well:





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I'm not sure what you mean, as quite frankly it won't be removed. It's all based on the squad.xml of the player so whatever flag is displayed given that player's affiliation. So no, it won't be removed.

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Other than being intentionally TK'd by PVT B Cliffe on the 173rd server...


Some thing:

- Got the AH-96 mini to rotate the barrels, just have to make sure the turret animates properly

- Cleaned up some configs and got the camo selections and tweaked some things to look proper, so faction specific textures now show up.

- Not much planned for the other helos, other than the previous mentioning of the glass retexturing and stuff.


Weapons pack:

- Probably tomorrow will upload what I have so far, not much else in the works given I can't access the APEX .ebos, just need to go through it and double check some things.

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