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Turret body not found while initializing the model

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I am trying to define a separate gun turret onto the back of a BMP-2, as a means to eventually set up firing ports on the vehicle. So far, I have tried to define it similar to the BMP-3s secondary turrets, but I am having an issue with the turret rotating horizontally; the exact error shown is:

Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Kae_bmp2_PRSZ_B/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/Left6Turret/: Turret body Turn06Gun not found while initializing the model kae_sz_vehicles\data\bmp2.p3d

For some reason, the Elevation part (Elev06Gun) works just fine. The following is what I have in the model.cfg for the vehicle, under the Animations subclass:

class Elev06Gun: ObsGun
class Turn06Gun//turn06Gun
minValue="rad -360";
maxValue="rad +360";
angle0="rad -360";
angle1="rad +360";

Here's the CfgSkeletons portion (The class it inherits from is explicitly defined as well, copied from one of the Sample Models)

class BMP2Skeleton: Tank

It does not seem to work when I make turn06Gun inherit from ObsTurret instead, either.

The following is how I have it defined in the config.cpp:

class Left6Turret: NewTurret
           animationsourcebody = "turn06gun"; //turn06gun
           animationsourcegun = "Elev06Gun";
           animationsourcehatch = "cargo06hatch";
           body = "Turn06Gun";
           forcehidegunner = 1;
           gun = "elev06Gun";
           gunbeg = "usti hlavne 06";
           gunend = "konec hlavne 06";
           gunneraction = "Stryker_Cargo01";
           gunnergetinaction = "GetInLow";
           gunnergetoutaction = "GetOutLow";
           gunnerinaction = "Stryker_Cargo01";
           gunnername = "Passenger 6";
           gunneropticseffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics2", "OpticsBlur1", "OpticsCHAbera1"};
           gunneropticsmodel = "\ca\wheeled2\LAV25\Optics_Driver";
           gunneropticsshowcursor = 1;
           gunneroutforceoptics = 1;
           gunneroutopticsmodel = "\ca\wheeled2\LAV25\Optics_Driver";
           gunneroutopticsshowcursor = 1;
           initelev = 0;
           initturn = 0;
           magazines[] = {"kae_100Rnd_545x39_T_AK", "kae_100Rnd_545x39_T_AK"};
           maxelev = 15;
           maxturn = 15;
           memorypointgun = "usti hlavne 06";
           memorypointgunneroptics = "cargo06view";
           memorypointgunneroutoptics = "cargo06view";
           memorypointsgetingunner = "pos cargo";
           memorypointsgetingunnerdir = "pos cargo dir";
           minelev = -5;
           minturn = -5;
           outgunnermayfire = 1;
           proxyindex = 2;
           selectionfireanim = "zasleh_06";
           soundservo[] = {"", 0.01, 1};
           startengine = 0;
           weapons[] = {"Kae_AKT_74sz"};
           class ViewOptics
             initanglex = 0;
             initangley = 0;
             initfov = 0.466;
             maxanglex = 30;
             maxangley = 100;
             maxfov = 0.466;
             minanglex = -30;
             minangley = -100;
             minfov = 0.466;

I'm also having an issue in that the optics face forwards, rather than to the side; I have a "cargo06view dir" point defined, but the view does not look in that direction.

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