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Some Smal Problems

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Hey guys so its been a while since ive posted here, took a short break working on some other media related projects but im glad to be back chipping away at visitor again!

Now to my problem! I have defiantly seen this problem multiple times before.. And if i could remember the solution or even find the post on the forums related to it i wouldn't bother posting :j:

Okay so here is the error


Now i am allmost certain i have done everything right, but knowing me i have mispelt/forgotten something, and if i have after a good few months doing this sorta thing it really shouldn't be down to you guys to spell check my stuff.. so i apologize but i have no other options right now :butbut:

Here are my files.

#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class Savos
 units[] = {"Savos"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 requiredAddons[] = {"Takistan"};
 version = "02/11/2013";
 fileName = "Savos.pbo";
 author = "ThomasBeech";
 mail = "smileyhorsehead@googlemail.com";
class CfgWorlds
class CAWorld;
class Takistan: CAWorld
 class Grid;
 class DefaultClutter;
class Savos: Takistan
 cutscenes[] = {"SAV_Intro1"};
 description = "Savos, The Lost Island.";
 worldName = "TUT\Savos\Savos.wrp";
 pictureShot = "TUT\Savos\data\sav_menu_ca.paa";
 startTime = "07:00";
 startDate = "02/11/2013";
 startWeather = 0.2;
 startFog = 0.0;
 forecastWeather = 0.6;
 forecastFog = 0.0;
 centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,500};
 seagullPos[] = {2560,2560,500};
 longitude = 65;
 latitude = -34;
 elevationOffset = 2000;
 midDetailTexture = "TUT\Savos\data\sav_middle_mco.paa";
 minTreesInForestSquare = 2;
 minRocksInRockSquare = 2;
 ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024};
 ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};
 ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
 ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
 drawTaxiway = 0;
class SecondaryAirports {};
class OutsideTerrain
       satellite = "TUT\Savos\Data\sav_satout_co.paa";
       enableTerrainSynth = 1;
       class Layers
         class Layer0
           nopx = "TUT\Savos\Data\sav_sand_nopx.paa";
           texture = "TUT\Savos\Data\sav_sand_co.paa";
 class Grid: Grid
  offsetX = 0;
  offsetY = 5120;
  class Zoom1
   zoomMax = 0.15;
   format = "XY";
   formatX = "000";
   formatY = "000";
   stepX = 100;
   stepY = -100;
  class Zoom2
   zoomMax = 0.85;
   format = "XY";
   formatX = "00";
   formatY = "00";
   stepX = 1000;
   stepY = -1000;
  class Zoom3
   zoomMax = 1e+030.0;
   format = "XY";
   formatX = "0";
   formatY = "0";
   stepX = 10000;
   stepY = -10000;
class Clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
	class Names
		#include "Savos.hpp"
class CfgWorldList
class Savos{};
class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes
 class SAV_Intro1
  directory = "TUT\Savos\Data\scenes\intro1.Savos";

#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

   class SAV_BrushHard: DefaultClutter
   model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Hard_EP1.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.4;
   swLighting = 1;
   scaleMin = 0.9;
   scaleMax = 1.3;
  class SAV_BrushSoft: DefaultClutter
   model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Brush_Soft_EP1.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.8;
   swLighting = 1;
   scaleMin = 0.75;
   scaleMax = 1.4;
  class SAV_PlantsViolet: DefaultClutter
   model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Plants_Violet_EP1.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.7;
   swLighting = 1;
   scaleMin = 1.0;
   scaleMax = 1.25;
  class SAV_PlantsWhite: DefaultClutter
   model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Plants_White_EP1.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.7;
   swLighting = 1;
   scaleMin = 0.85;
   scaleMax = 1.1;
  class SAV_WeedThistle: DefaultClutter
   model = "ca\plants_E\Clutter\c_Weed_Thistle_EP1.p3d";
   affectedByWind = 0.7;
   swLighting = 1;
   scaleMin = 1.0;
   scaleMax = 1.25;

class CfgSurfaces 
class Default {};
class SavossandSurface : Default
	 files = "sav_sand_*";
	 rough = 0.1;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
	 character = "SAV_sandClutter";

class SavosSurface : Default
	 files = "sav_slope_*";
	 rough = 0.1;
	 dust = 0.1;
	 soundEnviron = "dirt";
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
	 character = "SAV_slopeClutter";
class SavosSurface : Default
	 files = "sav_rock_*";
	 rough = 0.3;
	 dust = 0.05;
	 soundEnviron = "rock";
		 soundHit = "hard_ground";
	 character = "Empty";


class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class SAV_sandClutter
 probability[] = {0.09,0.09,0.009,0.009};
 names[] = {"SAV_BrushSoft","SAV_BrushHard","SAV_PlantsWhite","SAV_WeedThistle"};

class SAV_slopeClutter
 probability[] = {0.9,0.09,0.09,0.09,0.09};
 names[] = {"SAV_BrushHard","SAV_BrushSoft","SAV_PlantsWhite","SAV_WeedThistle","SAV_PlantsViolet"};


Weather they account for the issue in question or not is beyond me.

In preferences (visitor) My texture path is : tut\savos\data

So not really sure whats going wrong but maybe somebody can point and laugh at my stupidity somewhere, thanks!

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What's the error the picture or whatever you posted is not showing up

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Try deleting the stuff inside the layers folder then reimporting your sat/mask, launch buldozer let it convert the textures and then export a wrp and then rebinarize.

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Yeah that was the first thing i tried, i guess it doesn't help trying it a second time

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That particular type of missing rvmat error seems to be quite common... If you check, for example, Sgt Aces classic Stickied Tut Samplemap thread you'll see the same problem reported multiple times.

M1lkm8n is correct in his advice - it seems to be one of those issues which nobody has ever adequately explained, but which seems to often just disappear if you simply clear things out and "go thru the motions" over again once or twice...


* Delete your TUT\Savos\Data\Layers folder

* Delete the entire contents of P:\bin_temp (or whatever Temp Folder you have BinPBo set to)

* Reimport Sat & Mask

* View in Buldozer (should look OK) - Export .wrp (while Buldozer is still open)

* Binarize & check in-game

If the error is still there, then without doing anything else or clearing anything else out - binarize again... sometimes it takes a second go over the top of the first...

In general - your configs look fine - a straight inherit from Takistan means they're short and to the point, and minimises potential for errors...

I'd take another look at your cfgSurfaces though...

The first class - "SavossandSurface" is fine, but the next two are BOTH simply called " class SavosSurface"

... that's not good, and may well cause odd behaviour or errors...

Change those two classnames to "SavosslopeSurface" and "SavosrockSurface" or something appropriate before you slog thru the whole retrying palaver suggested above...

Good luck!


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Thanks for the help guys. Yes ive checked my ground rvmats and there correct as far as i can see, besides renaming them incorrectly you cant go wrong will go through the motions again i guess and hope for the best. Deleting the bin folder and layers folder again might help but like you have said bush this error just seems to dissipate at some point, but it is a very common problem and not much detailed information about it. I will let you know my results when i get home wish me luck!

---------- Post added at 15:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:18 ----------

Okay so i went back re traced all my steps and still no luck, maybe the issue could lie elsewhere but where im not sure. All the rvmats are directed correctly. Importing the satellite images works fine so that directory must be correct. Is there anything else at all that could possibly cause this, maybe something in bin pbo? I don't know why i want to blame pbo but i get the feeling its something in the settings i must have wrong.


I was write it did lie with Bin Pbo. For some reason things in the source directory box has been miss spelt?!?! Anyways thanks to bush supplying his line of what stuff to be copied directly in his tutorial i could just copy and paste it. Re biniarized with his settings and the textures have mysteriously started to work, thanks guys!

Edited by Kroni

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