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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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What faction you using for your NATO bases? I am pretty sure I had same issue and it was because of the west faction I was using caused my friendly markers to populate with enemy forces. I only ever use vanilla units now and never have any issues.

In the past i did use modded BLUFOR factions but now i use standard nato however i do have the mods still enabled. Good to know as i'll keep an eye out for this.

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In order for a mod to be compatible with ALIVE, does it have to strictly follow the cfggroups template from BIS?

My mod has two sets of camos for almost every unit, can i group them under a single faction (say faction A > infantry A/infantry B, motorized A/motorized B) or do i have to split them into two separate factions (faction A > infantry A/faction B > infantry B)?

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Just playing around with ALiVE making a small mission, and thought I'd use the CQB module to populate a small village with CSAT.

Everything works fine, apart from the fact it also seems to spawn the odd orange VR guy as well. I know there's a way to blacklist this, but I have no idea what the classname for that stupid orange guy is.

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We'll add them to the static blacklist for the next release, along with all the other completely random stuff that BIS seems determined to mix up with normal factions. It would be really useful if irrelevant rubbish like go carts and VR units was added to a different faction tbh.

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Just a question, there is a pre-build mission like for MSO on ArmA II ? Because my team don't have many skills in editing, and the pre-build MSO on ArmA II was awesome. :)

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really liking the look of the re-enforcement module...

and the music... must be getting old (!)

Quick question, if they have no choppers will they use ground transport ? Just thinking aloud here, say Caf_AG tribal guys all rolling into a town in pickups and in the back of those little flatbeds... Would be very cool



---------- Post added at 17:37 ---------- Previous post was at 17:35 ----------

Just a question, there is a pre-build mission like for MSO on ArmA II ? Because my team don't have many skills in editing, and the pre-build MSO on ArmA II was awesome. :)

There are demo missions linked on the main ALiVE website, but truly and honestly it's SO easy to setup a child of 37 3/4 could do it.... trust me.

And you might find you have just as much fun playing around in the editor getting it ready as you do knocking down targets..... Give it a go ! Pull apart one of the demo missions and learn how it all ticks, or follows ARJays excellent you-tube tutorials..


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I am currently experiencing an issue with my ALiVE server connecting to the external database. The mission loads and runs fine, but does not connect to the WarRoom. The mission is the example ALiVE Altis Insurgency mission with the only modification being the placement of the Database module. No other mods are being used.

Here are my log files:


07/26/2014 14:24:03 Error Caught exception of type System.Net.WebException
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
  at ALiVEPlugIn.Startup.GetCredentials()
  at ALiVEPlugIn.GroupName.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
07/26/2014 14:24:03 Error function: GroupName
07/26/2014 14:24:03 Error maxResultSize: 10239
07/26/2014 14:24:04 Error Caught exception of type System.Net.WebException
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
  at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
  at ALiVEPlugIn.Startup.GetCredentials()
  at ALiVEPlugIn.SendJSON.Invoke(String args, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.DomainInvokeAddIn()
  at System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(CrossAppDomainDelegate callBackDelegate)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.AddInManager.InvokeAddIn(String addInName, String arguments, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeBuiltInOrAddIn(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
  at Arma2Net.Managed.Bridge.InvokeFunction(String function, Int32 maxResultSize)
07/26/2014 14:24:04 Error function: SendJSON ["GET", "sys_data/config", "" , "arma3live"]
07/26/2014 14:24:04 Error maxResultSize: 10239

alive.log (scrubbed):

7/26/2014 2:24:03 PM: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
7/26/2014 2:24:03 PM: Reading config file: Username: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Group: RAIDER
7/26/2014 2:24:03 PM: Getting your IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
7/26/2014 2:24:03 PM: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
7/26/2014 2:24:03 PM: Reading config file: Username: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Group: RAIDER
7/26/2014 2:24:03 PM: Getting your IP: xx.xx.xx.xx

RPT file:

14:24:02 __________________________________________
14:24:02 __________________________________________
14:24:02     _______ _____   __ ___ ___ _______    
14:24:02 __ |   _   |     |_|__|   |   |    ___| __
14:24:02 __ |       |       |  |   |   |    ___| __
14:24:02 __ |___|___|_______|__|\_____/|_______| __
14:24:02 __________________________________________
14:24:02 __________________________________________
14:24:02 ALiVE Global INIT
14:24:02 ALiVE Global Init Timer Started
14:24:02 ALiVE [m_0|1] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT
14:24:04 ALiVE [m_0|1] Module ALiVE_sys_data INIT COMPLETE TIME:  1.396
14:24:07 ALiVE [m_1|2] Module ALiVE_sys_viewdistance INIT
14:24:07 ALiVE [m_1|2] Module ALiVE_sys_viewdistance INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0019989
14:24:08 ALiVE [m_2|2] Module ALiVE_sys_crewinfo INIT
14:24:08 ALiVE [m_2|2] Module ALiVE_sys_crewinfo INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.00100708
14:24:08 ALiVE [m_3|2] Module ALiVE_sys_playertags INIT
14:24:08 ALiVE [m_3|2] Module ALiVE_sys_playertags INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0019989
14:24:09 ALiVE [m_4|2] Module ALiVE_sys_adminactions INIT
14:24:09 ALiVE [m_4|2] Module ALiVE_sys_adminactions INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0019989
14:24:10 ALiVE [m_5|3] Module ALiVE_sys_profile INIT
14:24:10 ALiVE SETTING UP MAP: Altis
14:24:10 ALiVE MAP BOUNDS: 30720
14:24:35 ALiVE [m_5|3] Module ALiVE_sys_profile INIT COMPLETE TIME:  25.054
14:24:35 ALiVE [m_6|5] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT
14:24:36 Strange convex component322 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
14:24:36 Strange convex component327 in a3\structures_f\research\dome_big_f.p3d:geometryFire
14:24:38 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 122.125300. The server is running version: 124.125979. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
14:24:46 ALiVE [m_6|5] Module ALiVE_mil_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME:  11.52
14:24:47 ALiVE [m_7|6] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT
14:25:02 ALiVE [m_8|8] Module ALiVE_mil_cqb INIT
14:25:02 ALiVE CQB Houses loaded from map!
14:26:08 ALiVE [m_9|10] Module ALiVE_mil_intelligence INIT
14:26:08 ALiVE [m_9|10] Module ALiVE_mil_intelligence INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0240173
14:26:08 ALiVE [m_10|9] Module ALiVE_mil_OPCOM INIT
14:26:10 ALiVE [m_11|13] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT
14:26:14 ALiVE [m_12|21] Module ALiVE_sys_aiskill INIT
14:26:14 ALiVE [m_12|21] Module ALiVE_sys_aiskill INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0130005
14:26:16 ALiVE [m_13|23] Module ALiVE_sys_GC INIT
14:26:16 ALiVE [m_13|23] Module ALiVE_sys_GC INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.00802612
14:26:17 "ALiVE - Starting Garbage Collector..."
14:26:39 No explosion type
14:26:50 No explosion type
14:27:00 No explosion type
14:27:14 No explosion type
14:27:16 ALiVE [m_14|200] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT
14:27:16 ALiVE-64.734 Player Persistence - Initialisation Completed
14:27:16 ALiVE [m_14|200] Module ALiVE_sys_player INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.00302124
14:27:17 No explosion type
14:27:17 Warning: This version of ALiVE is build for A3 version: 122.125300. The server is running version: 124.125979. Please contact your server administrator and update to the latest ALiVE release version.
14:27:43 ALiVE [m_15|300] Module ALiVE_require INIT
14:28:03 ALiVE [m_7|6] Module ALiVE_civ_placement INIT COMPLETE TIME:  195.913
14:28:03 ALiVE [m_15|300] Module ALiVE_require INIT COMPLETE TIME:  20.173
14:28:03 ALiVE Global INIT COMPLETE
14:28:03 ALiVE Global Init Timer Complete 240.495
14:28:09 ALiVE [m_11|13] Module ALiVE_mil_logistics INIT COMPLETE TIME:  119.41

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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I imagine the first thing you should do is update to the latest release version and ensure you update the server ALiVE plugin as per the instructions.

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I just downloaded the mod last night from the alivemod.com site. Is 0.6.8 not the newest version? I also followed the server setup instructions on alivemod.com to the letter.

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Hi Raider, your group setup on the web site is using a URL for the server IP address - you need to have your servers IP set in there instead.

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Wow, that's my issue? :) Hmm. When it accepted my input as a hostname instead of IP, I was hoping that meant the static IP requirement was no longer present.

Any plans on supporting persistent databases for us folks who want to host servers out of our house? Or an option to use our own database like in MSO? I am an IT engineer, so setting up a db server is nothing. The issue is my ISP won't give me a static IP :)

Thanks for the help, guys!

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Wow, that's my issue? :) Hmm. When it accepted my input as a hostname instead of IP, I was hoping that meant the static IP requirement was no longer present.

Any plans on supporting persistent databases for us folks who want to host servers out of our house? Or an option to use our own database like in MSO? I am an IT engineer, so setting up a db server is nothing. The issue is my ISP won't give me a static IP :)

Thanks for the help, guys!

For now, no. We have talked on changing the IP requirement, which may happen. But for now you can change your IP on the warroom to match you current one (painful I know, but should work)

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For now, no. We have talked on changing the IP requirement, which may happen. But for now you can change your IP on the warroom to match you current one (painful I know, but should work)

Fair enough. My IP doesn't change that often anyway :) I appreciate you guys and what you do for the ArmA community. Thanks again!

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Hey Alive Dev team,

A few pages back I mentioned that the CAS/Transport choppers will occasionally fly off into the sky. It was assumed at the time it must be a conflict with a script or mod. I've since managed to replicate it (though not consistently) with just alive running.

I place down 2 transport choppers and 2 CAS (with landing pads). I then give the CAS a SAD order, get into a transport chopper (hummingbird) and give a land (engine off) order. Then I give each unit an RTB order. As the choppers come in to land, occasionally one will bug out and keep ascending. Roughly about 3-5 minutes later the chopper will descend and land.

Sorry I can't get a reliable set of steps to reproduce the issue, I spent literally hours trying to nail specifically what set of events caused it, this was the best I could do.

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The garbage collector dose not seem to be working for blufor units or there weapons it will work for the enemy but not friendlies

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Hey Alive Dev team,

A few pages back I mentioned that the CAS/Transport choppers will occasionally fly off into the sky. It was assumed at the time it must be a conflict with a script or mod. I've since managed to replicate it (though not consistently) with just alive running.

I place down 2 transport choppers and 2 CAS (with landing pads). I then give the CAS a SAD order, get into a transport chopper (hummingbird) and give a land (engine off) order. Then I give each unit an RTB order. As the choppers come in to land, occasionally one will bug out and keep ascending. Roughly about 3-5 minutes later the chopper will descend and land.

Sorry I can't get a reliable set of steps to reproduce the issue, I spent literally hours trying to nail specifically what set of events caused it, this was the best I could do.

That's very likely to be BIS AI at work as they are both trying to land in the same area at the same time. The script uses very common commands and there's nothing particularly special going to cause it to bug out. Generally when working with BIS AI pilots it's best to give them a minute or two separation and plenty of space.

onedigita - GC won't clear anything if the player is nearby. Make sure you've moved away from the area before checking. If you can reliably reproduce the issue please post a bug report on our issue tracker, thanks!

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That's very likely to be BIS AI at work as they are both trying to land in the same area at the same time. The script uses very common commands and there's nothing particularly special going to cause it to bug out. Generally when working with BIS AI pilots it's best to give them a minute or two separation and plenty of space.

Thanks for that pearl of wisdom! My mission has quite a lot of choppers around with landing pads. 4 Alive Transport, 2 Alive CAS and several player controlled choppers. I did change it to have 2 Alive Choppers and 1 CAS and the issue went away. I might go ahead and cull things a bit more and space them apart.

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Amazing work. I was a little intimidated when I first looked into this, but the tutorial videos on your homepage made it clear that your system is easy to use and effective. I will be downloading this and diving right in. Thanks to you and your team for a great set of tools.

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Btw, for those having difficulty with stuff being profiled that you don't want to be, you can use setVariable ALIVE_profileIgnore. e.g.

_this setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];

After 2 issues on the issue tracker and being corrected by Arjay - this is for groups instead of individual units.

So: _grp setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true];

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Hi, just a question with the convoy module.. Is there anyway to specify what vehicles and how many are in a particular convoy? I have put the module down a few times now and end up with 8-10 vehicles ranging from heavy armour to supply trucks, even artillery being spawned each time I put the module down. Unfortunately this does not match what the convoy is for and I only want max of 4 vehicles. I have it attached to my opcom so its waypoints are set to the larger mil bases on stratis but for the type of terrain and roads 8-10 AI vehicles in convoy just does not work and they are forever getting stuck on each other. any help will be much appreciated.

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The existing convoy module is only a temp placeholder with very limited functionality. It is being removed completely in the next version and replaced with a fully functional logistics system that will create convoys dependent on actual OPCOM logistics requirements rather than a random mix of units. We have no plans to create a user-defined "convoy generator". If you want something like that, MCC Sandbox already has a very good one!

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hi there,

can somebody just give an hint what exactly the _id is which is called via [_OPCOM,"addObjective",[_id, _pos, _size]] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM?

i want to give the opfor opcom an additional invasion objective after a trigger was activated.


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onedigita - GC won't clear anything if the player is nearby. Make sure you've moved away from the area before checking. If you can reliably reproduce the issue please post a bug report on our issue tracker, thanks!

you were correct good sir!

thanks for the quick reply!

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