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tell if there are units under position

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So this is a difficult thing to search for. I'm wondering if there is scripting command or similar to get all units around a certain position.

What I'm trying to do is spawn an unknown amount AI in helicopters, but if I don't keep increasing the X or Y position they crash into each other. I would like if the space is empty to spawn the AI there, but if there is already someone there then spawn it a bit further and so on.

I can accomplish this in a while loop if there is a command like "findEmptyPosition" or isAt(x,y,z) that can tell me if there is a vehicle already at this position. The AI will fly at different times and more are created at different times at the player control so it would be easiest to just check the area and move the position if it's occupied.

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There are a few options

first is when spawning make sure your not using the can_collide option

allows units to be spawned at the same position

veh = createVehicle ["2S6M_Tunguska",getpos this,[], 0, "can_collide"];

attempts to find an empty area

veh = createVehicle ["2S6M_Tunguska",getpos this,[], 0, "none"];

if that isn't enough the the following may help


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I ended up with a solution using nearEntities:

_currentSpawnPos=getMarkerPos "eastStartSpawn";
while {count ((_currentSpawnPos) nearEntities 70)>0} do {
_currentSpawnPos=[_currentSpawnPos select 0,(_currentSpawnPos select 1)+70,_currentSpawnPos select 2];		

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