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tvt\ handcuffing

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Does anyone know of an argument or solution to handcuffing ?

"West" = cops

the rest suspects or arrestable ?

Love to finish my mission :D

mission is: tvt/coop.

This is not a life mission.

Thank you in advance no matter the effect.

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Here's some tests I was working on but never finished, it may be useful for you:


player addAction ["Hands up!", "test.sqf", "", 1, true, true, "", "side cursorTarget == east && player distance cursorTarget <= 10"]


target = cursorTarget;
caller = _this select 1;
_value = 1;

caller playActionNow "GestureFreeze";
target reveal caller;

fnc_surrender = {
_target = _this select 0;
_target playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon";
_target disableAI "ANIM";

_courage = target skill "courage";

if (_courage < 0.25) then { _value = 1; };
if (_courage >= 0.25 && _courage <= 0.45) then { _value = 2; };
if (_courage > 0.45 && _courage <= 0.65) then { _value = 3; };
if (_courage > 0.65 && _courage <= 0.85) then { _value = 4; };
if (_courage > 0.85) then { _value = 5; };

if( _value == 1 ) then {
[cursorTarget] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 2) then {
if( floor(random(11)) == 0 ) then {
	target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
		if (_this select 1 == caller) then
			[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;
} else {
	target addEventHandler [ "FiredNear", {
		if (_this select 1 == caller) then
			[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 3) then {
if( floor(random(2)) == 0 ) then {
	target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
		if (_this select 1 == caller) then
			[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;
} else {
	target addEventHandler [ "FiredNear", {
		if (_this select 1 == caller) then
			[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 4) then {
if( floor(random(11)) == 0 ) then {
	target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
		if (_this select 1 == caller && getDamage (_this select 0) < 0.45) then
			[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;
} else {
	target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
		if (_this select 1 == caller) then
			[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 5) then {
target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
	if (_this select 1 == caller && getDamage (_this select 0) < 0.45) then
		[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

Depending on the AI skill (courage value) the surrender/handcuff will be different:

Novice < 0.25				// 1 surrender always
Rookie >= 0.25 && < 0.45	 // 2 surrender if you shoot around him but there's a small chance that you need to hurt him
Recruit > 0.45 && < 0.65	 // 3 surrender if you shoot around him but there's a 50% chance that you need to hurt him
Veteran > 0.65 && < 0.85	 // 4 surrender if you hurt him but there's a small chance that you need to hurt him badly
Expert > 0.85				// 5 surrender if you hurt him badly

So for example, if you place an AI unit on the editor and set the skill really low, then when you run the "hands up" action the AI will surrender, if you put a little more skill then you will need to shoot near him to "scare" him, or he wont surrender, if you put even more skill you will need to shoot at him and hurt him to make him surrender, etc. If you don't want any of that stuff you can just use the fnc_surrender function, but A3 doesn't have many animations suitable for handcuffing. You can put the unit hands behind his head, or behind his back but you can't make him walk like that, or make him sit with hands behind back like in A2.

Another animation you could use instead of AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon is InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack2, and I think there was a few more but they looked kinda exactly like InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack2.

Edited by wok

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Okay,, I will see if I can't play with this a bit.

I would really like to add this to my mission for new dynamics.

Sorry for the delay, but My daughter had plans of being born :D

Thank you for your response!

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Here's some tests I was working on but never finished, it may be useful for you:


player addAction ["Hands up!", "test.sqf", "", 1, true, true, "", "side cursorTarget == east && player distance cursorTarget <= 10"]


target = cursorTarget;
caller = _this select 1;
_value = 1;

caller playActionNow "GestureFreeze";
target reveal caller;

fnc_surrender = {
_target = _this select 0;
_target playMoveNow "AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon";
_target disableAI "ANIM";

_courage = target skill "courage";

if (_courage < 0.25) then { _value = 1; };
if (_courage >= 0.25 && _courage <= 0.45) then { _value = 2; };
if (_courage > 0.45 && _courage <= 0.65) then { _value = 3; };
if (_courage > 0.65 && _courage <= 0.85) then { _value = 4; };
if (_courage > 0.85) then { _value = 5; };

if( _value == 1 ) then {
[cursorTarget] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 2) then {
if( floor(random(11)) == 0 ) then {
target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
if (_this select 1 == caller) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;
} else {
target addEventHandler [ "FiredNear", {
if (_this select 1 == caller) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 3) then {
if( floor(random(2)) == 0 ) then {
target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
if (_this select 1 == caller) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;
} else {
target addEventHandler [ "FiredNear", {
if (_this select 1 == caller) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 4) then {
if( floor(random(11)) == 0 ) then {
target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
if (_this select 1 == caller && getDamage (_this select 0) < 0.45) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;
} else {
target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
if (_this select 1 == caller) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

if ( _value == 5) then {
target addEventHandler [ "Hit", {
if (_this select 1 == caller && getDamage (_this select 0) < 0.45) then
[_this select 0] call fnc_surrender;

Depending on the AI skill (courage value) the surrender/handcuff will be different:

Novice < 0.25 // 1 surrender always
Rookie >= 0.25 && < 0.45 // 2 surrender if you shoot around him but there's a small chance that you need to hurt him
Recruit > 0.45 && < 0.65 // 3 surrender if you shoot around him but there's a 50% chance that you need to hurt him
Veteran > 0.65 && < 0.85 // 4 surrender if you hurt him but there's a small chance that you need to hurt him badly
Expert > 0.85 // 5 surrender if you hurt him badly

So for example, if you place an AI unit on the editor and set the skill really low, then when you run the "hands up" action the AI will surrender, if you put a little more skill then you will need to shoot near him to "scare" him, or he wont surrender, if you put even more skill you will need to shoot at him and hurt him to make him surrender, etc. If you don't want any of that stuff you can just use the fnc_surrender function, but A3 doesn't have many animations suitable for handcuffing. You can put the unit hands behind his head, or behind his back but you can't make him walk like that, or make him sit with hands behind back like in A2.

Another animation you could use instead of AmovPercMstpSsurWnonDnon is InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack2, and I think there was a few more but they looked kinda exactly like InBaseMoves_HandsBehindBack2.


Wow! That's exactly what I'm looking for. Unfortunnately this is an old thread and the script is not working. Has anybody something similar? AI will surrender based on the skill and damage level?

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