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PVPFW - Object Cleanup Script

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PVPFW - Object Cleanup Script

Decided to make the cleanup script, that we use in the PvP-Framework (pvpfw) of our missions, available for everyone who might find it useful.

The script takes care of nearly every object, that could clutter up the map over the course of your mission.

You can specify which objects you want cleaned up and under what conditions they should be removed.

Wrecks and weaponholders for example are only removed if no unit is in their proximity for a certain amount of time.

It also means, that if you use an object as cover, it wont disappear unexpectedly and leave you exposed.

The script can clean up:

  • Bodies
  • Dead vehicles
  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Weapon holders (weapons/magazines) on the ground
  • Remains of buildings, that were destroyed during the mission
  • Chemlights (or any ammoType, that is kindOf "smokeshell"), (can shorten their default max duration of 900 seconds)
  • Remotely detonated explosives, that have not been activated for a certain amount of time
  • Objects, that fulfill your own custom condition according to the scripts configuration file

The "config.sqf" file in the module_cleanup folder lets you modify several variables according to your preference or mission requirements.

You can adjust the cleanup delay and the radius around ojects, that has to be clear of other units, or enable/disable whole parts of the script.

In addition to the listed default cases, you can also specify your own custom conditions and actions.

(For example deleting a wreck instantly, if it is inside a predefined area, that has to stay clear of objects)

To make use of the script, just copy the "module_performance" folder into your mission and add this line to your missions init.sqf. (By default everyone but the server will exit the script immediately)

[] execVM "module_performance\init.sqf";

In addition to the cleanup script, there is also another module in the main folder, that you can optionally activate by uncommenting the line

//[] execVM "module_performance\module_monitor\init.sqf";

The monitor module, will keep track of the servers long term performance and has the option to show it's info to every connected player via a *marker on the lower left corner of the map*. (more than 50fps, as the screenshot was taken in the editor)

Before the end of a mission you can call a function to log the results to your servers RPT file.

[] call pvpfw_perf_monitorResultsToRPT;

The output will look something like *this*


* current version *

Edited by Conroy

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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I doubt this can be ran in MP missions ?

Sounds like server related ?

Would love to add it.

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Yes the server runs it in multiplayer.

You should be able to add it to any mission, if you can make sure, that it won't interfere with existing scripts (which it normally shouldn't)

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Good to see you posting some of your code Conroy. I was impressed with a lot of your scripting in Arma Wargames, look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

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Trying to configure this script what would I put into the faction list to clear everything?

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Trying to configure this script what would I put into the faction list to clear everything?

If you mean the abandoned vehicle cleanup:

pvpfw_cleanup_abandonedFromFaction = ["BLU_F","OPF_F","IND_F","CIV_F"];

You can return the faction of an object using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/faction

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It's not working for me?

Did everything the way I was supposed to, but it won't delete anything; no weapons, no vehicles. Yes, I've configured the config. Any ideas?

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It's not working for me?

Did everything the way I was supposed to, but it won't delete anything; no weapons, no vehicles. Yes, I've configured the config. Any ideas?

I am in a similar situation, I added the files, added the lines of code to my ini but it's not cleaning anything up?

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this is working perfect for me..., is there a way to run function from this (respawn functions) like LVR? im using yours but also LVR because I have tanks on map (autotanks) and your tool is the only tool I found that wont respawn them (im using a marker)... but I had to use LVR because of its function options...

I for got to say this is on arma3 for me

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