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Safezone (shooting from outside into zone)

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First post on here as I have been trying to work this out for a few days and keep messing it up.

I have a safezone code which disables anyone firing whilst in the safezone, but I want to stop people firing into the zone from outside to protect vehicles.

Do bullets in Arma 2 have a class, don't mean the magazines just the individual bullet (as in _bullet)

Has anyone done something like this before, I know I can add 2 zones one safezone and one outside the first but to make it work so snipers cannot shoot at vehicles within the safe zone the second one would have to be alot bigger then the first.

here is what I have so far:-

1. First safezone - done and working

2. Give people in safezone god mode - done and working

3. Deactivate weapons from firing - done and working

4. Stop people firing into the safezone - **** Stuck on this ****


Edited by Willids

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