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Hud Dorph

Multiplayer not in playable state

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Dorph;2564551']Then here are latest Xeno ver of domination. Get 20+ clients on server and watch serverfps each time a maintarget are taken and next target comes up. Important to have 20+ clients on' date=' thats where problems start with each new maintarget.


As I've written , each client connected = -2 fps on server; xeno domination mission.

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well, I can't use the Xeno Domiation mission to test it as the author don't allow us to host it ...

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well, I can't use the Xeno Domiation mission to test it as the author don't allow us to host it ...

Then use any other popular mission that is used by most public servers - just look at the server browser. To name a few:

Invade & Annex

War Storm


Hope this helps :)

Edit: Why can't you use Domination? I thought we just weren't allowed to record or publish footage of it on YouTube. Surely you're allowed to play/test it the same as everyone else can?

Edited by GDSN

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I have finished the initial version of the benchmark mission

This is a 52 player Vanilla coop


Params available are

a) Select number of AI from 0 to 600 (In increments of 50)

b) Viewdistance : (default 2.5k)

c) Terrain Grid (Default = MP default of 25)

d) Max allowed dead bodies (Default set to unlimited) e.g. no body removal

e) Enable Simulation (Options to disable, None, All, All server or All client objects

f) diag_captureSlowFrame option (Unable to test the functionalityu for this as the current versions do not support this command)

g)Debug to server log (Enabled by default)


How should one test.


This is to reproduce an issue where High player numbers and moderate AI numbers cause very low FPS serverside

Test Requires

a) Dedicated server with at least 100MB connection

b) Minimum 30 players

c) No addons

Start mission with default params (dont touch any of them)

The mission will load with 300 AI present on the map

This should cause a very slow frame-rate serverside

Run mission for say 5 mins max

Your rpt will then have entriies similar to the following

|=========================  co_52_ZEU_Benchmark. Altis =========================|

"     _____INITIAL SETTINGS_____"
"     Viewdistance		: 2500"
"     Terrain Grid          	: 25"
"     Count AllMissionObjects	: 372"
"     EnableSimulation On all SERVER objects: true"
"     EnableSimulation On all CLIENT objects: true"
"     Max number of dead AI allowed on server: 0"
"_____DATA OUTPUT_____"
"     Time: 1.191"
"     Players: 1"
"     Local AI: 308"
"     Dead AI on map: 0"
"     diag_FPS: 18.1612"

You will get the following data (with differing values) repeated once every minute that you run the test mission

"_____DATA OUTPUT_____"
"     Time: 1.191"
"     Players: 1"
"     Local AI: 308"
"     Dead AI on map: 0"
"     diag_FPS: 18.1612"

This should easily reproduce the issue and once we can verify this over a few servers we can them submit a ticket for this issue with data we have collected

If you do run this as described, please add the following in your feedback post

1) Server specs (CPU/RAM/Connection speed)

2) The .rpt file

3) Your ArmA3.cfg file

Mission updated to v002 due to rpt log issue

Edited by Terox

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Edit: Why can't you use Domination? I thought we just weren't allowed to record or publish footage of it on YouTube. Surely you're allowed to play/test it the same as everyone else can?

I've asked for removal because players were getting kicked by Battleye because of a mission script which fills locally only on clients created ammo boxes with addMagazineCargo (Battleye: addMagazineCargo Count Restriction). Once Battleye ini files are redone I'm fine.

And as you can see already on both servers is now running Wasteland (I don't have a problem with Wasteland), so no AI involved (which was the main purpose of this thread).


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ye well, nobody told me about the kicks and i have yet to analyze the logs ...

in fact only 1 player was kicked with that ...

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Wait, are these servers up or not?

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On the previous page they said the IP were:

I dint have time to try them yet so I don't know if the yare up or not

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They are up even though they dont show unless i filter for them. Maybe due to the Pi sign in front of the name ??

But filter for CZ01 and the Domi server will show. Its name are ? #CZ01 (EU-DW),[uTC-2](Prague)(MP stress-testing)

All pls join this server so we can get some data gathered - i will join friday evening CET - even join if you just idle we need 20-40 clients

on this server so bis can get some data to work with.

Dwarden pls keep the Domi mission running the next days and maybe make sure the mission time are day, during prime CET time, as my experience

says many people tend to leave when nightgoggels are needed.

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Wait, are these servers up or not?

Type 'cz' into filter.

Both servers are up as i write.

Cz02 has 37/40 playing wasteland.

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But note for now its the server running domi (with many ai) that needs the players for test.

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The domi one is empty. :(

---------- Post added at 00:44 ---------- Previous post was at 23:56 ----------

Me and champy are in the domi server. It's running a little slowly and I'm not getting any client side messages such as "You took the town, you won a vehicle" or "opfor recaptured a camp".

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Dorph;2566413']But note for now its the server running domi (with many ai) that needs the players for test.

Played for an Hour took camps and cleared town... only two of us on??


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Ah, unfortunately central/eastern Europe gives me 350-400ms pings. Oh well.

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> We play often for hours and over time the client pc loses fps to the point of unplayability too much.

This sound like that mission is not deleting some dead bodies/wrecks/weapon holders.

> Low FPS on server.

Will not cause Low FPS on client, but units simulated on server will be laggy.

Usually if something is slowing down server, it will slow down client as well - units owned by server are also simulated (!limited simulation) on client, so the game can predict what will they do.

I don't understand this. If the timely removal of dead bodies/wrecks/weapon holders has such enormous impact on server-FPS, than why is the removal of dead bodies/wrecks/weapon holders not a standard option in A3 MP?

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He said somewhere that it is not standard option because some missions require you to loot stuff on dead bodies.

Maybe they could implement an option (true by defaut) for all dead bodies wich would allow them to be deleted after a while, but we would have a way to disable it on a case by case basis.

So the mission designer would be required to chose wich bodies/objets it doesn't want to delete instead of having to delete pretty much all of them except a few.

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I just found out about the Domination stress testing yesterday, advertised on my community forums for more players, now find the server gone. Some information on what is happening might improve participation.

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after 48h the fps is getting too low, need restart ;)

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Sooo ,Now can you save everything and restart it, to be back where it was.....

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Anyone getting anything like memory leaks, mostly with respawning, like after 5+ respawns your game just really starts to lag,

and to fix it you disconnect and reconnect and it fixes it?

You can be lagging but no one else will til they hit that 5+ mark like you.

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Hi guys I'd love to help but I'm on DEV build. Please consider running DEV one of these servers.

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