This is one part from the config:
class Lighting7
height = 0;
overcast = 0.6;
sunAngle = 2;
sunOrMoon = 1;
diffuse[] = {{1.1,0.4116,0.194},8.7725};
diffuseCloud[] = {{0.99,0.37044,0.1746},7.89525};
ambient[] = {{0.424,0.45925,0.7371},4.38625};
ambientCloud[] = {{0.3816,0.413325,0.66339},3.94762};
ambientMid[] = {{0.4782,0.52197,0.784},4.82487};
ambientMidCloud[] = {{0.43038,0.469773,0.7056},4.34239};
groundReflection[] = {{0.3692,0.35256,0.438785},4.58363};
groundReflectionCloud[] = {{0.33228,0.317304,0.394907},4.12527};
bidirect[] = {0.03337,0.031866,0.029845};
bidirectCloud[] = {0.030033,0.028679,0.026861};
sky[] = {{0.4312,0.4433,0.5175},10.5749};
skyAroundSun[] = {{0.4392,0.32186,0.3609},10.6067};
fogColor[] = {0.087,0.11165,0.1743};
apertureMin = 10;
apertureStandard = 15;
apertureMax = 20;
standardAvgLum = 70;
desiredLuminanceCoef = 0.2;
desiredLuminanceCoefCloud = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoef = 0.4;
luminanceRectCoefCloud = 0.2;
rayleigh[] = {0.00749,0.01388,0.02878};
mie[] = {0.0046,0.0046,0.0046};
cloudsColor[] = {{0.8,0.81,1},10.5749};
swBrightness = 1;
This is the part I'm confused about and presume is for the actual color:
fogColor[] = {0.087,0.11165,0.1743};
Is it really the standard Red, Geeen, Blue?
I've tried lots of different combinations, number of zeros and the like. I can't seem to have the fog change to my desired color. In-game I've gotten results like really intense white fog and no fog but a dark horizon and other weird results.
Anyone know the correct way to get the right color in there? I've tried copying over simple RGB values from my pallet, but it has not turned out good in-game. Or if that is how you do it but I am doing it wrong, please advise.