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Added Uniform Disappears in Multiplayer

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Can anyone identify why the "["BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;" portion doesn't work?
You syntax for BIS_fnc_spawn is slightly wrong.

[ [_this, { _this adduniform "U_PMC_CombatUniformRS_BSGPBB";}], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;  

[ [params to use, {code to spawn}], "BIS_fnc_spawn".......

Something like below should look a lot cleaner and save all those switch cases..

_uniforms = [
_uniform = _uniforms select (floor (random (count _uniforms)));
[ [ [_this, _uniform], {(_this select 0) addUniform (_this select 1);} ], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

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Great news! Thanks so much for this addition, Larrow! With this new method of using BIS_fnc_spawn, the player and AI units have their uniforms locally (before they didn't). Unfortunately, when I put this edited .pbo up on my dedicated server, when there is a JIP player that happens to join, all uniforms are lost again. Additionally, on a few occasions when I started a mission where my team are PG PMCs, our characters didn't have a uniform. But when there aren't any JIP players, the AI PG units have their uniforms, which is great! Since I am still very new to scripting, I cannot identify what is causing these issues. Would you happen to have a workaround for these two issues? I apologize for all these scripts but since the mod creator abandoned the project, this is what I have to work with.


if (isServer) then {

waitUntil {!isNull _this};

_magazines = magazines _this;
_items = items _this; // Medkits, ToolKits etc.
_assitems = assignedItems _this; // NVG's, GPS etc.

Removeuniform _this;
Removevest _this;
removeAllItems _this;

//------------ Uniforms ------------

_uniforms = [

_uniform = _uniforms select (floor (random (count _uniforms)));
[ [ [_this, _uniform], {(_this select 0) addUniform (_this select 1);} ], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;  

//------------ Body Armour ------------

_armour = (ceil (random 6));

switch (_armour ) do 
case 1: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";
case 2: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";
case 3: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_marpat";
case 4: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";
case 5: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_blk";
case 6: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_grn";

Removeheadgear _this;

//------------ Helmet/Hat ------------

_hat = (ceil (random 4));

switch (_hat ) do 
case 1: {
	_this addheadgear "H_Cap_pmc";
case 2: {
	_this addheadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc";
case 3: {
	_this addheadgear "H_HelmetB_plain_blk";
case 4: {};

{_this addItem _x} forEach _items;
{_this addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines;
{_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach _assitems;


if (isServer) then {

waitUntil {!isNull _this};

_magazines = magazines _this;
_items = items _this; // Medkits, ToolKits etc.
_assitems = assignedItems _this; // NVG's, GPS etc.

Removeuniform _this;
Removevest _this;
removeAllItems _this;

//------------ Uniforms ------------

_uniforms = [

_uniform = _uniforms select (floor (random (count _uniforms)));
[ [ [_this, _uniform], {(_this select 0) addUniform (_this select 1);} ], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

//------------ Body Armour ------------

_armour = (ceil (random 6));

switch (_armour ) do 
case 1: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";
case 2: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";
case 3: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_marpat";
case 4: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";
case 5: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_blk";
case 6: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_grn";

Removeheadgear _this;

//------------ Helmet/Hat ------------

_hat = (ceil (random 4));

switch (_hat ) do 
case 1: {
	_this addheadgear "H_Cap_pmc";
case 2: {
	_this addheadgear "H_Cap_tan_pmc";
case 3: {
	_this addheadgear "H_HelmetB_plain_blk";
case 4: {};

{_this addItem _x} forEach _items;
{_this addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines;
{_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach _assitems;


if (isServer) then {

waitUntil {!isNull _this};
Removeuniform _this;


//------------ Uniforms ------------
_uniforms = [

_uniform = _uniforms select (floor (random (count _uniforms)));
[ [ [_this, _uniform], {(_this select 0) addUniform (_this select 1);} ], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;  


if (isServer) then {

waitUntil {!isNull _this};

_magazines = magazines _this;
_items = items _this; // Medkits, ToolKits etc.
_assitems = assignedItems _this; // NVG's, GPS etc.

Removeuniform _this;
Removevest _this;
removeAllItems _this;

//------------ Uniforms ------------
_uniforms = [

_uniform = _uniforms select (floor (random (count _uniforms)));
[ [ [_this, _uniform], {(_this select 0) addUniform (_this select 1);} ], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP;  

//------------ Body Armour ------------

_armour = (ceil (random 6));

switch (_armour ) do 
case 1: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_rgr";
case 2: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_blk";
case 3: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_marpat";
case 4: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrier1_PMC_khki";
case 5: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_blk";
case 6: {
	_this addvest "V_PlateCarrierInd_PMC_grn";

{_this addItem _x} forEach _items;
{_this addMagazine _x} forEach _magazines;
{_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach _assitems;

Edited by Kilo1-1

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For Kilo1-1's problem above: with AI, all you need is to make sure the server (and only the server) manages to execute all relevant stuff before the players get into that phase. A function containing an isServer check run from the unit's init field works great, and doesn't require BIS_fnc_MP, since apparently the data manages to get synced in time.

Only executing on the server through a function actually works even with player units, and similarly doesn't need BIS_fnc_MP with addUniform, but this fails on JIP/respawn.

1. First, I'm running from init.sqf a script:


execVM "scripts\client.sqf";

This is meant to run on each client individually. The following is applied to a 16 player PvP/TvT mission, though it's absolutely the same principle with cooperative.

I named my units b1,b2,...,o7,o8.


if !(isDedicated) then {

 waitUntil { !IsNull Player };
     if (local player) then {

       waitUntil { time > 1 };

       switch (faction player) do {
              case "BLU_F":
		   [] call compile preprocessFile "scripts\loadouts.sqf";};
		   case "OPF_F":
		   [] call compile preprocessFile "scripts\loadoutsopf.sqf";};

           switch (player) do {
           case b1: {[b1] call FNC_SL;};
		case b2: {[b2] call FNC_RFL1;};
		case b3: {[b3] call FNC_RFL2;};
		case b4: {[b4] call FNC_GL;};
		case b5: {[b5] call FNC_AR;};
		case b6: {[b6] call FNC_AMM;};
		case b7: {[b7] call FNC_MRK;};
		case b8: {[b8] call FNC_MED;};
		case o1: {[o1] call FNC_OSL;};
		case o2: {[o2] call FNC_AUX;};
		case o3: {[o3] call FNC_ORFL1;};
		case o4: {[o4] call FNC_ORFL2;};
		case o5: {[o5] call FNC_OMRK;};
		case o6: {[o6] call FNC_OAR;};
		case o7: {[o7] call FNC_OAMM;};
		case o8: {[o8] call FNC_OMED;};


Doesn't it cause problems if even one of the units is missing (due to the slot not being selected), because the variable will be undefined? That's what I instantly hit with a similar setup, at least.

Edited by Magirot

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Doesn't it cause problems if even one of the units is missing (due to the slot not being selected), because the variable will be undefined? That's what I instantly hit with a similar setup, at least.

I thought it'd cause problems too, but it turns out it doesn't.

It does return an undefined variable error, but the functions are called anyways, even if you're "b8" and the only player in. No idea why haha, I suppose it's 'cause of the way switch do works?

A quick way to have empty slots become defined, though, is:

if (isNil _x) then 
	missionNamespace setVariable [_x, objNull];
forEach ["player1","player2","player3","player4"];

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Is it possible to make the loadout script, to look at roles instead of names, for example by using setvariable in the units init

unit init:

this setVariable [ "Loadout", "AR", true ];

and then use the client.sqf to call that role


If (!IsDedicated) Then {
 if (isServer) then { 
waitUntil {sleep 0.3; !isNull player && time > 0};
     if (local player) then {

		[] call compile preprocessFile "loadoutsBlu.sqf";

_role = player getVariable "Loadout";		

switch (_role) do {
               case AR: {[] call TAG_FNC_AR;};
	case MEDIC: {[] call TAG_FNC_MEDIC;};
	case OSCAR: {[] call TAG_FNC_OSCAR;};
	case LEADER: {[] call TAG_FNC_LEADER;};

I'm not that experienced with coding so any help would be much appreciated.

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WoW, can someone confirm the fix ? : O

I also have a question , what's the difference between forceAddUniform and addUniform ?

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Quotes from biki.

addUniform: "Create a new uniform and try to link it into uniform slot (given uniform has to be supported by allowedUniforms list of target soldier)."

forceAddUniform: "Create a new uniform and hard link it into slot (without any restrictions)."

Also worth noting that forceAddUniform might be missing from the latest patch, haven't checked this myself yet.

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So whats the difference between add and forceAdd ?

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West uniforms can only be worn by west units and so on, from now on. forceAddUniform can circumvent this (weird) restriction.

Script command addUniform now only works for uniforms of a units' side. If you were using it on uniforms of a different side in your previous projects, please change the command to forceAddUniform to prevent having naked soldiers in your scenarios! You can also use the new isUniformAllowed command to check if it is actually possible to don the uniform.

Source: SITREP #00058

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Thanks guys

So, now that this uniform bug is fixed (true?), what's the ultimate system to make custom loadout which 100% work on spawn and respawn ?

what will be your easy and quick way to make custom loadout ?

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I read about fordeAddUniform before the patch downloaded yesterday, but when I tried my old mission with 1.20, all uniform was correct (added with old addUniform). Is it possible my missions will work in MP other then in SP?

I added west uniform to independent units with simple addUniform command. Will it work in future or I have to use forceAddUniform?

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I read about fordeAddUniform before the patch downloaded yesterday, but when I tried my old mission with 1.20, all uniform was correct (added with old addUniform). Is it possible my missions will work in MP other then in SP?

I added west uniform to independent units with simple addUniform command. Will it work in future or I have to use forceAddUniform?


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I can confirm this works because the PG Services mod works correctly in MP now. No more naked PMC units!

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I can confirm this works because the PG Services mod works correctly in MP now. No more naked PMC units!

Did you try it on a Dedicated Server yet? It doesn't seem to work for me, forceAddUniform is ignored. The addUniform will work for the client, but only he sees his uniform. Everyone else sees his underwear. I am using a blufor character and changing to a civ racing uniform (Karts).

According to the biki, it won't be available until Stable ver 1.22 as I stated above.

Edited by tomturner

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Did you try it on a Dedicated Server yet? It doesn't seem to work for me, forceAddUniform is ignored. The addUniform will work for the client, but only he sees his uniform. Everyone else sees his underwear. I am using a blufor character and changing to a civ racing uniform (Karts).

According to the biki, it won't be available until Stable ver 1.22 as I stated above.

Yes, addUniform works correctly as a global command now on a dedicated server

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Yes, addUniform works correctly as a global command now on a dedicated server

It works, but as I said, your uniform changes in your view, but others still see you as in your underwear.

blufor character changing uniform to civilian:

_soldier addUniform "U_C_Driver_4";


_soldier forceAddUniform "U_C_Driver_4";

errors out.

Edited by tomturner

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Hey guys It's a while now that I don't try to make missions with custom loadouts, do the uniforms work now in MP ?

have you tried to just put in soldiers init what you get from the Virtual Loadout creator ?

well hopefully no more naked soldiers : )


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It works, but as I said, your uniform changes in your view, but others still see you as in your underwear.

My Unlocked_Uniforms addon will fix that. ;)

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Hey guys It's a while now that I don't try to make missions with custom loadouts, do the uniforms work now in MP ?

have you tried to just put in soldiers init what you get from the Virtual Loadout creator ?

well hopefully no more naked soldiers : )


They always worked in MP. But now it should be simpler overall, given the new commands after version 1.22.

https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addUniform - was updated and should be global now


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They always worked in MP. But now it should be simpler overall, given the new commands after version 1.22.

https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addUniform - was updated and should be global now


I continue with this problem. I'm doing a mission where the uniforms and equipment are in boxes and each player chooses what it will take. Except that every player who enters after the beginning of the match, which makes the other players lose their equipment.

I tried to use a .sqf file and also tried pasting the items into the init of the box. Nothing worked. Items added in the box, only the weapons remain with the player.

I need suggestions please

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I continue with this problem. I'm doing a mission where the uniforms and equipment are in boxes and each player chooses what it will take. Except that every player who enters after the beginning of the match, which makes the other players lose their equipment.

I tried to use a .sqf file and also tried pasting the items into the init of the box. Nothing worked. Items added in the box, only the weapons remain with the player.

I need suggestions please

You probably have removeUniform in the init fields of the units? The command is global, and Join-In-Progress players execute init fields for everyone. You either need to remove the command or make sure it's only executed once (with local and get/setVariable, for example).

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You probably have removeUniform in the init fields of the units? The command is global, and Join-In-Progress players execute init fields for everyone. You either need to remove the command or make sure it's only executed once (with local and get/setVariable, for example).

To remove all itens i used this:

  this disableAI "MOVE"; removeAllWeapons this;  removeUniform this;removeAllAssignedItems this;removeBackpack this; removeHeadgear this; removeGoggles this;  removeVest this;

And for de ammo box i used this:

//Clearing the box
clearweaponcargoglobal _this;
clearmagazinecargoglobal _this;

_this addUniform ["U_mas_mar_B_CombatUniform_des_tshirt",1];

_this addItemCargoglobal ["H_mas_mar_helmetd_us",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["H_mas_mar_helmetdgog_us",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["H_mas_mar_Booniehat_des",1];

_this addItemCargoglobal ["V_mas_mar_PlateCarrier1_rgr_d",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["V_mas_mar_PlateCarrierGL_rgr_d",1];

_this addItemCargoglobal ["NeckTight_DMBLK",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["L_Shemagh_Tan",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["NeckTight_TanO",1];

_this addWeaponCargoglobal ["ej_iar30",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["FHQ_optic_ACOG",1];

_this addWeaponCargoglobal ["RH_m9",1];

_this addItemCargo ["30RND_556x45_Stanag",15];
_this addMagazineCargoglobal ["RH_15Rnd_9x19_M9",5];

_this addItemCargoglobal ["HandGrenade",2];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["Chemlight_blue",2];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["SmokeShell",2];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["SmokeShellBlue",2];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["SmokeShellGreen",2];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["SmokeShellRed",2];

_this addItemCargoglobal ["ItemGPS",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["ItemMap",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["ItemCompass",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["ItemWatch",1];
_this addItemCargoglobal ["TFA_NVGoggles2",1];

_this addBackpackCargoGlobal ["B_AssaultPack_cbr",1];

_this addWeaponCargoglobal ["FirstAidKit",10];

_this addItemCargoglobal ["tf_rf7800str_2",1];

// null = this execVM "usmc_AR_M27.sqf"

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To remove all itens i used this:

  this disableAI "MOVE"; removeAllWeapons this;  removeUniform this;removeAllAssignedItems this;removeBackpack this; removeHeadgear this; removeGoggles this;  removeVest this;

Yea, get rid of that from all units.

Put this in your init.sqf

if (_x IsKindof "Man") then {removeAllWeapons _x;removeAllAssignedItems _x;removeAllContainers _x;removeHeadgear _x;removeGoggles _x;} forEach allUnits;

And your ammobox is a bit sparse. Only 1 uniform? Do you have ammoboxes for each player?

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