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What difficulty settings do you normally play A3 on?

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I usually have the difficulty set to elite with everything disabled and the AI unit skill set to the max, both for the enemy and my team. I find these settings to be very challenging to say the least but at the same time the most rewarding, it's such a buzz when I finally make it through to the end of the mission. Although, the daft thing is, when I'm watching most A3 vids I generally prefer it when they've been filmed in 3rd person although not always, odd huh, I guess I just like to see everything that's happening as opposed to when I'm actually in the thick of it myself.

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I usually have it set to Recruit.

I'm really not all that god, and if I set it any higher I tend to get killed too quickly, and I end up not enjoying the game.

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I play with the regular customized to be a bit more difficult ( to make it more realistic, but avoiding AI terminators ).

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Modified regular. I don´t want to be limited to one save per Mission

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It often feels like our servers difficulty level was "Instant Headshot".

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I play with the regular customized to be a bit more difficult ( to make it more realistic, but avoiding AI terminators ).

Same here.

No crosshair, enemy indicators, 1st person etc.

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modified regular... I like everything off except I use 3rd person. I don't feel like Im cheating because 1st always seems so restricting as you just dont get the peripheral vision that you do in real life and I feel like I need an edge as the AI doesnt have a reaction time or fight or flight response, they just shoot

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I don't feel like Im cheating because 1st always seems so restricting as you just dont get the peripheral vision that you do in real life and I feel like I need an edge as the AI doesnt have a reaction time or fight or flight response, they just shoot

You can always go into your profile file and use a custom field of view. Or double tap - key.

Edited by Iceman77

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Regular of cause, because I want to modify all options to my needs. Usually no crosshair or 3rdP view.

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Elite, the only time I scaled down was to check for some bug on rendering.

I may as well talk in the past, I used to play, now no more: Too buggy.

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I may as well talk in the past, I used to play, now no more: Too buggy.

You just cant pass up a chance to complain can you?

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You just cant pass up a chance to complain can you?

Told ya it was a game breaker.

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I play mostly on modified regular(more saves, less hud and a few other things)

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I usually play on whatever difficulty the servers I visit are running.

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Not sure what difficulty. Custom I guess. I have everything turned OFF I can.

No helpers whatsoever. No crosshairs, hud, radar, etc. Full immersion! To check

your equipment, clips, etc. you have to actually check.

Play in 3rd person when on foot. 1st is all clunky and 3rd gives a better peripheral

vision and sensory input that is too lacking otherwise since you are already

restricted in many ways when playing any game/sim on a computer screen.

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I get the feeling the game was designed to be played realistically on elite difficulty using gps and map for navigation. I think the third person view is broken in that the crosshairs are very inaccurate and misleading. You can't really play in third person on veteran you'll get shot first as you try to compensate you aim sights and waste precious ammo. I can't help but feel third person is cheating too. I switch between elite or veteran with third depending on my mood. The sights in third person should be changed from a massive crosshairs that is wildly inaccurate to a single dot. I beg some mod to make an accurate single dot crosshairs for third person view. I do after all love looking at my character I have custom built with vas, total rogue spear.

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Regular with no extended armor and no map-update.

The only time I use 3rd person is when landing in heli.

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Adjusting A3Userprofile has much more to do with playing A3 than does difficulty ratings.... Yet BIS seems so oddly unresponsive to detailing what exactly " enemy precision" and "enemy accuracy" control in total (and to what ranges).

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