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[CO-OP 2|SP Campaign] Operation Altis Rising

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http://imageshack.us/a/img6/5964/p701.png (886 kB)

!!This is currently a work in progress!!

With CSAT forces occupying the Aegean island of Altis, a US lead NATO coalition lands on the Southeast shore to liberate the oppressed people.


NEW- Revive Script - If you suffer a serious wound that isn't bad enough to kill you, your AI companions or another player can drag you to safety and revive you. AI will also do this to eachother.

- Respawn at FOB. (You will respawn an unlimited amount, your AI gets 3 respawns) Still being bugtested.

- Virtual Ammo Box

- Custom Bases

- Capturable Zones

- Enhanced suppression script. (AI Can now be suppressed! But so can the player!)

- Dynamic storyline

NEW- Mission scales in single player mode when not run as a multiplayer game (Dedicated server compatible)

Current downloads

Mission 1

Armaholic - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23227

Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=188468096

Mission 2

Armaholic - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23228

Steam - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=188490240


Not yet released

Edited by shibdib

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NEW- Revive Script - If you suffer a serious wound that isn't bad enough to kill you, your AI companions or another player can drag you to safety and revive you. AI will also do this to eachother.

NEW- Mission scales in single player mode when not run as a multiplayer game (Dedicated server compatible)

Added scaling single player to make the missions more possible to accomplish by yourself. Also changed the revive system so that you can now die from "kill shots" and can be revived by both AI or Players on less serious injuries.

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Any option for non-steam links?

I'll get them up now. Was a bit of a pain before because I was still tweaking. But mission 1 and 2 are final unless someone finds something gamebreaking.

Edit waiting for the armaholic links to be validated..

Edited by shibdib

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