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Multiplayer Editing Guide?

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Good morning guys,

i was just searching for basics on MP-Editing but i didn't really come up with useful results yet. I would like to start learning how i can port some of my SP stuff into multiplayer/coop missions. I've been long enough on the forums to see things like

if (isServer) then {...


[args] call BIS_fnc_MP;

but i'm not sure when and how to use that stuff. I know some things should just be execute serverside and other commands must be executed by each player. And then there are variables to be published with

publicVariable "blah";


What i would really like is some kind of basic guide(lines) to MP-Editing or some helpful pages or tutorials. What do i have to do playerside, what serverside and how to test this stuff on just one PC?

Any help is greatly appreciated! :)

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That's exactly what i want to see! Thank you very much, i will look into it. That's definately a good start.

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The guide contains some outdated information though, essence is still true however.

Anyway as you're writing for A3 you can save yourself A LOT of headaches with bis_fnc_MP as well as the expanded functionality of the function library. (Instead of using publicVariables and publicVariableEventhandlers for ugly workarounds).

Locality can still be a PITA, depending on how complex your scripting is. I'd also suggest to not consider JIP-compatibility unless you absolutely have to.

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Thank you, but is there a a way to suppress JIP? I mean aside from

disabledAI = 1;


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Lock the server to suppress JIP. Though making a jip compatible mission isn't too hard to achieve depending on the functionality of your mission. If you're making a straight forward mission with just markers and tasks then it's really not a problem.

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