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Are these server hosts reliable?

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Our tactical realism group is looking at a good 30 slot server, does anyone know anything about fpsplayer.com or vilayer? As of right now fpsplayer looks like the way to go, especially for the very cheap team speak server. Are there any other good hosts you guys are using? Any info would be greatly appreciated!

fpsplayer website: http://www.fpsplayers.com/gameservers/arma3

Edited by aviax

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I heard the same about Vilayer, so there pretty much a definite no.

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spent 2 months with vilayer, not as bad as i read about but not great. Moved to multiplay.co.uk and while you have much less control over your server, they have good quick/support and have a great set of admin tools. If you're new to hosting (like i am) and dont really need to go crazy with customisation i'd recommend them. We run ACE/ACRE mods but have not optimised network setting etc etc.

Our server starts to get slower and a bit jittery once about 15-20 people join, so it suits our group, and i'm sure that some network tweak-age would get more out of it.


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Im with Vilayer, havent had a problem, so no need to use support, server runs smooth and Uptime for the last month was 100%, cheapest I could find and normally I say you "get what you pay for" but in this case I feel like im having a good deal, was going to go with multiplay but in comparison they are a LOT more expensive.

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Im with Vilayer, havent had a problem, so no need to use support, server runs smooth and Uptime for the last month was 100%, cheapest I could find and normally I say you "get what you pay for" but in this case I feel like im having a good deal, was going to go with multiplay but in comparison they are a LOT more expensive.

Good to hear!! :cool:

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I've used a few different server hosting options and the best I have experienced so far is Nuclear Fallout Servers (NFOServers) , they have provided me with helpful prompt customer service with great prices for great hardware. I would recommend them for web hosting, game hosting or even just a Teamspeak server.

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I use Nuclear Fallout as well, (www.nfoservers.com) for my game servers and teamspeak have been using them for 2 years, and have had NO problems. Excellent service, reasonable prices and easy control panel

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