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Pulling Rank Icon From Configfile?

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Can anyone show me the correct way to pull an icon from the config using rank?


_rank = rank player;
_rank = getText (configFile >> "Cfgvehicles" >> "rank" >> _rank >> "Icon");

And if possible, is there a page I can visit that will show me the paths available for grabbing stuff from configfile?


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_rIcon = getText (configfile >> "CfgRanks" >> "3" >> "texture"); will give you the path to the texture for a lieutenant.

0 is private, 1 is corporal, 2 is sergeant, etc.

You can find all the paths in the config Viewer, in game.

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Made a quick script the other day to get a list:









One thing to note is if you click on the .paa in the config viewer then on the preview button - it displays the picture for you.

  • Thanks 2

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Depends on how you are doing it. If you are fetching the rank of a player and want to display his rank icon you can do:

_rankIcon = [player,"texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams;

Or if you are just wanting the rank without passing a player object:

_rankIcon = ["PRIVATE","texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams;

BIS_fnc_rankParams description:

Author: Karel Moricky

Return information about military rank.

	NUMBER - rank ID
	STRING - rank system name (e.g. "PRIVATE", "CORPORAL", ...)
	OBJECT - person whos rank is checked
1: STRING - requited data, can be one of following:
	"displayName" - full localized name (e.g. "Major")
	"displayNameShort" - short localized name (e.g. "Maj.")
	"classname" - system name (e.g. "MAJOR")
	"texture" - path to rank insignia


No sense in reinventing the wheel when Moricky already did it inside of ARMA 3.

Edited by Tonic-_-

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Much obliged guys...

Will give them a try when I get home from work..

Many thanks again.

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Thanks Tonic.

Works perfectly..

Need to remember the config viewer :)

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9 minutes ago, TopNinjaGaming said:

Hold on, im confused ccan someone help me out?

Kind of depends what confused you.

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On October 11, 2013 at 10:37 AM, tonic-_- said:

_rankIcon = [player,"texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams;

In player do I put in the variable name or what and in the texture part I put in the past but when I hit enter it brings up and error box

BTW thanks for the quick response 

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This is only to return the icon, the image of the rank. Nothing else.

What is your goal?

Change the rang?

Set the insignia?

We can't guess...

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So the basic values: try a hint or copytoclipboard :


Hint/copytoclipboard (format["%1",[player,"texture"] call BIS_fnc_rankParams)];

But I would recommend to put that in the debug console.

 This way the path will be in your clipboard or will be shown in a hint.


But: way up, there already is a list of the .paa's

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6 minutes ago, Mokka said:


Yes, indeed he has.

I would hope you can see the difference between a joke which is pretty easy to follow as I ended with an emote and a serious suggestion.

Looks like you need to stop this whole god eye thing on my posts.

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