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Need help with lottery type script

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I'm trying to make a lottery script for a life mission where players go up to an option and enter the lottery. Then every so often it will pick a winner and broadcast who the winner is. The problem I am having is when it gets to the point of picking the winner from an array.

There are 2 variables:

lotteryarray         = [];
lotterymoney         = 0;

I think i got the first script working the way i intended it to but it's hard to tell since the second script does not work right.

lotteryplayer  =  name vehicle player;

if ("geld" call INV_GetItemAmount < 5000) then
player sideChat"You need more money to buy a lottery ticket.";
["geld", -5000] call INV_AddInvItem;
player sideChat "You bought a lottery ticket for $5000 you can buy more to increase your chance of winning.";
lotteryarray = lotteryarray + [[lotteryplayer]];
publicVariable "lotteryarray";
["lotteryarray", lotteryarray] spawn ClientSaveVar;
lotterymoney = lotterymoney + 5000;
publicVariable "lotterymoney";

The second script is where I'm having problems getting it to select a random name/player.

lotterywinner = lotteryarray select floor(random(count lotteryarray));

sleep 5;

while {true} do
sleep 10;
server globalchat format ["A Lottery winner will be picked in 10 seconds"] call broadcast;
sleep 10;
server globalChat format ["The Lottery has been drawn and the winner is %1. They have won $%2", lotterywinner, lotterymoney] call broadcast;
sleep 1;
lotteryarray = [];
publicvariable "lotteryarray";
["lotteryarray", lotteryarray] spawn ClientSaveVar;
lotterymoney = 0;
publicvariable "lotterymoney";
["lotterymoney", lotterymoney] spawn ClientSaveVar;

I have tried multiple ways of this:

lotterywinner = lotteryarray select floor(random(count lotteryarray));

But it results in say either "ANY" or "NULL".

Any help is much appreciated.

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