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So why dont you play ofp anymore?

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I hear about people like Nordin and Wobble, others as well, i'm sure, saying they havent played in months. Howcome? I mean how could you possibly get bored of it? Where did it end for you?

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probably because there are other things in life to do...

i play OFP everyday, at least 30 minutes, but not on MP...it's hard to match your play type on public servers..but then again, I don't have committment to play on clans....

this game really takes your energy away if played properly. like the SP mission "under hill" that came with OFPR...damn that's the stressful one....

so this game is maybe too serious in some cases i guess.

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If anything, my OFP play has accelerated. Our squad has been playing an average of 2 matches a week for a while now

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Underhill i really had no problem with. Iv got that one down pretty good, but yeah, i see where youre coming from on that.

I make single missions all the time, but i rarely have the energy to beta test them myself for a while cause i'm always so busy making them.

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OFP is, in my opinion, at its best when you are playing with a group of people who you can play cohesively with. Think of an incredibly well scripted SP mission, where you work with combined arms, other squads, and your own squad, then add the unpredictability of the human mind, shake, add a dash of salt, and serve hot. Thats MP OFP when its done right. Sadly, you have to actually find a group of players like that, find a server that has the muscle to do what you ask, and so on and so forth.

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Yeah, MP honestly hasnt sold me yet. I really dont want the obligation of HAVING to work with someone, being in a clan, which leaves me neck deep in the public sector. And there, youd be lucky to find ONE guy thats willing to work with you.

I love OFP because it has the potential to be the most tactically involving game ever, but the problem is, no one is ever willing to play that way, unless you find the right group, as you said. So i pretty much always stick with SP missions. The short comings of the games AI can be overlooked as long as i'm doing my thing how i wanted to.

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Yeah, but the potential is there. And obviously the Marines and the Aussie military agreee with me, so there tounge.gif

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when i played alot, i mean ALOT it was when i would build some missions and me and my freinds would play them for hours, but no offense to ofp its a fun game... but better ones are comming out.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (BlackDeath-CFH @ Aug. 24 2002,10:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">when i played alot, i mean ALOT it was when i would build some missions and me and my freinds would play them for hours, but no offense to ofp its a fun game... but better ones are comming out.<span id='postcolor'>

Which ones? Where?

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I got bored of sp opf when i completed resistance (champ manager took over yet again), and i've never actually played mp opf because i'm afraid of any online games that aren't unreal tournment, dod or cs

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ive been playing bf1942 and americas army alot, waiting on raven shield, and the main game im looking forward too is ut2003.

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I play The SP regularly,taking resistance at a casual pace as for multiplayer thats a no go area due to the ingame browser picking up nothing good and ASE being made redundant mad.gif

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Whaddaya mean, don't play OFP anymore?

I am playing avidly, currently making my best mission yet!?

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I simply haven't the time.

Ever since this spring, I've been preparing for my new studies, which begin monday actually.

Becoming a conductor is one of the toughest things you can actually imagine, and all my sparetime goes towards improving the vast array of skills that is needed.

So that's my explanation.

It's not so much that the game lost it's appeal, although I will say this:

I didn't find Red Hammer as engulfing as CWC, and MP deteriorated with those ridiculous CS-style maps that Fraghaus and other (otherwise good) servers became infested with.

I played for awhile with a swedish-based clan (CIA), and that was extremely satisfying, but I realised I wouldn't be able to keep up to their standard unless I played every day, and that was just too much.

Lately I've been considering getting Resistance, as I miss the game. (best game ever for me)

I'm not decided on that point yet.

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I play once every few days. Once I get Resitance(within a few days)I'll get back into it, espicialy with new mods to try out.

MP is too hard to get into, and Im allready in a SOF2 Clan(soon moving to Black Hawk Down when it comes and if it dosnt have all those bloody bugs....).

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I don`t play the game that much either....actually

I`ve beaten the original campain of course, but I`ve only

gone thru the first level in Red Hammer and I haven`t even

started on Resistance....so at least I got some long good nights left if I want to .

Now I mainly only play Moh and GR online...but only

because I wait for BF 1942 and Raven which will be my

main online games next year.

Otherwise I play GR desert siege ( haven`t beaten it yet )

and RTCW which I haven`t beaten either.

And of course there are a bunch of games comming out that

I want to try as well......as :




Sudden strike 2


Add-ons for




Raven shield

BF 1942

NFS hot pursuit 2

So I mean it would be kinda hard to keep up with the games and keep the interest at bay....I`ve played RS since it was released though :=) .

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I only play OFP MP now, anywhere between 1 and 6 hours a day/night, depending on who I'm playing with and how good we're playing.

My other game right now is Madden 2003, and I'm playing one or two games a day in franchise mode, and I most probably will be playing this up to and pass the Super Bowl. I'm waiting on NHL 2003 to come out next month, and I'll play that for probably the rest of the NHL season.

-=Die Alive=-

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Pah, those are all junk-games for overconsumers! biggrin.gif Loyalty and consistency is what we miss these days. Be happy with what you got and become the best in it! (OFP) smile.gif

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WWII RTS from the makers of IL-2

H&D 2

SS 2

Raven shield

but at the moment im still playing halflife multiplayer in my clan.

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I sold the game to a friend but i'm gonna buy it again, i've never downloaded any of the up^grades so i got a lot to do when i get the game again....

I can't remember why i sold it, pro'ly because i didn't like the M21, if i don't like sniping in a game, i get bored pretty fast...

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Eheh, looks like Flight Simulator 2002 has totally overruled OFP in my gaming life right now. Seems like AGES since I last played OFP... And seems like ages since I last posted in these forums... Ah well, I'm sure the OFP bug will bite me once again, someday wink.gif

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At this point, I cant see any game released or in development taking OFP's place as my favorite game (with the possible exception of LOMAC, but thats a ways off), and every time I play Americas Army and BF1942, I cant help but be disgusted how much better OFP is than those 2 games. I cant even play AA for more than 30 minutes at a time, and BF1942 for maybe 10 minutes before I say 'Fuckit!' and leave.

But if anyone sees a potential OFP-killer out there, please sound off. I just wont be surprised if OFP ends up being better than it lol.

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I haven't played in about a month, well I sorta did but that what just to make a BMP go about 300 mph. The "disease" is gone, you should have seen me back in june though, OFP is all I ever thought about, my friends thought I was insane. I don't think I'll play again real soon because I'm getting this new game "Hard Truck: 18 wheels of steel" and It will keep me addicted for a little while.

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