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iirc the stock 0.97 version respawns you with default gear. However most if not all popular subsequent edits have some setting/parameter to allow to keep your gear. Other than that, ^what he said^.

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Good day to all the time.

I am glad that this mod is developing. One of the oldest mods.

Today I want to talk about one issue in multiplayer. This applies to the helicopter kadjman.

I do not understand the logic in the use of rockets

1 Gunner find the target.

2 Somehow should explain the location of the target.

(a bad practice, it looks like this: 185 degrees, 950 meters. A big white house near small. To his left stands a jeep.

On good practice in the accumulation of the enemy gun point. (works well at night.)

3 pilot must deploy a helicopter there.

4 to give the command "open fire"

when the angle of the helicopter cancel the command.

In general, it's all like one big idiocy.

The problem is doubled if the pilot uses trakir.

The server where I'm playing this mod has no crosshairs. Along with the movement of the head moving figures on the screen. if you look in the right window, the screen indicators also look to the right. Without centering device before firing aim is impossible.

I know that many have already made changes in fashion. (examples will not lead, Go to the most visited gaming server and verify)

Rocket controlled pilot. Cannon and missiles are controlled gunner.

an example of the change: /watch?v=o6JAehXB8wE (2013)

when you change it becomes a real attack helicopters. helicopter comes over the city. The pilot fired rocket, Gunner shoots 30 mm cannon. From the side it's a great show!:couch:

This topic was discussed in 2013. I waited for BIS fix it.

I was hoping that this will change in addition of helicopters.

I hope that this change will make the mod [sP / MP] BeCTI. BIS hope was gone. :k:

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I currently cannot use AI management because no units appear in the menu screen reached from options. I get an error message telling me that an ai management file is missing from a directory beginning with steamMPmissions. I first tried verifying the game cache which did not help.

I unsubscribed from Becti and deleted the becti folder in my steamMPmissions folder found in My documents. I then did a fresh install of Arma 3 and re-subscribed to Becti in steam workshop however the problem still persists. Verifying the game cache again did not help.

Any ideas how to fix this problem? What is the best way of solving issues relating to missing files?

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Good day to all the time.

I am glad that this mod is developing. One of the oldest mods.

Today I want to talk about one issue in multiplayer. This applies to the helicopter kadjman.

I do not understand the logic in the use of rockets

1 Gunner find the target.

2 Somehow should explain the location of the target.

(a bad practice, it looks like this: 185 degrees, 950 meters. A big white house near small. To his left stands a jeep.

On good practice in the accumulation of the enemy gun point. (works well at night.)

3 pilot must deploy a helicopter there.

4 to give the command "open fire"

when the angle of the helicopter cancel the command.

In general, it's all like one big idiocy.

The problem is doubled if the pilot uses trakir.

The server where I'm playing this mod has no crosshairs. Along with the movement of the head moving figures on the screen. if you look in the right window, the screen indicators also look to the right. Without centering device before firing aim is impossible.

I know that many have already made changes in fashion. (examples will not lead, Go to the most visited gaming server and verify)

Rocket controlled pilot. Cannon and missiles are controlled gunner.

an example of the change: /watch?v=o6JAehXB8wE (2013)

when you change it becomes a real attack helicopters. helicopter comes over the city. The pilot fired rocket, Gunner shoots 30 mm cannon. From the side it's a great show!:couch:

This topic was discussed in 2013. I waited for BIS fix it.

I was hoping that this will change in addition of helicopters.

I hope that this change will make the mod [sP / MP] BeCTI. BIS hope was gone. :k:

This is not a BECTI issue but more of a BIS issue. It cannot truly be fixed without a config patch which means it would needed to be run as an addon. Would be quite simple to make for those in the know but sadly I am not one of them (wouldn't mind getting into the addon side of things at some point though...).

Theoretically it could be done within the mission using addweaponturret/removeweaponturret on the pilot/gunner but it may result in visual glitches such as rocket pods looking empty when they're full (for example, removing the HE/AP rockets from the Wipeout via script makes the game load the rocket pods with dummy GBUs which just looks weird).

I currently cannot use AI management because no units appear in the menu screen reached from options. I get an error message telling me that an ai management file is missing from a directory beginning with steamMPmissions. I first tried verifying the game cache which did not help.

I unsubscribed from Becti and deleted the becti folder in my steamMPmissions folder found in My documents. I then did a fresh install of Arma 3 and re-subscribed to Becti in steam workshop however the problem still persists. Verifying the game cache again did not help.

Any ideas how to fix this problem? What is the best way of solving issues relating to missing files?

Which file are you using? Just searched the workshop and there's about 20 different variants of BECTI on there now.

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Which file are you using? Just searched the workshop and there's about 20 different variants of BECTI on there now.

I am using BECTI 0.97 Stratis, found here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=192890745&searchtext=becti

I also downloaded BECTI 0.97 Altis which has the same problem.

Exact error quote is "No entry 'steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\description.ext/CTI_RscAIMicromanagementMenu/controls/CTI_Menu_Control_UnitsList.ListScrollBar'."

Substitute the word "altis" in the error with "stratis" depending on which mission I'm trying to use.

Thank you for any help you guys can offer

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Ahh the old scrollbar error. That is indeed a stock becti bug which was fixed by the marvellous ted23p here. Alternatively, if you don't fancy messing around with files then this particular fix is integrated into a few popular versions such as Zerty's modification or (shameless plug) our WFBE esque modification

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Hmmm the error notice does not appear when using your WFBE mod, however the units are still not listed in the scrollbar area.

I tried the Zerty mod but I'm afraid I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the ai system in that mod to check. My interaction button does not seem to work or I am using it wrong.

I don't mind trying the fix you posted, however I will need to have a bit of an explanation of how and where to place the code.

Edited by sketchyluke182

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On the github page for the fix you can click the 'Download Gist' button on the right hand side, open up the tar file, take the resources.hpp file from within, if you havent already unpbo the BECTI file, drop the .hpp file and overwrite the one in the rsc folder inside the BECTI folder. Repbo if you're using it for multiplayer.

As for the no units thing, try running arma with -showscripterrors and see if any errors pop up (errors will be logged regardless in the arma3.rpt located in C > users > *yourusername* > appdata > local > Arma 3)

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How to change the appearance of the workers?

Thank you in advance.

Edited by alexun

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goto common > config > factories > factories_east/west.sqf, look for the line 'missionNamespace setVariable [format["CTI_%1_Worker", _side], "B/O_Soldier_lite_F"];' and swap out the classname with the unit of your choice.

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Hi ! I love your missions but i have 1 question. It's possible to change the uniform of IA and all players ? I use my Stuff.sqf it's work but only for first spawn. When i buy iA or when i respawn i have the basic uniform .. Do you know ho to change that ? Thank

Edited by LeXpLoSiF

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I Thank You for help about the workers.

Could you explain the functioning of the files "Squad_West.sqf" and "Squad_East.sqf."

It is not very provided explanations.

I need that these functions were detailed to me

_v = []; ???

_t = []; ???

_p = []; ???

_f = []; ???

_m = []; ???

_c = []; ???

_s = []; ???

and also what coresspondent the numerical values ​​of the right classnames:

As below:

// _v = _v + ["Motorized"];

// _t _t + = ["Motorized - Transportation"];

// _p = _p + [[["O_Truck_03_covered_F", 1]]]; ("1" corresponds to what?)

// _f = _f + [CTI_LIGHT]

// = _m _m + [1000]; // ("1000" corresponds to what?)

// _c = _c + ["MotorizedTransport"];

// _s = _s + [[["Transport"], ["TransportFitCargo", 40]]];

_v = _v + ["Motorized"];

_t _t + = ["Motorized - MPRAP"];

_p = _p + [[["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F", 3], ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F", 2, 75]]]; // ("2, 75" corresponds to what?)

_f = _f + [CTI_LIGHT]

_m _m = + [1200];

_c = _c + ["Motorized"];

_s = _s + [[]];

Why the "O_Truck_03_covered_F" it contains you _s = _s:

"// _s = _s + [[[" Transport "], [" TransportFitCargo ", 40]]];"

And why this entire section is isolated by "//"?

I Thank You in advance for the explanation you can give me.

ps: I hope that unless I manage to make me understand. I do not speak English well.

Edited by alexun

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Sari, I am using your version of CTI and I get this error spammed a thousand times in the *.rpt.

 0:29:16 Error in expression <ndlyCamps;
if ((_currentSV < _lastSV && CTI_P_SideID == (_town getVariable "cti_>
0:29:16   Error position: <CTI_P_SideID == (_town getVariable "cti_>
0:29:16   Error undefined variable in expression: cti_p_sideid
0:29:16 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\Server\Functions\FSM\Functions_FSM_UpdateAI.sqf, line 394

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Hi ! I love your missions but i have 1 question. It's possible to change the uniform of IA and all players ? I use my Stuff.sqf it's work but only for first spawn. When i buy iA or when i respawn i have the basic uniform .. Do you know ho to change that ? Thank

I'm going to assume your stuff.sqf is your uniform changer. For it to work on respawn you'll have to call it again in client > functions > client_onplayerkilled.sqf, theres a line there 'call CTI_CL_FNC_AddMissionActions;', stick it after that. As for AI, my best guess would be call your stuff.sqf from common > config > common_createunit.sqf.


I Thank You for help about the workers.

Could you explain the functioning of the files "Squad_West.sqf" and "Squad_East.sqf."

It is not very provided explanations.

I need that these functions were detailed to me

_v = []; Variable - name of the variable that stores the information for this group. Note, full variable name would be (eg) CTI_SQUAD_EAST_AntiAir

_t = []; Text - name of group that will show on players screen

_p = []; Pieces? Parts? - the types and number of units that make up this group

_f = []; Factory - Which factory type this particular squad requires to build itself

_m = []; Money - How much the units in this squad will cost that team

_c = []; Category - Type of squad

_s = []; Special? - As far as I can tell this currently does nothing


The squad east/west files define the different squads of units that the AI teams can purchase if AI teams are enabled. I've done my best to answer what all those variables mean.

and also what coresspondent the numerical values ​​of the right classnames:

As below:

// _v = _v + ["Motorized"];

// _t _t + = ["Motorized - Transportation"];

// _p = _p + [[["O_Truck_03_covered_F", 1]]]; ("1" corresponds to what?) - "1" is the number of that unit that will be built in that squad

// _f = _f + [CTI_LIGHT]

// = _m _m + [1000]; // ("1000" corresponds to what?) - it will cost the AI team $1000 to purchase this squad

// _c = _c + ["MotorizedTransport"];

// _s = _s + [[["Transport"], ["TransportFitCargo", 40]]];

_v = _v + ["Motorized"];

_t _t + = ["Motorized - MPRAP"];

_p = _p + [[["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F", 3], ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F", 2, 75]]]; // ("2, 75" corresponds to what?) - again, 2 mean that the AI team will purchase 2 of this unit. The 75 is a % probability, so if an AI team were to buy this squad, they will buy 3 HMG ifrits, and there's a 75% chance they will buy another 2 GMG ifrits.

_f = _f + [CTI_LIGHT]

_m _m = + [1200];

_c = _c + ["Motorized"];

_s = _s + [[]];

Why the "O_Truck_03_covered_F" it contains you _s = _s:

"// _s = _s + [[[" Transport "], [" TransportFitCargo ", 40]]];" - I'm guessing based on WFBE experience that this will allow this squad to transport other AI infantry squads around but im just guessing

And why this entire section is isolated by "//"? - Don't know, maybe Benny thought it wasn't ready for primetime. Try uncommenting it and see what happens?

I Thank You in advance for the explanation you can give me.

ps: I hope that unless I manage to make me understand. I do not speak English well.

Answered what I can within your quote

Sari, I am using your version of CTI and I get this error spammed a thousand times in the *.rpt.

 0:29:16 Error in expression <ndlyCamps;
if ((_currentSV < _lastSV && CTI_P_SideID == (_town getVariable "cti_>
0:29:16   Error position: <CTI_P_SideID == (_town getVariable "cti_>
0:29:16   Error undefined variable in expression: cti_p_sideid
0:29:16 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\Server\Functions\FSM\Functions_FSM_UpdateAI.sqf, line 394

Stupid mistake on my behalf, used a clientside variable serverside. 99% sure I have it fixed in the latest version on our server (need to sort a couple of things before making a public release). In the meantime you can just change all instances of 'cti_P_sideID' in that script to '_sideID' to fix it.

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Found another bug in your version of becti, Sari:

File: Server\Functions\Server_AI_PurchaseSquad.sqf

Change the following from line 55-58

if (_can_use) then {
	_compose pushBack _picked select 0;
	_need = _need - 1;


if (_can_use) then {
	_compose pushBack (_picked select 0);
	_need = _need - 1;

otherwise AI group leaders won't buy any units from the factories.

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Last question, i have delete some spawn point and town but when i start the mission, the mission end 2min after i have spawn ... Do you know how to fix that ?

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Well its about time I put out the next batch of changes to our modified files. One major and two minor features worth mentioning and a whole bunch of fixes and whatnot to boot:

The major change is the inclusion of the WFBE supply system and a rebalance of just about the entire economy system. Supply is a secondary currency to money which is for the commanders exclusive use, used to build factories (replacing money), deploying and repairing the HQ (replacing money) and performing upgrades (supplementing money). Each town now has a 'Supply Value', which is the amount of supply it will generate per income cycle (typically per minute) for that team when held. This value slowly increases the longer the town is held upto a maximum value, obviously larger towns have higher maximums. The amount of money the town generates and the AI defender difficulty now also scales with the SV as well (AI difficulty is still affected by parameters and TO upgrade levels to complement). As this affects the amount of resources teams will typically receive in a given time frame, every weapon, item and vehicle has had its price adjusted to better match. 90% of the values have been taken from WFBE which we found worked quite well in most cases for Arma 2, obviously I expect there might be a little tweaking required here and there.

For anyone adapting these files for different maps, I had to change the format of the init box of the town logics, so you'll have to update yours as well, new format: nullReturn = [this, "Town name", side, Start SV, Max SV, Value, Range(optional)] execVM "Common\Init\Init_Location.sqf";


The captured town on the top right shows both the current SV of 11 supply per cycle (minute) and the maximum possible of 40 supply per cycle (minute). The uncaptured town on the bottom left only shows the maximum possible value and will only show the current rate if friendly units activate it and/or capture it:


The minor changes are the addition of a slingloading style system to the airlift module and dynamic service menu prices. I bring these up as there are a couple of things worth mentioning for each:

- For the airlift, I've done away with the whole light/medium/heavy lifter thing and used forced vehicle mases to differentiate the different types of lifter and what can lift what. There are some notes in init_commonconstants vehicles section that explains how to setup different vehicle types should anyone want to tweak things. Like the stock slingloading system, vehicle masses shave an affect on the flight dynamics, its worth noting that if you're using the AFM, be VERY careful with your flying - As some vehicles dont like their mass being changed that much (2.5ton tank anyone?) sudden manouveres will almost certainly result in odd behaviour and bad times.

The service menu prices for repairing, refuelling and healing are now affected by the amount of 'service' required. These prices are based on a percentage of the units value and scale linearly, eg by default the max repair cost is 50% of the unit value, a Wipeout costs exactly $100,000. If you were to take exactly 25% damage, then your repair cost would be $12500, I you were to take exactly 50% damage, then your repair cost would be $25000 etc. However reaming costs are still a fixed price based on unit cost as there's no scripting command to get the total ammo of a vehicle. Not saying its impossible but I only did the other day and didn't have time to come up with a workaround for now.

Full Changelog:

- Ported the Supply system from WFBE.
- Once again credits to Benny for letting us reuse his scripts.
- Secondary 'supply' currency has been added, used only by commander.
- Supply can be used to build factories, purchase upgrades and deploy/repair the HQ.
- Supply is generated by friendly towns.
- Maximum amount of supply per cycle a town can produce is shown on map.
- Current amount of supply per cycle produced by each friendly town is shown on the map.
- All building/unit/gear/upgrade etc. prices rebalanced for supply system.
- AI commander will make purchases in supply where necessary.
- Town AI units and numbers have been balanced based on town Supply Value.

General Changes:
- Added slingload simulation to airlift system.
- Added dynamic repair/refuel/heal prices to service menu (eg more damage = higher cost).
- Added HQ repair cost multiplier.
- Added missing inf.
- Added missing AI commander upgrades.
- Added basic AI commander repair HQ functionality.
- Added supply upgrade.
- Added town capture mode.
- Added new starting spawn points (Altis).
- Commander now has total control over income percentages.
- Client AI and AI teams will now attempt to recapture enemy camps in the town they're holding.
- Fixed camps not showing proper colours on JIP if on different side to town.
- Fixed player count function not generating income at all in SP.
- Fixed error related to HQ deployment.
- Fixed AI commander using the wrong side for some processes.
- Fixed AI commander not spawning on factories when no hq/CC is present.
- Fixed commander AI icon offset in purchase menu.
- Fixed locks not working on purchased vehicles.
- Fixed highlighting service trucks in purchase menu causing errors.
- Fixed endgame displaying wrong team as winner with a total towns victory.
- Fixed a couple of AI team script errors (credits to gabberxxl for pointing them out).
- Fixed exploit in teamswap/teamstack system.
- Fixed disconnecting commanders got to keep all de monies if they rejoin the same round.
- Replaced starting trucks with medical equivalents.
- Minor camp and depot position changes.
- Various minor code cleanups.

Stock 0.97 Fixes:
- Fixed transferring cash will show wrong group in receiving player's chat.

New Parameters:
- INCOME: Currency (Money and Supply, Money).
- INCOME: Starting Supply (East) (S1200-S76800).
- INCOME: Starting Supply (West) (S1200-S76800). 
- TOWNS: Capture Mode (Camps) (Classic, Threshold, All Camps are Required).

- Dynamic service menu rearming prices

Known issues:
- AI commander freezes if spawned into a player built but incomplete base. 
- Workaround 1: Move HQ to a new base location before voting for AI commander.
- Workaround 2: Sell current base before voting for AI commander.
- All weapon, item and vehicle icons are black in purchase menus (did see something related to this in the runup to 1.40 but haven't looked at it yet, anyone got some tips to save me some research time?)
- Undeployed HQ displays 2 kill messages when destroyed in SP.

Download link can be found in my original post, linked at the top of this one :)

Edited by Sari

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Ta for the heads up, should be fixed now.

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Hello BECTI players! OFPS is starting a campaign of Private BECTI matches where teams are pre-made (and locked for several months) by myself in an effort to ensure maximum competition among squads during matches. During these private matches we lock the server with a password, disable VON, and force all in the game to use Task Force Radio for voice communications.

We've already had 2 successful private matches against 2 other communities which proved to be a TON of fun. The problem we've noticed is that there are many squads/clans/communities out there but most of them are not big enough to offer 20 people to play.

To mitigate this I'm working on creating four 25 man squads that will be tracked on a spreadsheet I'm keeping. All Arma 3 players are welcome to sign up, just be sure you're honest about your skill level. We have 311 members on our Steam group so this doesn't seem like TOO big of a request.

The private matches MUST be hosted on the OFPS server (we're the only server capable of handling 40 players on a BECTI mission and maintaining smooth server FPS, plus we own the hardware and have it plugged into a fiber line, which means great ping for most users).

If you're interested please visit our forum and find the link to the spreadsheet, follow the simple directions on how it works.


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This is a very nice feature. I like it a lot.

- Added slingload simulation to airlift system.

Oh and, I just noticed that I made it into your briefing changelog ;)

- Fixed a couple of AI team script errors (credits to gabberxxl for pointing them out).

Keep up the good work, Sari!

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There seem to be a bug with the AI commander. If the AI takes over the commander role from a player after some time, it just does nothing at all.

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There seem to be a bug with the AI commander. If the AI takes over the commander role from a player after some time, it just does nothing at all.

Aware of that one:

Known issues:

- AI commander freezes if spawned into a player built but incomplete base.

- Workaround 1: Move HQ to a new base location before voting for AI commander.

- Workaround 2: Sell current base before voting for AI commander.

I know whats causing it but because AI commander is not high on my/our priority list I couldn't figure out how to fix it in a reasonable timescale, so I decided to come back to that one later.

I have another update almost ready to go for the marksman launch (was just waiting on Tasty to update the gear lists), I'm not going to have much free time between now and then (I seriously considered releasing it now and saying 'just put up with all the errors until 1.42 comes out'...) but I'll revisit that one if I get a decent session in before the 8th

Edited by Sari

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like the mission very much.

as RHS is also doing BeCTI, any plans to merge the two?

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Aware of that one:

I know whats causing it but because AI commander is not high on my/our priority list I couldn't figure out how to fix it in a reasonable timescale, so I decided to come back to that one later.

I have another update almost ready to go for the marksman launch (was just waiting on Tasty to update the gear lists), I'm not going to have much free time between now and then (I seriously considered releasing it now and saying 'just put up with all the errors until 1.42 comes out'...) but I'll revisit that one if I get a decent session in before the 8th

What is the problem then? Maybe I can take a look at it?

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