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[HELP] How to script infantry reinforcements to your position?

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Hello and thanks for having the time to view my question.

I'll jump right to it. For hours without any success Ive been pulling my hair trying to figure out how to be able to call an AI squad leader and his squad to come to your position when called upon.

Ive gotten this far, Ive made a trigger using activation "Radio Alpha" and when I call radio alpha there will be radio chats such as: (me) "We need backup on my position!" and then the AI squad leader who is ment to reinforce replies after 3 seconds "Roger, were enroute to your position!".

The trigger also activates a waypoint 'Move' where the AI squad leader then leads his squad to the Move waypoint which is attached to me. So this makes the AI move to my position.

Now the problem is, everything works just fine. BUT I cant call reinforcements multiple times. Like I have the triggers on repeatedly and the chats work fine but once the AI squad reaches its Move waypoint which was attached to me the waypoint gets automaticly cleared so they no-more have a waypoint to go to but just stand still. How do I make them come to my position unlimited times when I call them?

Now it doesnt have to be in this way that Ive made it. If theres some other way to make an AI squad come to your position when called upon, endless times. Let me know.

Thank you!

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