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Does a command exist to set and get the angular velocity of an object?

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Well I guess the title tells all I want to know. Does there exist commands which allow to get and set the angular velocity of an object, specially of a helicopter or plane? I already checked the BIS wiki. I know that there exists a setvelocity command but no angular velocity command, right?

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I have tried it. The command name is promising but when you take a look at it, it doesn't do what I hoped for.

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Maybe we can help you better if you explain what kind of purpose do you need it for and what kind of output you are expecting? :)

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Well, the only way I can think of right now is to use a bit of math and setvectordirandup.

On my end, I wouldn't even bother trying to modify the flight model with a script. You'll most likely only end up with something very rough and keep struggling against the actual FM.

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Well, the only way I can think of right now is to use a bit of math and setvectordirandup.

On my end, I wouldn't even bother trying to modify the flight model with a script. You'll most likely only end up with something very rough and keep struggling against the actual FM.

I will try it anyway...

Just that you know I already scanned the whole wiki, but not all commands are listed in the wiki specially the new ones.

I know that I could do that using some math but it won't have the effect I want, since all set commands expect the setvelocity set all physical quantities to zero. One can reset the velocity and vectors but one can't restore the angular velocity.

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