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Noob Questions

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1. I want my squad to be in a boat headed towards altis when the mission starts. How can I make them spawn in the boat? The best I can do is have them spawn in the water and then put a GET IN waypoint on the boat. It's not a huge deal for me playing by myself but I don't want to put a mission on the workshop like that.

2. How do I script?

3. How do I utilize the intro/outro features? Whenever I try the intro doesn't end so the mission doesn't start.

4. Is there a way to have a bunch of enemies in a town, then have an AI call out targets for me when I'm in the scorcher?

Sorry if these are stupid questions lol

Edited by sporkface

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1) name the boat and put "this moveInCargo name-of-your-boat" to the init field of all the infantry units. For example: this moveInCargo boat1;

2) by using your favorite text-editor and this page.

3) if you preview intro then it's not going to change to mission. Everything should be fine after you have exported the mission and play it in sp/mp.

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1. In the group leader's init put:

boatGroup = group this;  {_x assignAsCargo boatName; _x moveInCargo boatName} forEach units boatGroup;

2. :confused: You can learn the basics of syntax from here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9220

3. Per the wiki:

The Intro and Outros will not end when the player unit dies, but must be ended using a trigger.
So make a intro.sqs file and have that end.

None of your questions are stupid. They are however repeated questions you could have searched for and question two shows you have a lot to learn before you can fully appreciate the question.

I'd suggest just trying things, then when you hit a stumbling block search for similar issues from others, and if you can't find an answer post here again. Someone will probably have figured it out before. :)

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Thanks guys I made it work. And thanks for the link, I've been looking for something like that.

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