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COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

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Do you know how R3F logistics is Installed (Is it per object or just once?)

I've not used the logistics but the factory needs a form of currency right? That could be hard To implement.

I believe you can set the amount of money the factories have to build with, but you might be able to remove it all together. I haven't implemented and got stuck into R3F Logistics yet but I think they want it to be openly configurable so something like removing the currency seems entirely viable.

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My mistake R3F is already used in the mission with a massively cut down version (probably A2OA port) Ill update it and check it out

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I run a dedicated server with a customized version of this mission (BIS arsenal enabled instead of having 5 gear crates (with better gear unlocking in it over the course of capturing major objectives), different respawn system, Zeus slot enabled for admins to dynamically create side missions for players, updated versions of all scripts, patrols and sneaky murderous civilian CSAT sympathizers that spawn dynamically) and I poked the A3 native version of R3F a bit but ultimately just ended up disabling the factory half of it entirely.

That said, having unlimited access to a factory would be counter to the spirit of the mission for me personally.

The option to create a new spawn location or something though in limited capacity would rock though and here's hoping LKincheloe rocks it out with something like that at some point since this is IMO the best MP COOP mission in existence and it has tons of potential for awesome future additions.

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 ----------

Sorry for the double post, but allowing for recovery and proper towing is pretty easy to handle with the caveat that you can either Tow with something, or not (and something can either BE towed or not - there isn't fine control of the "this can tow vehicle x and y but not z" sort).

With that in mind, what would your suggestions be as far as "this vehicle can tow" and "this vehicle can be towed"?

I have it set up a bit but I ran into a personal hangup when a MBT was being towed by an offroad, and that seemed to me like it should be impossible as far as physics go. My compromise was that all Zamaks and Tempests can tow, repair offroads can tow, and all wheeled vehicles can BE towed. Vehicles with tank tracks I handwaved and said would be too heavy to tow (but as a way to allow salvaging them, there are now Repair Offroads at the base which give a more agile way to get out into the field and fix something up and drive it back vs using the repair Zamaks you find around).

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hey folks so I´ve been playing this with a group of guys on our private server, has anyone succesfully managed to remove the fatigue on respawn? it works when I log in but for the life of me I´ve not been able to get it to work after respawn. Tried a few things on the forum but no luck. I don´t mind it too much but for some of the guys when attacking a town it just becomes impossible.

Also, any future plans for Resistance? I love this mission its what got me crazy about arma 3 again. :)


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hey folks so I´ve been playing this with a group of guys on our private server, has anyone succesfully managed to remove the fatigue on respawn? it works when I log in but for the life of me I´ve not been able to get it to work after respawn. Tried a few things on the forum but no luck. I don´t mind it too much but for some of the guys when attacking a town it just becomes impossible.

Also, any future plans for Resistance? I love this mission its what got me crazy about arma 3 again. :)


try this to remove fatigue on respawn- just place in the initclient.sqf at the very end.

if (local player) then {	player enablefatigue false;
player addeventhandler ["respawn",{player enablefatigue false;}];

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try this to remove fatigue on respawn- just place in the initclient.sqf at the very end.

if (local player) then {	player enablefatigue false;
player addeventhandler ["respawn",{player enablefatigue false;}];

yup, got it working. Thanks for your help.

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Excellent mission Kinch. We recently discovered it and have been playing the hell out of it. One thing we have noticed is the titan missile launchers looted from the enemy won't lock on. We are using version B.634.

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Excellent mission Kinch. We recently discovered it and have been playing the hell out of it. One thing we have noticed is the titan missile launchers looted from the enemy won't lock on. We are using version B.634.

If you search though my posts here I think I've put the solution.

Does anyone know anything about IniDBi and how I would implement it into the mission, We are getting alot of complaints about loosing hours of gear due to a connection drop, we think this may be the solution.

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If you search though my posts here I think I've put the solution.

Does anyone know anything about IniDBi and how I would implement it into the mission, We are getting a lot of complaints about loosing hours of gear due to a connection drop, we think this may be the solution.

in my limited spare time I am looking to use something similar to the wasteland persistence system for this. I have saved the player gear to their profilenamespace already and they get this back on joining the server.

just trying to map out how to tell if a zone has been captured. only issue with this is that all town markers are a random name each restart, so it would be a matter of making them the same each time. It should not take too long to be able to do that.

The most difficult thing will be keeping track of all the in mission objects and what is loaded in the vehicles with R3F logistics and what is on the back of a truck with igiload.

then for each of those checking what gear, backpacks or ammo crates are inside of each one.

a bit to go through, its just a matter of mapping it out. but it is a WIP.

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As far as my squad is concerned and what I guess most people will be concerned with is their gear primarily, location second, the rest doesn't really matter though mapped captured zones would be nice.

If you can maybe modify the set and get loadout functions within this mission I would be happy to test it out and once we have it optimised, I would post the code here.

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I fiddled some with the inidb stuff but I found a better workaround to be implementing the BIS Arsenal system and unlocking more gear in the arsenal as you capture major objectives like airfields, military bases, and major cities. What I'd like to do is add the ability to "stockpile" gear via a script, where if you say, gather 30 of an item and place it in crate X, then it becomes permanently available in the arsenal at base. But so far no luck with that.

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that is possible Winterbone, have something I will test out tonight (NZDT). it is just a quick inidb to keep captured markers for the next restart.

It spawns loot as per the randomness of what kinch did. Not ideal but a good first step.

Have tested by myself for two days with the dedicated server issues I have been having I only get 1-5 min of gameplay before dedi crashes (shameless plug for Feeback tracker issue)

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Why don't we have stockpiles where loot is moved to if the player is too far away this could also contain some weapons and ammo from the side you where fighting this could cache so its not always there. The location would be unlocked when a large area was cleared, I've been thinking over the database, all it really needs is to remember the players gear for now as far as players are concerned loosing a few hours worth of gear is horrible.

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simple solution to the gear is

update keep_loadout.sqf to this it includes the launcher fix too...

if !(isnil {profilenamespace getvariable "Resist_LR_loadout"}) then {
   [player,profilenamespace getvariable "Resist_LR_loadout"] spawn setLoadout;

//Launcher Array check
[] spawn { 
_launch = ["launch_NLAW_F","launch_RPG32_F","launch_B_Titan_F","launch_I_Titan_F","launch_O_Titan_F","launch_B_Titan_short_F","launch_I_Titan_short_F","launch_O_Titan_short_F"]; 
   while{true} do { 
   _weaponClass = currentWeapon player; 
       if(!(_weaponClass in _launch)) then { 
           if(alive player) then { 
               loadout = [player] call getLoadout;
               profilenamespace setvariable ["Resist_LR_loadout",loadout];
   sleep 5;   

// Load saved loadout on respawn 
player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { 
       [player,loadout] spawn setLoadout; 


if you want to use inidb for server side saving then read this post by sicsempertyrannis (author of inidb)

Edited by KevsnoTrev
inidb info

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That looks great didn't realise it was that Simple, is this and the gear loading all in the file you sent me?

I don't see where Resist_LR_loadout is set is that in get_loadout.

Edited by john681611

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We at the moment have no need for a Complete db If that keeps gear throughout the time the game is running without DB then top marks to you hadn't figured that. For now my clan does not need a full DB then but ill help as it could get some good results.

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That looks great didn't realise it was that Simple, is this and the gear loading all in the file you sent me?

I don't see where Resist_LR_loadout is set is that in get_loadout.

Its in support\scripts\keep_loadout.sqf, but yeah its in the file I PM'd you with. (just note that one had fatigue turned off - clan made me do it!!!)

Just trying to work out how to save spawned vehicles, or keep the ones you commandeer from the enemy on restarting. and making sure the cleanup script doesn't try to remove them when you move out of range of the old AO

Edit: I noticed some variable errors in core\scripts\airfield_check.sqf

lines 22,32,42,52 62,72 should read

veh = [_PermanentLoot, 30, 1800, 0, FALSE, FALSE] execVM "vehicle.sqf";

it was passing the array of vehicles and not the newly spawned vehicle to the respawn script and respawns were not working.

also, in any script where

if (!isnil _CaseEnder) exitWith [true]

was used i had to change it to

if (!isnil "_CaseEnder") exitWith {true}

to fix errors found in rpt log. there are a lot of cases of this it is too numerous to list. Doesn't affect anything in game, but tidier rpt file for when looking for other errors.

2nd Edit: Need to add a game logic called BTC_Logic, to make the TK script work correctly.

3rd edit: (and they just keep on coming...) minor one here if other scripts are called on Civ vehicles.


filed in ambience\modules\cos\cosCore.sqf --

change lines 153,154 to:

null =[_veh] execVM "ambience\modules\cos\addScript_Vehicle.sqf";
null =[_unit] execVM "ambience\modules\cos\addScript_Unit.sqf";

and line 195

null =[_veh] execVM "ambience\modules\cos\addScript_Vehicle.sqf";

Edit4: enemy\modules\eos\core\eos_core.sqf

Line 171

null = [_mkr,_fGroup,_counter] execvm "enemy\modules\eos\functions\TransportUnload_fnc.sqf";

Edited by KevsnoTrev

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If anyone of you are scripting wizards and want to help out a bit, I'm looking to add the following functionality to my custom version of the mission:

There are two crates named WEAPON STOCKPILE.

A script periodically (once every minute or so) checks the inventory.

It tracks items in the inventory when it detects them.

If Quantity of (Item X) in crate >= 30, Then (ArsenalCrate) AddVirtualItemCargo (Item X)

If anyone wants to help out, message me on Steam. My steam handle is the same as my forum ID here. Thanks :)

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Looks like you guys are improving this mission.

The original author, or any of you have a new version of it?

P.s. A new version with CSE would be great.

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The last contact I had with the Original Author, I was personally allowed to modify the mission and run it on a public server. Nothing was said about releasing the mission for public download, so its a good assumption that its not allowed for now.

We are improving it for our own means and posting here so the original Author knows what we are doing and could take ideas from it.

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I've found a issue with the persistent gear and it may of been a misunderstanding but the variables are stored on the client side and therefore saved even if the mission restarts. It kind of breaks the point of the mission if its restarted and people have full gear and top end weapons Is there anyway that this can be refreshed each time the mission is restarted and if possible storing the data on the server.

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I believe that level of control would require inidb and a flushing of the db on restarts.

---------- Post added at 19:17 ---------- Previous post was at 19:15 ----------

Additionally I feel it is a minor problem as they would not have much ammo assuming your custom version also enabled magazine level tracking so that if you die, a mag with one round stays a mag with one round rather than refilling.

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keeping it on the server will be possible using the code from the other thread I pointed out in an earlier post - ou need to have inidb.dll on the server and have the init code called from within the mission init (only call server side)

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Ok understood would it not be possible to randomly generate the variable name on server side then pass to client side. e.g

name = "Resistance_Mission_"+Random(10000);

I understand it would not clear out the older missions data (where is that saved?)

but it would complete the desired effect.

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