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CO08 Escape Chernarus Ports for Altis and Stratis.

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First off, thanks for bringing this to A3 - was my favourite mission on Arma 2 bar none, so it's really good to be able to play it on Arma 3.

Few errors when playing:

1) this one everytime I start a new escape:

11:17:09 Error in expression <mCentreMarkers select _x) select 0;
if (_pos distance _currentPos < _distanceBet>
11:17:09   Error position: <_pos distance _currentPos < _distanceBet>
11:17:09   Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos
11:17:09 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\ServerInitialization.sqf, line 143
11:17:09 Error in expression < false;

_pos = (_commCentreMarkers select _x) select 0;
if (_pos distance _>
11:17:09   Error position: <select _x) select 0;
if (_pos distance _>
11:17:09   Error Zero divisor
11:17:09 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\ServerInitialization.sqf, line 142

2) This one after I destroyed a boxer van with a civ driving:

11:38:03 "Title text: Horde has killed a civilian."
11:38:04 Error in expression <tPlayers) select 0;
_unitThatDetected = drn_var_Escape_SearchLeader_ReportingCiv>
11:38:04   Error position: <drn_var_Escape_SearchLeader_ReportingCiv>
11:38:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: drn_var_escape_searchleader_reportingcivilian
11:38:04 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\Scripts\Escape\SearchLeader.sqf, line 144
11:38:04 Error in expression <_state == "REPORTING") then {
if (alive _reportingUnit) then {
if (diag_tickTime>
11:38:04   Error position: <_reportingUnit) then {
if (diag_tickTime>
11:38:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _reportingunit
11:38:04 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\Scripts\Escape\SearchLeader.sqf, line 234
11:38:05 Error in expression <tPlayers) select 0;
_unitThatDetected = drn_var_Escape_SearchLeader_ReportingCiv>
11:38:05   Error position: <drn_var_Escape_SearchLeader_ReportingCiv>
11:38:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: drn_var_escape_searchleader_reportingcivilian
11:38:05 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\Scripts\Escape\SearchLeader.sqf, line 144
11:38:05 Error in expression <_state == "REPORTING") then {
if (alive _reportingUnit) then {
if (diag_tickTime>
11:38:05   Error position: <_reportingUnit) then {
if (diag_tickTime>
11:38:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _reportingunit
11:38:05 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\Scripts\Escape\SearchLeader.sqf, line 234

3)This all the way through the .rpt:

11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool
11:38:10 Bad conversion: bool

4) This occasionally (maybe you are checking for magazine and not weapon):

11:21:27 Inventory item with given name: [binocular] not found
11:21:30 Inventory item with given name: [Rangefinder] not found

5) This on vehicle creation (should be "I_MRAP_03_F"):

11:19:26 Cannot create non-ai vehicle I_MRAP_03

6) This on death:

11:19:50 Error in expression <) then {
_u1 addmagazine [(_x select 5) select 0,(_x select 5) select 1];
11:19:50   Error position: <select 0,(_x select 5) select 1];
11:19:50   Error Generic error in expression
11:19:50 File steamMPMission\__cur_mp.altis\functions\Revive\fn_copyGear.sqf, line 81

Locally hosted server (dev branch).

Hope that helps :)

Thanks, DA

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Thanks for your report. Most of those bugs are due to bad timing and shouldn't affect the gameplay.

The first one is still from A2 and I wasn't able to locate the exact problem. But this does not affect comcenter placement in any kind.

The second one is bad timing. Civ was killed while the script for reporting checked his state. After such a case the script resumes correctly.

3 is because A3 throws an error when one is trying to use 0 and 1 as bool... This "check" is only active on devbranch. Expected behaviour.

4 The script is removing all items, when a unit has no binocular, this error is thrown. This error only occures on devbranch with advanced logging.

5 Scruffy missed an "_F"^^ Thanks.

6 Bad timing. Maybe you were in a reload animation? Shouldn't affect gameplay.

In general you shouldn't use showscripterrors when playing this mission (and are not bughunting). All of the above errors are no problem on stable and with scripterrors off.

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Hello, me and my small group of people play this quite often so I would like to provide some feedback. We are usually 2-6 players and most of our players are at a very fairly low level. (We use 1-3 player setting for 1-5 players and 4-6 when people are in a good mood and want to try something extra hard.)

First off, thanks this is a very fun scenario with alot of sporadic tension.

We feel like it would be nice with one additional weapon in spawn, sometimes you get a bad spawn or the guy who picks up the weapon gets annihilated in seconds, sometimes you scramble and get back on track thanks to the pistol but it is not always possible depending on how much ammo etc on the the inside fence guard. This is especially apparent when playing 4-6 or 7-8, as a lot of the group is just standing around hoping randomness and player skill align so they get to play.

I don't want it to change to much but I would suggest that the inside fence guard spawns with a backpack containing a disposable weapon. Like a SMG and 2-4 mags.

The inside the fence guard can sometimes spawn as a rifleman with 47 total bullets for the MK20 and 9 bullets for the pistol. These scenarios are almost impossible to get out of spawn if you got a location with a lot of cover and concealment for the outside fence guards.

A less random 'inside the fence guard could prevent this.

Altis is very flat in most places compared to cheranus that is the origin for this scenario. the most significant change this has on game-play is tanks, apcs and MRAPs. If you get a spawn that is close to a road or on a very flat surface the probability that you will take HMG, grenade or tank shell fire within 5 min of spawn is very high. Most of the time it is impossible to get away with all your players alive.

What to do about this is tricky, for sometimes facing heavy firepower like this with nothing to fightback can give a lot of awesome tension in the session. But I propose one of these two tweaks; (1) Disable all tanks, apcs, MRAPs for the first 5-10 minutes of the scenario, that way if you tally to long you still get punished but you have a chance to move towards areas with cover or away from roads if you spawned close to one. (2) Have one of the outside the fence guards spawn with a launcher, ideally this would be a disposable launcher but as there are none I would suggest a RPG with 1 AT round, to give the players a shot while still giving them to worst possible tools.

If you get close to a mortar base of fire, they will stay in the mortar and effectively shell themselves with no regard for their own life.

In addition it would be nice if, at least larger, military bases spawned a launcher box with a PCML or RPG and 1-4 rockets.

Last I would like to see more RPGs and PCMLs and less Titans. Titans are not as interesting game-play-wise.


I am just going to list the bugs we have seen;

The items of 'inside fence guard' can only be picket up by the person who loots him first. If anyone tries to grab the pistol or a grenade from him while the 'first' player is looting the weapon and ammo etc. the items and pistol just disappear.

Similar but unknown if related or even caused by your scenario, at some point in the mission reloading causes magazines to just disappear instead of getting loaded into the gun and then any attempt to loot a body results in the items getting deleted.

At unknown points in the scenario (often escalating but sometimes happening a few times and then never again) the revive script seems to break down and not teleporting players back to the spot they died, just leaving them to fall into the ocean.

(Most likely AI related) but at several point the search heli has gone into a spinning wobble and has stayed in that spinning wobble for a very long time and after that point we don't see it ever again.

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Hello and thanks for your feedback. Because you mentioned the guard IN the prison, I conclude that you play the old version of escape. Most of the stuff you are talkign about is already fixed or has become outdated.

First off, thanks this is a very fun scenario with alot of sporadic tension.

You are welcome.

We feel like it would be nice with one additional weapon in spawn, sometimes you get a bad spawn or the guy who picks up the weapon gets annihilated in seconds, sometimes you scramble and get back on track thanks to the pistol but it is not always possible depending on how much ammo etc on the the inside fence guard. This is especially apparent when playing 4-6 or 7-8, as a lot of the group is just standing around hoping randomness and player skill align so they get to play.

I don't want it to change to much but I would suggest that the inside fence guard spawns with a backpack containing a disposable weapon. Like a SMG and 2-4 mags.

The inside the fence guard can sometimes spawn as a rifleman with 47 total bullets for the MK20 and 9 bullets for the pistol. These scenarios are almost impossible to get out of spawn if you got a location with a lot of cover and concealment for the outside fence guards.

A less random 'inside the fence guard could prevent this.

In the current version a backpack with a set of pistols is hidden in the prison. Thus everyone can pick up a weapon at the start. And nobody is weaponsless.

Altis is very flat in most places compared to cheranus that is the origin for this scenario. the most significant change this has on game-play is tanks, apcs and MRAPs. If you get a spawn that is close to a road or on a very flat surface the probability that you will take HMG, grenade or tank shell fire within 5 min of spawn is very high. Most of the time it is impossible to get away with all your players alive.

What to do about this is tricky, for sometimes facing heavy firepower like this with nothing to fightback can give a lot of awesome tension in the session. But I propose one of these two tweaks; (1) Disable all tanks, apcs, MRAPs for the first 5-10 minutes of the scenario, that way if you tally to long you still get punished but you have a chance to move towards areas with cover or away from roads if you spawned close to one. (2) Have one of the outside the fence guards spawn with a launcher, ideally this would be a disposable launcher but as there are none I would suggest a RPG with 1 AT round, to give the players a shot while still giving them to worst possible tools.

Actually the vehicle spawn is deactivated in the first minutes AND has a larger spawn distance. I don't want tu supply the players with a launcher from the start, as this would eliminate some of the tension and chellanges of the mission ("An APC, RUN!").

If you get close to a mortar base of fire, they will stay in the mortar and effectively shell themselves with no regard for their own life.

Default AI behaviour, but I have this on my list.

In addition it would be nice if, at least larger, military bases spawned a launcher box with a PCML or RPG and 1-4 rockets.

Last I would like to see more RPGs and PCMLs and less Titans. Titans are not as interesting game-play-wise.

Titan are default loadout for CSAT AT units. PCML is default launcher for AAF. And there is no RPG in A3 without mods. Wait for the stable 1.7 release with a dedicated RHS version for different launchers ;)

IThe items of 'inside fence guard' can only be picket up by the person who loots him first. If anyone tries to grab the pistol or a grenade from him while the 'first' player is looting the weapon and ammo etc. the items and pistol just disappear.

Bug in A3 but obsolete with "backpack in prison".

ISimilar but unknown if related or even caused by your scenario, at some point in the mission reloading causes magazines to just disappear instead of getting loaded into the gun and then any attempt to loot a body results in the items getting deleted.


IAt unknown points in the scenario (often escalating but sometimes happening a few times and then never again) the revive script seems to break down and not teleporting players back to the spot they died, just leaving them to fall into the ocean.

Fixed in 1.7 since "a long time ago".

I(Most likely AI related) but at several point the search heli has gone into a spinning wobble and has stayed in that spinning wobble for a very long time and after that point we don't see it ever again.

A3 AI.

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Because you mentioned the guard IN the prison, I conclude that you play the old version of escape. Most of the stuff you are talkign about is already fixed or has become outdated.

We are playing the 1.6 version from armaholic, there is no indication in the OP here or on armaholic that there is a newer version.

And there is no RPG in A3 without mods.

Yes there is, you must have it confused with something else. I don't know which units spawn with RPG and which with Titan, but there is ALMOST always a RPG soldier in the troop transport trucks.

Thank you for responding.

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We are playing the 1.6 version from armaholic, there is no indication in the OP here or on armaholic that there is a newer version.

The current version is the development build of 1.7. It is not officially released and not at the frontpage as I don't have access to the first post and Vormulac seems to lost interest in developing Escape.

There will be a full release the next week. In the meantime you might want to check out the dev version. The link is somewhere on the previous pages.

Yes there is, you must have it confused with something else. I don't know which units spawn with RPG and which with Titan, but there is ALMOST always a RPG soldier in the troop transport trucks.

You probably mean the Alamut: http://wiki.7thcavalry.us/w/images/thumb/4/49/Arma_3_weapon_rpg42_1.jpg/300px-Arma_3_weapon_rpg42_1.jpg

When I hear RPG I think of this: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG_(Waffe)#/media/File:Rpg-7.jpg

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Wrong thread for this. And you are most likely using and old version of Escape. Also Scripterrors are only shown on devbranch of A3 except when started stable with -showscripterrors. Use stable branch for regular playing!

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1 hour ago, Bansheevod said:

You didn't reply to my Pms so I post my problem it here, where it was already discussed by the way but not solved.



1) This is a thread for another mission, not mine!

2) Would it have come to your mind that I may have other things do to in my life than answering questions here, in Steam or Skype on a 24/7 basis? Surpise, I have. And actually quite important stuff.

3) You are asking questions that could have been answered by your self by either googling/searching or looking in the appropiate thread.

4) Instead of bugging me via Steam, PM and Skype you could have posted your problem (in the correct thread of my mission) in the first palce and may have gotten an answer from other people than me. Yes, there are other people that can help you.



You didn't reply to my Pms so I post my problem it here, where it was already discussed

5) You should have looked for the correct thread in the first place. This is a forum, not a mail service. Also you kind of answer to my post (especially with that image) is quite cheeky.

6) You ripped one of my script out of my mission (or used one of my very old releases of the revive script), got errors, lack the knowledge of the cause of these errors and now expect me to fix them for you in a few days? 

7) And acutally you could have waited until Thursday and I would have responded to yor PM with a lengthy explanation of your problem and some ideas for solutions, but your impatientness made me reconsider.


P.S. And as a reading: http://slash7.com/2006/12/22/vampires/


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18 minutes ago, Bansheevod said:

Thanks for not-helping with your bugged scripts...



Write better ones without those "so annoying" bugs. It is not magic (same goes for fixing the errors you posted).


Also you could have used this thread with one min of research: 


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38 minutes ago, Bansheevod said:

P.S. And as a lecture:


I meant "reading" not "lecture" ;)


Still I am unable to make a any sense of your picture. Maybe you could have taken the 5 mins to photoshop it to actually find the answer to your script problems ;)

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