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Choosing carrier weapons

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So, nearly wrapped up my first strategy game and have both the shell and plasma main weapons available to build for the front weapon point of the carrier. Obviously, they both have advantages, but how do you choose which one is installed? Right now I have the shell weapon installed and I want to be able to switch it for the plasma weapon. I have both weapons on the carrier, I just cannot work out how to switch which one is installed on the weapon point.

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If it works like in campaign mode, your current weapons are replaced by whatever arrives through the supply barque, provided you loaded it with some carrier weapons that you previously produced. Unless there's something I never knew during the whole campaign... :p

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Ugh. That's more than slightly inconvenient. So basically, there's no practical way of replacing the one you're using short of getting it destroyed? That doesn't seem like good design to me. I suppose I'll just have to live with the shell cannon for this strategy campaign (only three islands left).

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Deadly Islands mod has a function which lets you carry both guns and switch between them at any time.

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