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Remote control AI helicopter

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I played a mission back in Arma 2 insurgency with the ability to load into a helo and then assume control via the pilot with the communication menu, then quickly disembarked and the AI would fly back to the helipad. it was great especially for lower server count missions. I am trying to write a pararescue mission and would appreciate if anyone knows the name of that script or if it has been updated to Arma 3. I checked my pbos from a2oa and sadly I have formatted since then and lost most of my missions.


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You could try the helicopter transport support modules. I do not know if they would work well in multiplayer, but they provide a simple system to tell the AI pilot where to go. Otherwise, you could try these:



If that does not work, it would be possible to spawn an empty helicopter, let a player fly it, then spawn an AI in it to fly it back once all the players get out. This last option seems like the best one.

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Thanks for the response. I spent a few minutes looking for the mission on Arma 2 again without success: but basically, the heli has a full complement in it, so I'm assuming the direct control was done with the remote control option. What that would do is give AI control of the player character, and upon landing, you order your AI player to disembark, and when the crew member gets out, it automatically reverts control of the pilot back to AI, who then moves back to the helipad for landing...seems kind of complex as I'm really new to this.

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Should be a piece of cake with the new "remoteControl" command.

Though I assume you'll have to use that on the pilot and not directly on the chopper.

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Thank you all for your responses. I'm going to try my handing at scripting out the order to return to the helipad tonight, and hopefully get a trigger to resync with the CCT if the chopper gets shot down after it respawns.

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