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Need Help | Server.cfg

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Hi there.

I hope you can help me and understand me. Unfortunately, my English is not so good. :-)

I have set a arma3 server and I have a problem with the "standard" mission. I want to change this.


class Missions {

************ arma3 {class <- How do I find out what I need to register at which mission?

template = MP_COOP_m01.Stratis; <- Where do I find the various mission the "code" I have here?

As I said, I hope you understand me and you can help me.

Thx a lot

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thats the name of the mission in your mpmissions folder on the server

(However your example mission name is a BIS made mission, it will be in one of the addons somewhere)

Edited by Terox

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... just copy the mission you want to host in that MPMission folder and insert the name of this mission in the "template = NameOfMission.NameOfMap;" parameter.


In my folder MPMission nothing in it :-(

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class Missions
         class yourMission_Name //[b]Without special characters and Map[/b] (_ is okay)


Place the Mission in MPMissions folder in the installation directory

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