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[MP] CTF Template

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CTF Template

By Silens


Basic Capture the Flag template based off the Chakal's Arma CTF template with most of it moved to scripts and added some things.


- Standard CTF - Opfor vs Blufor - Flag must be at flag pole in order to cap, team that reaches cap limit wins, or if time runs out higher score team wins, or they can also tie.

- Scoreboard - Including round timer, score keeper, and flag status (At Base, with a player, or dropped(well you cant really drop the flag but when the flag carrier dies the flag remains with the body until picked up or body despawns)

- 3D icon on the flag carriers (this is due to the fact that there is no other way to tell who has the flag otherwise, but it can be turned off in mission parameters if desired, the distance that the icons are visible at can also be changed) Screenshot of scoreboard and flag carrier icon - http://i.imgur.com/6DfAlXU.jpg (181 kB)

- Flag capper score - Separate points can be given to the player that caps the flag, default is 5 points.

- The UAV intro uses the flag markers to orbit around, if you join blufor you will see blufor flag and if you join opfor you will see opfor flag.

- Sound effects for events.


This is just the basic CTF, I figure everyone designing their mission will choose their preferred set of scripts to run for weapons and other things.

Extract template to your missions folder to edit and create your own CTF missions.

You can freely move the flag posts and spawn areas where you like but make sure to keep the flag items together and centered with each other (flagpole, trigger, and waypoints)

The waypoints of the units allow them to take the flags, if you add more units/squads make sure to add a waypoint for them at the flag, just copy everything as the others.

The opforbase and bluforbase triggers activate flag capture, you can change the size of these to change how far from the pole you can capture a flag. You can also edit the waypoints to change how far from the poles people can grab the flag.

This has only been tested by myself on a dedicated server, everything appears to work correctly but please if you use this post any feedback you have.


Chakal for original Arma CTF template

Galzohar for DTAS hud script

Mindstorm for timer script

And many thanks to others of this great community who share their knowledge so that noobs like me can find their way, the search function is a blessing.



-Added map markers with aeroson's Dynamic Player Marker script. Flag carrier markers are on by default (can be changed in parameters) and can be seen by both teams, additionally team/vehicle markers can be turned on in parameters also (default state is off).


DropBox v1.01

Armaholic mirror:

CTF Template v1.01

Additionally I have made already two missions based on this currently but they are still WIP and will release soon, maybe a mission pack. Have a nice day :)

Edited by silens

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Great work, I can't check it atm because I'm at work but does this also include an updating marker on the map (of the flag) for all users?

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Not on the map it does not, just the 3D icon for the flag carrier that you will see on screen. However, it is a good idea so i think i will add it so that if people do not want the 3d icon they can use the map icon, or both. Thx!

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Bump for update. If you try this out please share feedback/ideas.

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We played with this a few weeks ago, but somehow returning with the enemy flag to your own flagpole doesn't register. Am I the only one with this?

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Have not seen this problem happen, its been tested on dedicated server few times now with some missions I'm working on.

Did it happen often or just once?

Was your flag at the flag pole also? Team can only cap if their own flag is at base.

Was there any team kills done by the flag carrier? Team killing marks the player as enemy, which would make it not work (I need to update it with a fix to prevent this)

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Did it happen often or just once?

Was your flag at the flag pole also? Team can only cap if their own flag is at base.

Was there any team kills done by the flag carrier? Team killing marks the player as enemy, which would make it not work (I need to update it with a fix to prevent this)

1) Often (3 out of 4 times)

2) Yes

3) We tried several conditions on wether the flag got capped. But the friendly flag was on the pole the first few times.

4) Not that I can recall.

We were playing this on Stable.

Do you have any CTF scenarios we can play? Since creating one seems to bomb out for us.

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would be very nice to see the 3Dflag icon only when the carrier dies. I don't know but maybe putting in CTFIcons.sqf on if state this?: "and (!alive BluforFlgCarrier)"

thx for this template, very nice work

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Hot fix or need help!!

How to fix a single bug? The problem is that HUD disappears when you die. How to fix this problem? suggestions?


Do other similar experiences?

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